
Child of Infinity in Omniverse

A fanfiction stories based on marvel, dc comics, naruto, dragon ball, Dxd, Death Note, Harry potter, , Campione and other animes and cartoons. * No Face slapping * No System * Genius Mc * OP Mc -----‐-----------××××××××------------------ There will be some bullshit at start so please bear a little as story progresses so i can introduce famous marvel and dc comic characters. -----------------××××××××-----------------

Hidden_shadows · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Mount Myoboku Destruction

I woke up early in the morning as I felt someone trying to change the world direction I created to previous one where this whole world was totally chaotic and for the first time after my birth I had got this much angry, I sink in my mind and followed the source of this disturbance and I found a place coverged in natural energy and I saw an huge old toad was source of the disturbance, although angry controlling my anger I asked in a deep voice what are you trying to do frog?

After hearing my voice the toad expression changed into panic and he said as The Fairy Sage of Mount Myoboku, I was just making sure that the son of prophecy can born successfully without problem and lead the world to brighter age.

Listening to his word I asked him you who aren't even a proper monster yet can call himself a fairy sage its really ironic and if you that much want to meet the son of prophecy, then let me send the whole Mount Myoboku on a trip to afterlife as I finished saying hundreds of medium sized meteorites appeared in the sky above Mount Myoboku and started falling like meteors shower under constant screams of various toad for half a hours the meteor shower stopped and what left was pools of blood, flesh of these toads mixed with the ruins of previous Myoboku mountai.

I am already powerful enough to destroy a planet just by thinking, so destroying a group of toads were something insignificant for me looking at the ruins of myoboku mountain.

I didn't felt a slight remorse at their death instead i was a bit happy because one of my abilities '7 form' which earlier didn't have an information had unlocked one of these form named 'Wrath' and from seven form I think it may represent '7 deadly sins' named Pride, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath and Avarice, but unlike how I thought these sins are different from what I imagined they aren't same as told in stories, they are just like feeling but they easily got corrupted, so it needs a person with strong will to control it and not get corrupted by them :

( Pride - It means acknowledging your own accomplishments but It doesn't means arrogance. A true prideful person never underestimate others.)

( Gluttony- It means swallowing without leaving anything behind.)

( Lust- It represent an intense desire for something it can be anything like love, knowledge, money, fame etc not limited to sex)

( Envy- Feeling jealous about someone care, love, status, power, money, fame.)

( Wrath- Intense anger toward something.)

(Greed - Means having an exccesive desire toward something.)

( Sloth- Physically or spiritually lazy.)

My Wrath ability exponentially increase my strength, defense, agility, senses and add a corrosive effect to all attacks.

( If someone didn't understand what the fairy toad was doing, he basically wanted to repeat what happened in naruto anime that had changed due to mc killing Black jue, otsutsuki tribe on moon and removing the tail beast from earth in advance.)

( Fairy toad has abilities of seeing future and altering it a bit to it's own advantage.)

( If people don't know in canon the fairy toad was the one who instigated the fight between kaguya and her sons thousands of year ago which ended up with kaguya being sealed.)

( Author also disliked them a bit due to calling themselves fairies and brainwashing jiraya to continue founding the child of prophecy while his disciple family was dying and naruto was orphaned. )
