
cherry blossom in the winter snow( update on a indefinite hiatus )


rielei · สมจริง
13 Chs

shock chapter 2

<p>yin was shock because of gu wei actions despite that he just sigh and didn't think much of it , <br/>"ok class that's all for today,class dismiss" the teacher shouted as the class dismiss yin went up to the girl who told him about gu wei "hey!" yin said as he call out for the girl <br/>"oh hi we meet again" the girl said <br/>"I never got your name" yin replayed to her <br/>"oh yeah my name is Mei " she said <br/>"just Mei?" he asked <br/>"no but ever since I was a child I never knew may last name" <br/>"oh sorry I didn't know" yin replayed quickly to what Mei said " it's ok you know also can we friend's" Mei said and yin answered Mei with yes,Mei then looked yin and smiled because finally she has friend.<br/>Mei (thought's)<br/>it's been years since that day, it was like a day like no other but when I got to school I had bad feeling but I couldn't tell my mom well because I was still in kindergarten and couldn't word what I meant so I just stayed quiet, when it was time to go home may mom didn't arrive so may teacher walk me home but when we got there are house was burning they said may was mom dead in the kitchen ,ever since then I lived with my Aunt she's nice I guess.<br/><br/>for more updates pls follow me here:<br/>https://instagram.com/baiming041?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=</p>