
Chasing Eternity: Rise of Atlantis

This is the story of the origin of magic and its creator. The story begins on Earth in 2057 and tells the story of the creation and rise of the Empire of Atlantis and its founder, Amon. The story revolves around the life of Daniel Void, a brilliant scientist in the world creator of the technology that will become the basis of the Empire. He wants to control the fate of everything, including his own life. Can he use technology to achieve his goal and become immortal? ... Daniel is an arrogant proud man with a slightly sadistic nature, but thanks to his intelligence he can afford it. When not researching, he tries to find or create entertainment by playing with the lives of others. To overcome human limits, he creates the most advanced AI in the world, which will enable him to achieve what he himself cannot.

Ilgento · ไซไฟ
13 Chs


After breakfast, I leave the hotel and head to the Fate Circle headquarters again. Upon arrival, the reception will send me to the location of today's exam. It's on a different floor than yesterday.

I get out of the elevator and in front of me is a long straight corridor with many doors. There is a seating area on its sides, already partially occupied by my opponents.

An employee in a black jacket is standing a short distance from me. He walks over to me and tells me about the progress of today's interviews.

There are twenty doors on the sides of the corridor. They will call us one by one and we have to enter the door designated for us. There, the employee will ask us a few questions. After answering them, the interview will be over and tomorrow we will only have to announce the results.

The clock strikes nine and the first twenty applicants start calling. I am not among them.

All doors are numbered so everyone knows which one to enter. I watch the first group enter.

Time passes slowly and the number of people waiting with me in the corridor gradually decreases. I spent most of my time on my cell phone.

With less than thirty of us left, my name will finally be called. I get up, compare my clothes, take a deep breath and walk into door number seventeen.

I close them before looking around the room. A window across the entire opposite wall. Several stylishly arranged shelves. In addition, a matching led light. In the center of the room is a large white table with a screen surface that complements the look of the entire room. There are chairs on either side of the table. The one closer to the window is already occupied.

"I told you we'd meet again soon, Philip." I'm shocked. I wouldn't dream of expecting him here. A blond youth in a not-too-adjusted shirt sneers at my reaction.

"Are you surprised?"

"Yes, I never expected you here, Mr. Daniel. Being here means you'll be in charge of my interview, right?"

"Who else but me could it be. So let's do it." The tabletop lights up and displays various data.

"Your name is Filip Fersen. You are twenty six years old. You were born in New York. You have an IT engineering degree. Do these data agree?'

"Yes, he agrees."

"Very well, now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them. Why do you want to work for us?'

"It's my dream. It may sound silly, but ever since I learned about Amon of Atlanta and what he was able to do, he became my idol and role model. I would like to stand by his side and help him achieve his dream, whatever it may be."

"Are you willing to get your hands dirty for him?"

"I'll do anything if it allows me to stand by his side."

"Everyone has a dream. Now for the next question. I took your quiz and was intrigued by your answer to the hundredth question that asked what would you do in the event of a data breach? You answered that something like this should not happen at all, but if it did, you would act according to the importance of the given data and the identity of the holders of the given information. Can you elaborate? For example, if an ordinary employee learns compromising information that could greatly damage the foundation of the company, how would he act?" His face shows anticipation.

I remain silent, wondering what answer he would like to hear. From a moral point of view, we should not do anything until the person discloses the information. All employees had to sign a non-disclosure agreement anyway, so if they shared this information with an unauthorized person, they would face a very heavy fine or possibly jail time. This is not the answer he wants. The risk of information leakage is too high. It is much safer to eliminate the person in question quietly, and this is also my answer: "As long as the person with unauthorized information is alive, I imagine an immediate threat to the company, therefore the safest would be silent elimination or an unfortunate accident."

"Excellent answer. I like it very much. I hope you will follow her in the future as well. We need people like you who are capable of doing anything. Now let's move on to the next question…"

Ten minutes later I say goodbye to Daniel and leave the company building. Tomorrow is the last day of the interview. It will be announced who among us will become part of the company's senior management.