
Chat Group of Wealthy People

Brandon Michaels was your average 25 year old until he woke up one morning and found that he had some how been reincarnated back to when he was still a kid who had just started 7th grade and he was some how added to a Skype group chat, and he seemed to be the administrator of it. In this group were the worlds wealthy people. One couldn't join this group unless they had a certain net worth or were invited by those who did. Follow along as Brandon uses this group to become the worlds most influential and wealthy person. ____________________________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction but will have some real world names and people included in it. This story will be mostly fiction, but may include some true events just as my other story did. This story is partly inspired by another one. It will likely have similarities to a story on webnovel called "God-Level Tycoon Chat Group" by Shushu Xingxing. That story can be found here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/god-level-tycoon-chat-group_19697500705965805

9 Chs

Chapter 1: Chat group appears

Brandon Michaels, he was your average 25 year old man with nothing about him that really stands out. He woke up early, around 6 in the morning because his phone suddenly went off. When he woke up he was slightly confused because he realized he wasn't in his room, at least not the room he had become familiar with. He was now in his old room from when he was still a kid. He looked around and finally found his phone, it was still his phone from before, the Iphone 13.

When he checked the phone he saw the time was 6 in the morning, and he also saw that the date was August 4th, 2008. He was speechless for a while and didn't quite believe it. He got up and went to the bathroom following the path from his memories. When he looked in the mirror he was even more shocked because what he saw was him when he was around 12 years old. He was even more confused now as to how he had a phone which shouldn't even exist yet considering the first Iphone had only come out the year before.

While he was looking at his phone he noticed that he had a bunch of notifications from WMessages, a communication platform that allowed for text chat groups and even private chats between people. He checked the notifications and thought someone had added him to a group of people who wanted to role play as the worlds wealthiest individuals. He saw names he knew, as well as many he didn't. While he was looking at the group the people in it were asking how they were added and why they couldn't leave the group. Brandon checked the settings and noticed that he was some how the administrator of this group.

[Welcome to the Chat Group for the worlds wealthy individuals.]

[Congratulations Brandon on becoming the Administrator for this chat group. Please configure the Chat group settings as soon as possible.]

Brandon saw these two messages right after going into the settings page of the group. He decided to follow the prompt and configure the chat group. There were settings available to set the minimum net worth an individual needed to have in order to join the group, the fine required to be paid to leave the group, who could add people to the group, and many other things.

He decided to set the minimum net worth to join the group as $10 million US Dollars. This didn't seem like a large amount considering who some of the people in the group already were. He also set the fine for leaving the group to depend on the individuals net worth. They would have to pay a percentage of their total net worth to leave the group and he chose for it to be 1%. This means if someone worth $1 billion left they would have to pay out $10 million while if someone worth only $100 million left they only had to pay $1 million.

He then moved on to set it so only people with a net worth over $1 billion could invite someone once a month, people over $10 billion could invite 2 people per month, and people with over $100 billion could invite 3 people per month. After configuring these setting he move on to another one, which was his privacy settings. He chose to hide all information about himself except for his first name and that he was the administrator of the group so for others he would show up as Brandon (Admin) in the group chat.

Now that all the important settings were done he decided to take a look at who all was in the group. The first people he noticed were Bill Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of facebook and a few members of the Walton family that owned Walmart. These were all people with assets in the billions. He also noticed people who were industry leaders such as the CEO of Beoing James McNerney, and CEO of Airbus Tom Enders who were only millionaires themselves despite both running multibillion dollar businesses.

After looking around for a while he looked at the messages again and noticed people had started to talk to him directly asking why they were added to the group.

"@Brandon(Admin), who are you and why did you add me to this group?"

most of them asked questions like this. However even Brandon wasn't sure who added them, why they were added, and for that matter he didn't even know what was actually going on. He had traveled back from new years day of 2022 to August of 2007 and was now 11 years old again. While he still had all of his memories from 2022, he still couldn't make sense of what was going on so he chose not to respond to any of them.