Ending my conversation with the System, I turned my focus to watching the Loki familia train without Riveria and Finn.
Turning my head to Riveria who was still off to my side I decided to ask about Ais and the bad quality weapon she was using.
Me: Miss Riveria, why does Ais have a shitty weapon when compared to everyone else's?
She paused for a moment, watching Ais fight.
Riveria: It's because any sword she uses break easily. No matter the quality, she always manages to break them.
That was curious.
Me: What causes her to break them? Is it on purpose?
Riveria sighed and shook her head in the negative.
Riveria: She has a certain skill she has called [Avenger]. It greatly increases her power to an extent that no weapon can hold onto it without breaking.
Me: That makes sense, but what happened to her that had her gain a skill like [Avenger]?
She went silent again, and I almost thought she wouldn't answer. I didn't realize until after System prodded me gently, but that was probably a very personal question. Oh well, can't take it back now.
Riveria: I suppose it's best for you to know, and it's not exactly a secret. When she was little, the One-Eyed Black Dragon was on the surface. The One-Eyed Black Dragon is very powerful, and nobody is sure how or why, but it got out. It managed to kill many people including both of her parents before it went back into the dungeon. She got the [Avenger] skill because she swore one day that she would slay the Black Dragon and avenge her parents.
I started to contemplate her story. Curious if there was any way I could help, I ask the System to bring up weapons, and have them filtered by Legendary swords.
A legendary sword, renowned for being the sword used to slay the evil dragon, Fafnir.
Will cut through the scales of a dragon easily.
A legendary sword known to be indestructible and possess a sharpness that can cut anything and everything.
Requirement-Must be strong enough to wield.
A sword said to listen to the intent of the wielder. It is said that if the wielder were to have the intent to battle while wielding Kusanagi, then the blade will be adorned in a torrent of wind.
[Avenger's Secret]
A sword that is ingeniously hidden as a ring on the wielder's finger. Said that if the wielder is trying to avenge someone, the sword will resonate with them and increase damage.
There were more choices than I expected. I took a moment to filter through them, picking out their best attributes as I pretended to observe the training. Riveria was silent next to me, and I watched Ais's sword shudder with the force she put behind swinging it.
Nodding to myself, I tell System to buy the [Avenger's Secret]. It was expensive, but if I was going to be in a party with someone I wanted to make sure they had the best of the best. Now the question would be how to give it to her without raising suspicion as to why I wasn't using it myself.
A small ping alerted me to System's attempt at getting my attention.
System: {I'd recommend looking at the [Avenger's Secret] again in your inventory because after buying it, you will now be able to see the exact abilities of the sword with an updated description.}
Looking at the sword in my inventory, I was surprised at the amount of detail.
[Avenger's Secret]
Abilities: [Durandal-SSS], [Avenger's Resonance], [Ring], [Binding], [Auto Repair]
Description: This sword in its inactive state is a simple golden ring with a red gem set into it. It is meant to be worn on the index finger. After rubbing the diamond against skin and willing it to become the sword, the ring will turn into a golden blade with a silver hilt that contains a red ruby in the center. The sword itself takes on the form that the wielder desires.
History: This sword was crafted by a master blacksmith for the single purpose of someone wanting to wield it to avenge someone. For him, it was his wife and child. The request was to create an inconspicuous sword that would be able to listen to the man's desire for revenge. After getting his revenge, the man, deciding to join his family, took his own life with the blade. The sword gained a type of sentience after it's wielder's demise, using it's magic to fulfill its role in helping those on their path of vengeance.
Notes: The wielder must choose a keyword upon first attunement to the sword, and when spoken in it's blade form, will return it to its dormant state as the ring. Once attuned to one person, it cannot be removed until their mission is complete or they die. This sword possesses the ability to automatically regenerate in order to complete its mission, unless completely destroyed in its deactivated state.
I was originally going to give a few options of swords, then put them in a spinner then boom, there was the sword. I then couldn't get enough swords that pertained to Ais, so I asked my sister and she said to look at D&D's swords, so I did. I found a sword that was basically the sword I have chosen. The problem was that I gave the wielder vampirism, which wouldn't of have fit Ais well, so I gave it my own twist and I'm proud of it, so I gave it an increase in price.