A young man living in an underground city takes on the daunting to liberate his people from their skyless prison Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
The soft luminous lights throughout an underground city come to life. It's citizens however were already raring to go. With a renewed sense of purpose nearly most of the city was now working together in some way shape or form on freeing themselves from their skyless prison.
Migrating to the now superfluous school it was now being converted to a second working station for the Exploration Project. Be it additional hands for making the technology faster or maintaining facilities so the lab personnel could focus on their jobs people were hard at work.
"Wild" Willow said to Jenny as her head was resting on Willows chest. "What you mean?" Jenny asked as they watched people enthusiastically heading to the old school. "I don't know it's just weird a bit, we have no idea what's waiting for us up there. Life down here is...well we know what it is. It's not ideal but it's our reality and we're pouring all our energy and resources into trying to go somewhere we're not wanted" Willow replied while Jenny intertwined their fingers together.
"I mean we're doing it too babe kinda late to be asking why would people want to do this. Yeah we're down here but the idea of something better has been dangled in front of us and we're just running at it. I don't know about you but eating mole meat is getting old" Jenny said in a sour note.
"I actually really like it" Willow replied wiping her black hair out of her face. "Ugh I need to deal with this, I hate hair cuts" she continued. "No!" Jenny said in a slight shriek as she stood back. "Um... no don't, I really like it" she said as she reached up and adjusted the uneven fringe that was Willows hair. "It's not everyone's thing but change can be pretty great" Jenny said as she looked into Willows deep brown eyes. "Wow that was lame" Willow replied with a smirk before kissing Jenny.
Later that day the Exploration Team were called into the lab where Captain Williams and Dr Raya stood to adress them. "Alright thanks for coming in, we have the results from the sonar sensors you all set up a few days ago. Now we assess the density of the wall section by section and select the area with the least density that has adjacent load bearings. In short the easiest spot to dig in that won't cave in instantly. Using this process we've identified three openings that will be ideal for penatration" Dr Raya said.
"Thank you Dr Raya. Now as you know the original teams were teams of four. Due to the number of explorers we will divide you into teams of five but because some of were explorers before three of you will lead the teams. I'm not down up there with you so take a week to work together and talk to each other and select three team captain" Thomas said with a smile. "Still unnerving, stop smiling" a stocky male digger said under his breath which got a slight laugh out of Jude as he tried to remain straight faced.
As they left the meeting Kosi, Jude, and Brodie had a huddle to figure out what to do to ensure they ended up on a team with them and Willow. Standing back Willow watched them. "You all done yet?" she asked sarcastically. "Well do you have any ideas?" Brodie asked.
Rolling her eyes she looked at them and went to adjust her hair before leaving it as it was. "Yeah let's let it be. Why fight it, yeah cool you'd rather we all work together doesn't mean we get our way though. We've manipulated enough stuff to get to this but let's not fight it. It's not everyone's thing but change can be pretty great" she said becoming conscious of herself half way through and feeling awkward.
"Alright yeah..I think she's right. I guess we just do our jobs and let it be" Jude said looking between everyone. "I mean true we do spend a looooot of time together. Here, my place, outside, my place-" "Let's go to Kosis I guess" Kosi said before getting interrupted by Brodie. "Alright" Jude and Willow said with a shrug walking away. "..You have homes" Kosi added following them out.
Outside Kosis apartment the group headed for the door only to find it unlocked. Surprised Brodie murmured to Kosi "What on earth bro someone fucking broke in". Letting out a deep sigh Kosi replied "no, well yeah she did cause she didn't ask but yeah let's just go in".
Inside they found Rue tidying up. "Hey guys!" she beamed. "Oh hey" everyone except Kosi replied. "Hey babe" he said in an annoyed tone. Confusion once again set in as everyone else sensed tension between the pair. "Guys this isn't a great time can you come back later Rue and I need to talk" Kosi said solemnly. Rue looked back at him with a slightly worried face.
Unsure what to do Jude, Willow and Brodie stood in place. Locking eyes with Rue Willow saw the worry in her face but Rue gulped slightly and said softly "Yeah...he's right guys we do need to talk" she said shakily. "Whats happening bro?" Jude asked Kosi tentatively. "We can talk about it later...if Rue wants to. For now I just need to talk to her privately" he said eyes fixed and the increasingly uncomfortable Rue.
Removing themselves from the situation Jude and Brodie turned to leave. Willow remained in place looking at her best friend. "Low we should leave them be" Brodie said calmly. Eyed affixed on Rue she was met with a nod from Rue and a slight pained smile. Against her instincts she turned to leave with them.
Once they were outside the door she began to pace back and forth. Watching her Jude said "look, you have nothing to worry about. It's Kosi he wouldn't do anything to her" in a soft tone. "She looked scared though, I should go back in there" Willow replied as her voice cracked.
"No. I know Kosi he doesn't want any drama right now if he's saying they need to talk it has to be important" Brodie added placing a hand on her shoulder. Looking back at him tears welled up in her eyes. Frantically wiping them she chuckled "Ah fuck I just wish we could see through that door. Shit".