
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Ch - 29

Shakuni - "Duryodhan, Don't listen to him. You do remember how Bheem used to beat you and your brothers, right? You do remember how no one acted just because they are Deva's son, right? Tell me, what would happen if Yudhishthir gets control? They'll ask Arjun to dispose you and he'll do as his brothers say. All of you would be killed!"

Raghav - "As if I'd let them! As long as I am here, not even Indra can harm my friend much less his son."

Duryodhan - "F-friend-"

Shakuni - "No don't listen to him, he is on Pandavas side. Think of Bheem, he is much stronger than you! He'll kill you!"

Raghav - "Then you just have to be stronger than him! Duryodhan, if it's about power, then you just have to be stronger than him. So what if he is son of Wind God? You are the boon of Mahadev! I know a way to make you stronger but friend, don't do anything that you'll regret later on."

Shakuni - "Duryodhan He is-"

Duryodhan - "Silence!"

His voice was so loud that everyone could hear him even from a different section of the Castle. The others present in the room also went silent but both of them were scheming something.

Shakuni wanted to manipulate his own nephew, who was neglected from his birth, to fulfil his oath of Destruction kuru dynasty.

Raghav wanted best for his friend and so he wanted to make sure that Duryodhan doesn't do anything wrong. In the history, Duryodhan did several things that even he himself regretted but just because of Shakuni, he became the villan.

Shakuni never let Duryodhan to question his choices and thus, he became more and more arrogant.

As for the strength part, it was true. Duryodhan really could get way more stronger than anyone can expect.

Just think of it, Bheem had the power of 10,000 elephants and Duryodhan had the Vajra body. But even then, Bheem wasn't able to overpower him in the final battle and thus, he cheated to beat Duryodhan. (Mahabharat war ending time)

Raghav would never let Duryodhan, his friend, to be controlled by Shakuni. He would help his friend to be a power house and try to guide Pandavas on the right track.

Duryodhan - "I have decided what I want to do."

As he said that, both Raghav and Shakuni were eager to listen to his judgement.

Duryodhan - "I will do as my friend Raghav says. I will never kill my family, even of it's those Pandavas and surely not from some conspiracy. If they want to kill me, then they'll have to fight me. I trust my friend and so, please don't indulge me into any kind of conspiracies, uncle."

Duryodhan calmly said and sighed. He then slowly left the room, leaving the other two in the chamber.

Shakuni - "You! You insolent fool! I will definitely get you back!"

Raghav didn't say anything to him. He sighed and started to stretch his body a little.

Shakuni - "Hey! Listen to m-"

Before he could continue his rant, Raghav extended his right hand and grabbed his neck. He then slowly lifted Shakuni high enough to get scared.

It was a bad day for Shakuni as several time he was cut off from speaking but what can he even do?

Shakuni - "Wh-What are you-u doing? Leave me or you'll suffer!"

Raghav (serious) - "Uncle Shakuni, I've been ignoring you but that doesn't mean I won't do anything. I have seen enough of your acts. I stayed silent for long but not anymore."

Shakuni - "What a-are you sa-saying?"

Raghav - "Sigh...so you are going to act now. Uncle, you here understand what I mean more than anyone in this castle. I respect you because you are the uncle of my friend but your motives...you don't deserve to be his uncle when you are trying to ruin his family.

If I see you causing trouble or doing any conspiracies, believe me, you won't be able to sleep in peace."

Raghav then threw Shakuni on the floor and looked down on him with angry face while Shakuni just coughed several times to breathe properly. Raghav sighed again as he knew what kind of person Shakuni was and so, he turned and walked away.

Seeing him going, Shakuni was finally at peace and had a breath of relief. He knew that even if he did anything, Raghav won't be able to kill him as there is a person named Bhishm, a Maharathi, who will protect him or not let him die at the very least as his sister was the queen. But his relief lasted for only a few seconds as Raghav stopped and turned to look at him again.

Raghav - "Oh just saying but if you think that Mahamahim Bhishm can save you then keep dreaming, not even Indra himself is capable of defeating me and it's a fact. Just letting you know, Pranipat."

Saying so, Raghav left the room and only silence filled the room. Shakuni was shaking with fear as he never thought someone like Raghav would see through him, the great Shakuni.

Shakuni - 'And here I thought that I only have to be wary of Bhishm and Vidhur. This kid is a big trouble and I have to separate him from Duryodhan as soon as possible. I have took an oath and I will fulfill it, for my father. Raghav, just you wait, I don't need Duryodhan to complete a mission, I will do it myself.'

Saying so, he also left the room but he was very alert as he didn't knew whether Raghav was still nearby or not. He was determined to do what he want and fulfill his oath to ruin whole kingdom of Hastinapur and he will do so.

---Meanwhile at Dwarka---

A handsome dark skinned man with long black hairs with lean yet muscular build, like that of a swimmer, was sitting by the side of a tree, looking at the and smiling but his eyes were filled with worry.

??? - "Hehe, guess who"

A gorgeous girl with black hairs and white skin who was wearing royal clothes with some light jewelries asked this question to her brother as she covered her brother's eyes playfully.

Krishna - "Bhadrey, you are getting very childish these days."

Krishna smiled as he gently removed Subhadra's hand from his eyes and looked at her with his ever so calm and beautiful smile.

Subhadra - "How do you always get that it's me?"

Subhadra said as she pouted and looked at krishna with slight anger mixed in her voice.

Krishna - "Your voice always give it away, Bhadrey, I think you should improve your skills."

Krishna teased as he laughed but his eyes still showed a hint of worry in them which was easily seen through by his dear sister.

Subhadra - "Brother, Did something happened?"

Krishna - "No, I don't think so but several things are going to happen soon."

Krishna said as his smile dimmed down and his face was filled with worry and sadness but after some time, he smiled again and closed his eyes.

Subhadra - "Brother, please, i am not able to understand your cryptic words. Please tell me the reason why you are smiling yet you still look worried? Is there something wrong that's happening or going to happen?"

Subhadra asked her brother with a frown on her face. She was already an adult and so, she could atleast listen to her dear brother to know the reason for his expression even if it's some political stuff.

Krishna just laughed a little at his sister's actions and moved his gaze to look at the beautiful blue sky.

Krishna - "I am smiling for what's happening and I am worried for what's going to happen. Things will get very tense soon enough and we won't be able to do anything about that, yet."

Subhadra, hearing Krishna's words was shocked. It's not often that her brother talk about this, especially to her. She understood that something big is going to happen and they will not be able to do much.

Subhadra - "Will Dwarka also get involved in what's going to happen?"

She asked to her brother, eagerly waiting for his reply. All she wants is to live with her family and friends peacefully. As long as Dwarka is not involved in anything, they can just live peacefully.

Krishna - "I am afraid that not only Dwarka but whole Aryavrat will be involved in what's going to happen."

Krishna said with tense expression. It would be a lie to say that he was not worried but as someone who is The Preserver himself, he has to follow some laws to not brake the balance of the world.

Subhadra - "Can we not intervene to stop that? If it's some Rakshasas or Asuras then you or Day can just go and defeat them. What is the problem?"

Subhadra asked with a tense look.

Krishna - "If it was simply an Asura or Rakshasas, It wouldn't be much of a problem but things are not as good as you think Bhadrey. One's future is nothing but the fruit of their decisions and deeds. What's going to happen and the people who are going to suffer, all of this is because of their deeds.

What's going to happen will be the result of Humans becoming even worse than any Rakshasa or Asura.

What's going to happen will happen because some people follow Dharma blindly without realizing it's true meaning.

It will happen because people forget that Dharma is something that frees you, not bind you to something (throne ;D). It will be the result of silence of people who had power to change yet they didn't do anything and stayed silent."

Subhadra - "What exactly going to happen and how will it happen?"

Krishna smiled at the question of his sister.

Krishna - "Explaining everything is not possible, only time will tell."


{ A/n - Guys, to be honest, I am losing motivation to write this. Every time I think to do a mass release or something similar, some kind of problem just knocks on my door. like really, Evey single freaking time! }