
Chef Pamela

chef Pamela [Romance in the kitchen] She's a chef..So sweet. Pamela Lee is a young lady aged 21. She lives alone in her 2 bedroom apartment after her parents got killed at her age of 18 on their way to her highschool graduation ceremony. It was a memorable experience and date she can never forget and hasn't given up on finding who murdered her parents she works as a chef in a small eatery and finds joy so much in cooking. Mason William, a very rich semi popular guy aged 23 is desperately in need of a cook but none could satisfy him, he had hired many chefs but they would always make one big issue or the other either the food is too spicy or salty, half done or burnt. He has a very popular girl as his girlfriend but too bad he doesn't even eats the food prepared by his own girl Even after he gave up and decided to learn online... he noticed it was impossible cos he is a very busy guy with work and couldn't cope at all then gave up to be ordering takeouts but at that point he got told about Pamela... off course he ignored thinking she will be like the others but later....he didn't regret having her as his chef.

Dera_brown1 · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Could it be fate?

Mason POV

I'm sure Cohen must be overjoyed I told him I never puked..

Like seriously it is indeed a big relief

My eyes were fixed on the drama...it happened to be an action or kinda horror at the same time

At least its better than watching horror movie in the night.. I can't do that

And one more thing I can't stay in the dark... the truth is up till now I'm afraid of the dark

I shrugged my thoughts away and looked back at the TV just to see a creepy creature face appear in the TV or directly at the camera

"Ahhh!!!" I jerked up and picked the remote immediately changing the channel and happened to be another drama

From their look alone I could recognize they are Koreans

My eyes went to the top of the TV and saw the title was alchemy of souls

"hmm... sounds interesting" I shrugged and dropped the remote

My heart is beating fast..it hasn't even calmed down yet

Cohen POV

We both walked out of the elevator and to be honest... I suddenly had some kind of joy in my heart

you might not understand.. its not easy to have a childhood friend like Mason who's always picky when it comes to food but he eats a lot at the same time

And of recent he began to puke when he eats takeout... according to him his system doesn't accept some

And its a huge relief he finally has a place.

I walked to the shooting room and could find Mr Greg there with other staffs

"Ah Cohen.. welcome back.. glad you could make it" he said as he walked to me for a handshake

He is the director of the company and I'm one of his top model

" Sorry to bother you... but Chanel company just asked us for a model and an ambassador" he said


"But they said they needed you Cohen Lynn" he replied

"Well that's not bad.... I agree to that" I replied

"but I can't be theirs forever" I added

"Yeah there's a three months contract for you... I explained to them you're a busy type and they could understand"

"Okay that's much better...what are my benefits?"

"Your pay! first things first and then inside those bags are some of their designers gifted to you, the clothes, bags and earrings since you pierced already, and other jewelries"

"oh okay not bad..." I replied

"three months right?"

"Yes exactly... come here" he said as I tagged behind him to his table

I was given the document to read and did that..in less than 5 minutes I signed the contract

"Good!" he exclaimed happily

"So let's shoot.. we need to update the magazines and at least have about about 6 pictures posted on the billboards and all the advertisement media's" he said


"Melody... bring in the clothes" he said as she nod and brought the rail out pushing it to me

"So...go get changed and come for the makeup" she smiled at me

"Sure.." I replied and left picking one of the hanger to go to the dressing room with

I walked in with something like blazers and got changed in less than 3 minutes

even after looking at myself in the mirror I'm sure the makeup artist will still have something to address

I walked out to see eyes on me..I ran my hand through my hair and walked to the seat ...for me..meant for them to dress me

"oh looking hot as always" the girl said smiling at me

"Oh..thanks" I replied and sat down

"oh your collars...."

"yeah yeah..I knew you'd find something to correct" I laughed as her team then surrounded me with all their makeup set

"shall we begin?"

I nod my head in reply as she lifted my face up with her fingers.

Pamela POV

I was still seated on my couch for more than 45 minutes..

I already finished two of my hotdogs and this evening I'll eat the remaining one as dinner.

I gulped down the remaining content of the drink and sighed but then belched

Not bad...I'm home alone

The Alaska reindeer sausage was okay.. it looked mouth watery I'll really love to try it out but ah..I don't have the money to get reindeer meat

So I can't try it...maybe something else and now they are making pizza rolls.

The ingredients were already listed and this one looks like I can try it.

okay...let's watch.

At the same time ..I heard my phone beep and checked the notification.

"Oohh... Cohen Lynn just released a new album" I smiled and scrolled down the pictures

This guy is always looking hot..I really can't imagine what I'd be like when I see him

He is really is cute...

my eyes was taken off the TV to my phone.. some pictures were released of him on different sites

I kept scrolling and scrolling down but then stopped.. A picture of him was taken in a black baggy pants and a black and blue baggy shirt with a bucket hat and a sunglass

looking attractive as always..

I smiled and kept looking at his pictures

I then paused... this picture.. it looked like I had seen it somewhere before

"where was that?" I began to think and remembered

did... was..it..was it Cohen Lynn saw early this morning

I remembered when he ran to me pleading for my food.. his friend also came out of the car

no wonder it was an expensive car..

Wait...was it really him or the person looked like him?

I zoomed in the pictures.. all of them relates to what I saw this morning

The ear piercing, outfit even the shoes and wristwatch

He really wore the sunglasses for disguise and wait...who was that guy

he was also covered and had sunglasses

Could he also be a celebrity

But wait why would he ask for my food??

he collected a food from a nobody girl like me...when there are different popular eatery everywhere in the city. But why me

could this be fate??

I screamed out happily jumping out of my couch and throwing my hands up in the air

I then paused..wait a sec

he held my hands right??

yes he did but who could that his friend be.. he must be someone popular too

But what the hell is wrong with his friend...