
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be.

rocksunxv · แฟนตาซี
159 Chs

Slave of the Moon

Darkness surrounded the mountains as the moon hid in the clouds. Tamara turned into ashes in an instant right after her head was cut loose from her neck. Even in the last seconds of her life, she wore a proud smile as if she won the fight. Roman tempestuously cursed and stomped on Tamara's ashes as it vanish in the air, while some mixed with soil in between the rocks. He grunted as he destroy the rocks leaving deep wounds on his knuckles, until he sees no more traces of Tamara's ashes. With rapid breaths, he spit on the ground as he slowly steam off his vehemence.

"Death didn't even scared her", Roman said as he sensed Scott standing behind him.

"What did she say?", Scott asked.

"Nothing. I couldn't even remember", Hearing the words of the nagua clearly, Roman still chose not to tell Scott. His head was filled with ferocity keeping his promise to kill the nagua nonhesitatingly, anyway. "Do you think that's the end of it?", he asked as he face Scott.

"It better be", Scott met Roman's eyes which were tainted with his fair share of heavy struggles with the nagua around. What have happened gave them more reasons to hate their kind. Regardless of the rivalry between the two Alphas, Scott humbly appreciated Roman's efforts to protect Diana, despite the several twist and turns. "Thanks", he offered his hand for a handshake.

Staring at Scott's hand, Roman didn't bothered to take it. "Is she gonna be alright?", Roman took a glance at Diana who's happily embracing the newly recuperated lythari elf. He heard in Scott's thoughts that Diana might be unwell because of the unhealing wound on her arm. It has been bleeding for quite a while now.

Scott withdrew his empty hand as he looked back at Diana. "There's nothing she can't handle", he said.

"I'm still not giving up on her, Devlin" Roman said in a serious tone.

"I think it's clear who she chose, Brooke", Scott knew Roman heard that Diana is carrying his children. Though, he sees Roman a lot more than an ally, and no longer an adversary now.

"She doesn't need to choose me.. because I'll be sticking around like glue to my Luna, no matter what circumstance", Roman walked over as he intentionally bumped Scott by his shoulder. For him, the Luna's pregnancy will never be a hindrance to pursue her more, for she will always the Luna fit for the Alpha of the Black Creek Clan.

"Suit yourself. I don't mind you watching our honeymoon after our wedding", Scott laughed at Roman.

"Fuck you", Roman scoffed as he walk along followed by Scott. However, he then suddenly stopped, while Scot continued walking past him. "Is the imprint still strong on you?" he curiously asked without looking.

Scott didn't looked back, as he realize that Roman's imprint on Diana is diminishing too. This only means that Diana is fatally hurt and is at death's door. "You tell me", he said.

Roman sighed deeply as he couldn't read Scott's truthful answer. This time, Scott was careful with what he thinks in his head. The Alphas then went to Diana whom they caught looking pained, as she tried to force a smile when they appeared closely.

Scott held Diana by her arm as he help her stand up. "Luna, let's go" he said as he check her wound.

Diana pressed on her bleeding wound avoiding Scott to take a sniff on it. "Is she..", Diana tried to see in the dark to make sure Tamara is dead.

"She's gone now. No need to afraid anymore", Scott said as he rip a piece of cloth on Diana's shirt and tied it firmly on her wound.

"Okay", she mouthe with a sigh of relief. "Let's all go home", she smiled uncomfortably as she held on to Scott.

Ofir found the stake that was stabbed on Tamara. Noticing the empty holes on the handle, he placed three gems he have in his pocket. "Luna, this is for you", he said.

Diana took the stake and smiled. "Thank you, the gems are pretty", she answered. Scott hardened his jaw at the cruel coincidence at the stake with gems of three that Ofir just gave to Diana. He suddenly thought. of the nightmare he had while he scan the sky for the moon. He sighed in relief when there's no moonbow, until he noticed Roman already staring at him.

"Go on.. we're right behind you", Roman said as he stayed behind as he hold Ofir back. Wondering why he's being held up by Roman, the lythari elf forced a smile as he watch Diana and Scott leave first.

Scott shapeshifted to his wolf form and let Diana ride his back so they can hike down the mountains fast and easy. With the moon hidden in the clouds, it is more difficult for Diana to travel in the dark. Also, she seemed tired and weaker to walk. He hurriedly climbed down the mountains with several calculated jumps and leaps, then he ran swiftly through the woods until he reached a stream. He thought, Diana might need to drink a bit and wash up a little before they continue their journey home. Shapeshifting back to his human form, he sat Diana on a stone slate as he get some water using his hands.

Even without words, the fondness of their hearts showed in the gentleness of their touch and the spark in their stares. They enjoyed the cool waters as it washed the scrapes and bruises of the long night.

After drinking a few water, Scott held Diana's cold hands as she helped her stand up and continue walking on foot through the large trees. "Diana, may I ask something?" He nervously asked.

"Anything", she smiled a little as she hold Scott's warm hand.

"Is it true that.. you're..", Scott swallowed a lump as he graze her hands with his thumb. "You're pregnant?", he asked to confirm whether it's true.

"I took a test", Diana squeezed Scott's warms hands. "Yes I'm pregnant. But, I'm not sure if they're boys like what they say. It's still early to tell" she said while trying to hold back her tears. Scott suddenly stopped and stared at Diana. With his mouth open, Scott froze in excitement and elation with a little bit anxiety. Even if he already knew, hearing the truth straight from Diana still gave him quite a shock.

"Are you okay?", Diana asked.

"Yea, never better!", Scott rested his forehead on Diana as he smile uncontrollably. "Diana.." he called.

"Yes?", she asked, trying to hide the throbbing pain that seemed to intensify.

"I don't have anything with me right now, but.. this really can't wait..", Scott said.

"What is?", Diana asked with knitted brows. She could hardly see, but with the sound of Scott's voice, she could tell he's quite nervous.

"Marry me.", Scott said. "Please marry me Diana Woodsworth", he added.

Diana held Scott's face and caressed it gently. "In a heartbeat", she whispered as she place her hand on his shoulders and stood on her toes for a soft kiss.

Scott shed a tear in indescribable feeling. "You just made me the happiest Alpha!! I can't wait to tell Roman", he said as he embrace Diana.

The pair continued walking through the woods with no trail. They carefully made their way towards the moist moss carpet that seemed to be mushy when stepped on. Scott grazed Diana's wounded arm and finally asked, "So what happened here? Why isn't it healing?".

Before Diana could explain, the moon slowly appeared as the clouds move away for the king of the sky. As the moonlight cover the forest, Diana noticed a bed of rocks that seemed to shimmer under the beams of the moon. Letting go from Scott's grip, Diana walked towards the rocks as she smile in astonishment. She then looked up and gasped when she witnessed a rare celestial phenomenon she have never seen before.

Scott's eyes twinkled as he watch how bewildered Diana look when she saw the moonstones glowing under the moonlight. When he looked up, he gasped in horror when he saw the moonbow. He knew what will happen next as he feel his skin starting to painfully rip apart.

Meanwhile, Roman and Ofir have trekked down the mountain as they follow Diana and Scott who have already travelled far down. Roman chose to stay behind a little for he wanted to clear things out with Ofir.

"Hey freak, How's it going?" Roman asked as he watch Ofir effortlessly leaping down each rock.

"I am not a freak!", Ofir angrily clarified. Though he knew Roman is just teasing him as usual. "Should you be giving something back to me?", he said.

"Uhh. Yea wait.." Roman pulled something behind him. Yet he lifted his middle finger to Ofir and laughed. "Your marble is mine, duckface. I feel so protected with it. You're going to grow your powers anyway! Let me enjoy your marble's remaining light", Roman said

"I hate you" Ofir gritted his teeth as he continued walking.

It took a while for Roman to speak again. "Hey.. Do you speak nagua?", he asked.

"Do I look like nagua?", Ofir replied with irritation.

"I'm serious", Roman said as he stopped as they reach the foot of the mountain.

"I know a few words", Ofir stared at him realizing why Roman held him back.

"Uhh.. what does Luna voca..", Roman thought hard as he remember Tamara's last words. "Luna vocat ad Lycan?" He asked.

"Hmm.. let me see", Ofir placed his tiny thumb on his chin as he interpret. "The moon calls for the Lycan.. Vocat Ad? It's like telling the moon to summon its child even if it's not full", he explained.

"You mean.. the slave of the moon will be called upon as long as the moon is seen in the sky?", Roman asked.

"Yea, something like that", Ofir said.

The two stared at each for quite sometime before they both uttered the same name they first thought about.. "DIANA".