
Chasing And Claiming My Rejected Omega Mate:Alpha’s Severe Regret [BL]

Born an omega in a time where omegas are rare and unwanted, Rory lived a life whereby he was always a second option in every situation. Omegas couldn’t birth pups, so no one wanted to be mated to them, except to fuck them and move on. He thought he was lucky to be betrothed to an alpha who loved him, but after a shocking betrayal, his heart turned to stone. Fleeing for his life led him into the clutches of Jason, a dangerous, ruthless wolf. He loses his virginity to him and the morning after, he realized that this soulless Alpha is his fated mate. But, once again, Rory is reminded of his curse of always being a second option when he got rejected. As if that wasn’t enough, he soon realized his life is in immense danger. Rory then decides to run away and start afresh in a different country. One thing Rory didn’t expect to happen, was for him to end up pregnant weeks after fleeing! ~~~ Years later, Rory now has an adorable son. He wasn’t the timid omega he once was, because he had managed to rise to the very top. Along the line, he managed to open his heart up to Kenny, a cute Alpha who loved and cherished him wholeheartedly, leading him to live a contented life. But when he collides with Jason this time, he wants nothing to do with the alpha who rejected him in the past. Jason, an Alpha of Alphas, felt his wolf wilt away the day he rejected his omega mate. He tried making things right, but the pretty omega who smelled of wildflowers and vanilla had completely disappeared from the face of earth. Now that he had encountered Rory again, he wasn’t ready to receive ‘no’ for an answer, and he was ready to do whatever it takes to get the omega’s forgiveness. However, Kenny wasn’t ready to let go of Rory either! A fight for the omega’s heart, who’s gonna emerge the victor? And what if they decide to share instead? | - | e x c e r p t | -| “Arch for me, pup.” The dark alpha husked and more color rushed into Rory’s face as the order settled in his stomach. For the first time in his life, Rory was completely nude in front of a man. He had assumed losing his virginity was gonna be brisk, and that it was gonna happen in the dark. He never counted on it going down this way, with an alpha whose dark eyes made his weak kneed and tongue tied, whose voice made his insides clench up, and whose touch made slick gush out of him like he was a faulty faucet. He pressed his flushed face into the sandalwood smelling sheets, limbs trembling as he arched his back even more, till his ass was very high and his chest pressed into the bed as well. “There you go, that’s a good boy.” The Alpha growled out, hands reaching out to knead his hips, and when he delivered a spank on Rory’s ass, a stuttered whimper spilled past the pretty omega’s mouth, muffled in the sheets. Moments later, fingers were digging into the omega’s hair, jerking his head up just as another spank got delivered on his second cheek, and this time, there was nothing to muffle the high pitched sound and it filled the air in a melodic tune. “Don’t muffle those sweet sounds, gorgeous. I want to hear every sound you make, I need to hear you as you fall apart from pleasure in my bed tonight, and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.” * Cover isn’t mine. If owner requests, I’d take it down.

Bree_Airee · LGBT+
68 Chs


My mouth fell open in shock as I blinked a couple of times in disbelief. I was yet to fully comprehend the fact that the stranger whom I had spent the night with, was my fated mate. I was yet to fully wrap my head around it, before he realized me without hesitating,

As I stared at him, I found myself flinching once again at the anger in his eyes and the scowl pasted over his face. It felt like he was a completely different person from the one who claimed my body over and over again last night. The scent smell of burnt grass, it made my stomach spin, his scent wasn't enticing and calming anymore, it has changed drastically and it made me feel queasy.

My wolf curled into itself, head casted down and scent chaffed while it whimpered in sadness at being rejected by our alpha. My heart was still racing, pounding against my chest and after a few moments, I let out a long exhale.

"But—" I began, even though I had no idea of what I was about to say, but the alpha cut me off sharply.

"No, don't say it. Don't say anything." He ordered and I trained off, lips wobbling. He pointed a hand in my direction before continuing.

"Get up. Get dressed, and leave. I held up my part of the bargain, I hid you until this morning. It's past noon, you can leave already." As he spoke, his voice was so cold, it made my wolf wilther away even more. I felt my heart breaking into a thousand pieces, and I could feel my eyes start to sting.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I nodded my head and clearly rolled off the large bed, taking the blanket along with me.

"C- can I take a shower first?" I whispered slowly, voice cracking and gaze casted, because I didn't want to see the disgust and anger painted across his face any longer.

"Whatever, just be done and get going as fast as possible." He responded sharply before whirling around and exiting the bedroom, leaving me to myself.

After a fleeting moment, I hurried into the restroom and collapsed against the door, sobs rolling past my throat as tears rolled down my eyes.

What did I expect anyway? That an alpha would ever be happy to get me for a fated mate? Me, an omega?!

I've never even dreamed of getting a fated mate to begin with. It was rare on a normal day for people to find their fated mates, and that was because people don't wait for that any longer. Instead, they just pick someone they like and want to get married to, turning that person into their chosen mate. As an omega, it was even rarer to find one's fated mate, so it never even crossed my mind for a second that I'd ever be in a situation like this.

Being treated as a second change in every situation was one thing. Being rejected right after spending a night together was another thing. I've never felt this inferior in my entire life, and I've always felt quite inferior since I presented as an omega.

After a little while, I decided to gather myself together and take a shower as fast as I could, because the alpha returned and did something like practically throwing me out, because he had looked like he wanted to get rid of me as fast as he could.

As I stepped under the shower, the water stung my body and massaged my aching joints. Between my ass cheeks felt so sore, and I wasn't sure of how I'd be able to sit today, and tomorrow.

Despite how much I scrubbed, the alpha's scent still clung to my body and it made me start to sob as I dried myself up.

In the mirror, I let out a gasp on noticing how much of a mess my throat was. So many bite marks littered the entire skin there and the spot around my scent gland felt like it got mauled by a beast.

With a deep shudder, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before exiting the bathroom.

Once in the bedroom, it was empty, but I noticed fresh clothes on the bed. I hurriedly shrugged into it and glanced around the bedroom committing it into memory before slowly exiting the bedroom.

As I walked down a large, empty hallway, the paintings on the wall made me do a double take. It felt like I was walking through an ancient building, through a museum. The walls were a pretty golden color and the interior design was quite exquisite. It made me wonder where exactly Jason brought me after rescuing me after I passed out.

It wasn't until I got to the end of the hall that I noticed a bunch of people who're undoubtedly maids, based on their outfits and how they were all busy with different things at once.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do or who I was supposed to ask for directions.

"This way, please." A young man spoke beside me and when I glanced sideways, I noticed he was dressed in a suit. I peered at him in confusion.

"Alpha Jason asked me to show you out, sir." He spoke politely and realization finally set in.

"Oh." I breathed out, suddenly feeling self conscious. Was this man aware that I spent a night with alpha Jason? Was he aware that we're apparently fated mates but Alpha Jason rejected me and ordered me to leave as fast as possible. I felt mortification engulf me as I shuffled after him as he easily weaved through the crowds of maids in the large hall.

"Apologies for the crowd, sir." He offered over his shoulders and on a normal day, I'd have laughed at being referred to as that, but awkwardly nodded my head.

We finally stepped through a large door, finally arriving outsiders. I was met with very fine scenery, a garden at the far end, along with waterfalls, iconic looking statues and so on. From the looks of it, it seems like alpha Jason brought me right to his house.

He seemed extremely loaded from all what I've seen so far and that made me scoff underneath my breath.

A bunch of people were walking around, all doing different things once again.

"It's never this crowded on a normal day, sir. This is just happening because the alpha prince's wedding is taking place tomorrow." He continued and I absently nodded my head. That was the last thing on my mind right now, I was thinking of how I'm gonna continue living life.

"Everyone is excited for Alpha's Jason's marriage. It's because—" The suit cladded man was still speaking when I slowed to a stop, eyes widening.

"Alpha Jason is getting married?" I echoed, in complete disbelief. The suit cladded man nodded, a warm smile over his face.

"Yes, sir. He is. He is getting married to a very well respected princess tomorrow."

readers: author, what are you doing over the weekend?

me: nothing serious! just plotting Jason’s death hehe;)

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