
Chen Xin disciple in Douluo

The young Tianlin, awakened Holy Spirit Orb and the Demon Sword, joins Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and become Sword Douluo Chen Xin. Mc don’t lick Tang San or Yu Xiaogang, nor does he join Shrek or Spirit Hall. Translation Link-https://www.69shu.com/txt/45388.htm

Stupid_Legend · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

1 Crossing the Douluo Continent Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony

Wuhun ----> Martial Spirit

Mc looks like Lin Dong from Wu Dong Qian Kun

Lin Tianlin

Ning Rongrong

Continent Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony

  Qibao Village, this is a peaceful small mountain village, the population is not too large, but life is rich, and everyone has a smile on their face.

  At the entrance of the village, a little boy can be seen lying on a big rock basking in the sun and sleeping. He is about five or six years old, and his face exudes a maturity different from his peers.

  Although the boy's sword eyebrows and star eyes have not fully grown yet, there is already a trace of a handsome guy.

  "Little God, come down, ready to eat lunch." A gentle woman shouted from below.

  The boy jumped off the rock and said with a smile, "Here I am, Mom."

  "You always scare me like this." The woman seemed to be used to this kind of situation, but her son jumped up and down like this every day. Yes, no matter how big a mother's heart is, she will be scared to death, "I know that your health has been better than other children since you were a child, but you must also pay attention to safety. If something happens, what do you ask me and your father to do?" "I

  know No, I won't do it next time!"

  The boy's surname is Jun, his name is Tianlin, his parents are both native villagers of Qibao Village, but he is different, he is a time traveler, because when playing games and watching Douluo anime, The computer somehow exploded and came here.

  It is said that on the day he was born, a meteor pierced the sky and landed in the Star Dou Forest. Many people in the Douluo Continent saw it, and it is said that it even triggered a riot of spirit beasts there.

  His father thought it was a unicorn from heaven, so he named it Tianlin.

  "Obviously I'm playing the fairy sword, why did I come to the world of Douluo Dalu, this is totally unreasonable!" When he first arrived, Tianlin roared in his heart.

  Yes, this is the Douluo Continent, a world full of martial spirits. The so-called Qibao Village, as the name suggests, is related to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

  The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is the second ranked sect on the Douluo Continent. Its address is located in the Seven Treasures Mountain of the Heaven Dou Empire.

  But the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has no offensive ability, so besides the direct disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, there are also many affiliated families joining as guardians of the direct disciples, such as Sword Douluo Chenxin lineage, Bone Douluo Gu family lineage, etc.

  In addition, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also protects many villages below the mountain, because sometimes golden phoenixes can be produced among the common people.

  Those who are capable should focus on training, and those who are ordinary will become ordinary guardian disciples.

  No matter how ordinary a battle spirit is, as long as they are assisted by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, they can cross borders and kill enemies. If the so-called No. win.

  As for Qibao Village, the largest village under Qibao Mountain, it was originally called Xiaohun Village, because a commoner golden phoenix really came out here decades ago, and was named Qibao by the current head of Qibao Glazed Tile Sect.

  And that golden phoenix, who is still alive, is the fourth member of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect besides the suzerain and the two titled Douluo. He is now 78 years old, and his surname is Yin Yang. The Golden Eagle is the biggest pride of Qibao Village.

  This person did not appear in the original book, after all, he was just a Contra, and he may have died in the soul hunting operation of the Wuhun Temple.

  But it's normal to think about it. For a sect as big as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it is impossible to have only those two Titled Douluo as the top combat power. Ordinary high-end combat power, such as Contra and Soul Sage, must also have some of.

  When he got home, Tianlin saw a rough man hugging him, that was his father Jun Tianhai, "Haha, my precious son is back, tomorrow is your martial soul awakening day, father can point at you Win glory for me!"

  "Father, you'd better not have too much hope!" Tianlin spread his hands helplessly, although his father had high hopes for him, but he really couldn't guarantee it.

  Because the martial soul is inherited, unless it is mutated, it usually comes from the stronger parent, but the martial soul possessed by Tianlin's parents is very ordinary, and the mother is a bead, which is useless and has no soul power.

  My father is a sword, originally a good fighting spirit, but the problem is that this is a rusty sword, the attack power is not enough, and the innate soul power is only one and a half levels, now the father is nearly thirty years old, but only two A great soul master with eleventh-level soul power and two soul rings, one white and one yellow, may find it difficult to become a soul master in this life.

  Of course, as a great soul master, his father still has some status in the village. He is the warehouse manager of the village. Although

  Tianlin will not blame his parents for this, he will often feel pity. Your sword is as good as it is, and it is rusty. play me.

  Firstly, there is no system, and secondly, like Tang San, he didn't bring the hidden weapons of his previous life, he didn't know how to get along in this Douluo Continent where the strong are respected.

  Of course, it's not that he doesn't have any hacks. In his mind, there are two books. Unfortunately, he can only see the cover, but he can't turn the pages. He doesn't know what's inside.

  "Forget it, it doesn't matter what the son's martial soul is. If he inherits it from you, he will be just like you in the future. He will be a warehouse manager in the village, with income and status, and marry a daughter-in-law, and live in peace and stability. Life will be fine." Tianlin's mother is Mo Lan, as an ordinary woman, she does not have the dream of a son becoming a dragon, but only hopes that he will live a peaceful life.

  Tianlin was eating, but slowly clenched his fists. If he lived as his mother said, he would not be reconciled. Now that he came here, he must lay down a world of his own.

  The awakening ceremony is tomorrow, so it's hard to say what the outcome will be.

  In the early morning of the second day, under the summoning of the village head, all the children over six years old in the village gathered together.

  The grandpa of the village chief said kindly, "Children, the master soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will come to help you awaken your martial soul in a while. , just like your grandpa Yin Yang."

  When the name Yin Yang was mentioned, the children here immediately expressed longing, and they all grew up listening to Yin Yang's name.

  The awakening of this village is in charge of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. After all, it is a village under their protection. If the Wuhun Palace is required to awaken it, it would be too expensive for the sect.

  After a while, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the sky, and a figure from far to near fell in front of the children from the air. It was a middle-aged man with a pair of wings behind him. Obviously, he belonged to the flying beast weapon soul.

  And on his body, there are four halos of light floating on him, one white, one yellow and two purple, and he turned out to be a strong man who has reached the soul sect.

  "Respected Lord Soul Sect, thank you for coming." The village chief immediately stepped forward to greet him.

  "Where, Mr. Village Chief, you are being polite." This Soul Sect is also polite. Of course, this courtesy is not for ordinary people like the village chief, but because of Yin Yang's relationship.

  The third elder of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect was born in this village, and the third elder loves his hometown very much. If he messes around here, it's no wonder he doesn't get cramped by his elders.

  After a brief greeting, the Soul Sect took the children into the Awakening Ancestral Hall.

  "Okay, children, you stand in a row, don't be nervous, my name is Tian Yu, I come from the Qibao Liulizong Investigation Hall, the 42nd level Sensitive Attack Department of the Battle Soul Sect, Wuhun Shiratori, from now on, I will one by one Awaken your martial soul."

  The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has three halls for external battles, except for the direct disciples. The attack and defense halls are the battle hall and the defense hall. Luo Gurong is in charge.

  The elder of the investigation hall is Yin Yang. Compared with the first two halls, this reputation is not so great. After all, there is no titled Douluo in charge, and he is usually responsible for collecting information and other work. Many of them have flying martial spirits. soul masters exist.

  That is to say, the soul sect in front of him is actually Yin Yang's direct subordinate, no wonder he is so polite to them.

  "Oh, what a pity, it wasn't Master Su Yuntao who awakened me. If he helped me awaken a useless martial soul, I might still have the hope of becoming a god in the future." Tianlin sighed in his heart.

  Blind Dou Luo Su Yuntao's name was very familiar to him in his previous life. It is said that any crippled martial soul that has passed his appraisal has the ability to soar into the sky.

  Just as Tianlin was thinking wildly, the awakening ceremony had already begun, and Tian Yu took out two things, six black round stones, and a shining blue crystal ball.

  He placed the six stones and motioned for the first child to stand among them.

  "Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully." Tian Yu mobilized his soul power while talking, and the four soul rings reappeared, "White Bird, Possession!" At the same time, a pair of huge snow-white wings came from behind him

  . Stretching out, the fingers on the hand turned into sharp claws, looking mighty and extraordinary, this is the possession of the beast spirit.

  Seeing this scene, not to mention the other children, even Tian Lin, who had been mentally prepared, was taken aback. The soul master's use of the martial soul is really amazing.

  "Children, this is my Martial Soul White Bird. If any of you awaken the Beast Martial Soul, you can have the same ability as me." "Come on,

  children, stretch out your right hand!" Tian Yu said The boy commanded rather dignifiedly.

  The boy subconsciously stretched out his right hand, and immediately, countless light spots were released from the six stones to surround him.

  A spear slowly emerged from his hand.

  "Oh, it's actually a gun. This can be regarded as a good attack weapon. Come on, let me test whether you have soul power. As long as you have soul power, you will be able to become a battle soul master in the future!" Tian Yu was delighted road.

  He is in charge of awakening the major villages, and he knows how difficult it is for ordinary people to become a soul master, but he didn't expect to meet a promising one as soon as he came up today.

  "My lord, what should I do?" Seeing that Tian Yu was in a good mood, the boy asked boldly.

  "Use your mind to take back your martial soul. If you want to use it in the future, you will also rely on your mind to summon it, and then test your innate soul power!" After speaking, Tian Yu handed the crystal ball to the boy.

  The boy withdrew his martial soul and put his hand on it. Suddenly, the crystal ball emitted a burst of light.

  "Sure enough, he has soul power, and like me, he has reached the innate fourth-level standard, which is really good!" Tian Yu was overjoyed. Today he can meet Elder Yin Yang on business.

  You must know that in the past few years, no soul master has been born in this Qibao village, and he often sees his elders sighing.

  "Okay, kid, stand aside first, you have the hope of becoming a soul master, I will take you back to the sect in the future, you have to practice hard in the future, you know?" Tian Yu said softly.

  "Okay!" The little boy was very excited. Becoming a soul master is the dream of all the children in the village.

  Tian Yu raised his head and continued, "Then, the next one!"

  Afterwards, various scenes continued to play out, but unfortunately, except for the first child, there were no good results for the others.

  "Wuhun, a hoe, can barely be used as a weapon, but unfortunately it has no soul power." "

  Wuhun, a water tank, has no soul power.

  " It's really useless."

  "Martial soul, blue silver grass, this is completely useless, no attack power, no defense power, no auxiliary ability, the standard form of a waste martial soul!" After awakening several times in a row, Tian Yu sighed

  heavily He took a deep breath, sure enough miracles don't happen often, but fortunately, this year finally has a spear Wuhun, it's not a waste of time.

  The number of people gradually decreased, and those who could not become soul masters lowered their heads, feeling indescribably disappointed. It was the first boy, who had a haughty expression at this time. In his heart, these people were already different from himself. people of the world.

  I am the proud son of heaven, the future master soul master.

  "Phew, it's finally the last one, kid, come on!" Tian Yu looked a little tired after awakening many people in succession. After taking a breath, he called Tianlin, who was at the end, over.

  Tianlin nervously stood in the middle of the formation, and as Tian Yu mobilized his soul power, Tianlin's body floated involuntarily, and the six awakening stones radiated far more light than before.

  "This child, could it be..." With such a great awakening scene, Tian Yu always felt that he might have an unexpected harvest this time.

  At this moment, Tian Lin, who closed his eyes, only felt that he was in a warm world, just like being in the arms of his parents when he was a child.

  At the same time, the left and right hands each had a strong force, as if they were about to break the shackles of the body and come out.

  Tianlin immediately clenched his left hand tightly, and only stretched out his right hand. Having read the original book, he certainly knows that this situation is probably a phenomenon of twin martial souls awakening.

  As a time traveler, he naturally knew the truth of not revealing wealth, so he immediately took back the thing on his left hand with his mind and hid it.

  And on the right hand, a dark blue long sword emerged, on the blade, there were many ancient Jiang Kingdom characters engraved.

  "This is, the magic sword!" Tianlin was very excited. Isn't this the sword of Murong Ziying and Sedum in the game Xianjian series that he was playing before crossing.

  He had also reached the last level back then, and challenged the heavy building for a perfect ending, so the magic sword was developed to its limit.

  Unexpectedly, the magic sword followed.

  As for the thing on his left hand, he can roughly guess what it is, probably stronger than the magic sword.

  "Good sword!" Tian Yu suddenly couldn't help shouting, the shape of this sword is so gorgeous, just by looking at it, you can feel extraordinary.

  "Son, does your sword have a name?"

  "Yes, it's called Demon... Suppressing Demon Sword!" Tian Lin wanted to say Demon Sword at first, but he thought that people in Douluo Continent hated evil soul masters very much. Sword, it doesn't sound like a good name at first glance, if someone cuts it off as an evil soul master, it won't be too wronged.

  Adding the word town makes it completely different, town demon, which means subduing demons and subduing demons, and it sounds like a magic weapon of righteousness.