
Chapter 1: (Backstory)

(Before Chara fell)

"Chara _______, you get down here this instant!" Chara shrieked as her father screamed her name with anger. (Yes Chara is a girl in this story)

She rushed to living room quickly, afraid of what she'll be punished for.

Her father and his drunken face held up something . "Little missy, explain why this slightly torn sparkled dress was stuffed under your bed. NOW."

The young Chara looked down, not answering. He grew angrier. "ANSWER!"

Chara trembled clenching her fist. "I don't want to wear it! I hate being girly!" She snapped at her father.

Her father shouted at her "YoU ARE A GIRL! A FEMALE YOUR AGE WEARS SPARKLES!" He grabbed his daughter roughly, fighting her to put on the dress.

Chara fought and screamed. "NO! Nooo!! St-" the dress slipped over her head, her father heckling with victory.

Her father's hand was clearly in front of her. Chara was enraged with anger and bit her father quite painfully.

"Agh!! CHARA!" He kicked her off him, picking her up by her shirt, slapping her across the face. "I'll be home by midnight, brat. Your brother will be here shortly. When I see you tomorrow morning, your attitude will have straightened up! Got it brat?"

He dropped her to the floor, grabbing a bottle of whiskey on his way out. He slammed the door.

Chara lies there, sobbing, as she places her hand where the print of her father's hand was left on her cheek.

Chara couldn't describe how happy she was when her brother walked through the front door. "C-Chara!"

He rushed to her side dropping his back back on the floor with tons of alcohol stains. "Chara you should go rest, I'll talk to dad. Your big brother has got this. "

"You'll get hurt. Don't.." Chara sat up and stared at the dress. She picked it up, tearing in completely. "I'm going back to my room."

She slammed the door to her closet sized room with anger. Her brother sat there sighing. "What can a Do to make you smile again..?"

She sat there for hours, staring at the wall. She hated that man. She can't make her be someone she's not. "I can't stay here any longer..."

Chara went to the window, looking at the mountain. She climbed and climbed , reaching the bottomless pit.

And jumped.