
Chaotic teen

A novel based on a life of a teenage girl, who's bright, beautiful and smart, but makes really bad decisions and messes her life.

mirza_baig03 · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

You are safe with me

It was the ending days of her highschool. She was not cheery as she was before but she was handling herself. While scrolling her minigram, she got a random text from a girl. She asked if Kiara could be her friend. Kiara always wanted an online girl pal. She texted her, they shared many stories about different series and movies. Online friend Aira and Kiara talked about many different topics every day. Kiara didn't trust her much, but she was a good friend for her. One day Aira confessed she was not a girl but a boy named Aiden. Aiden told her that they go to same school and he see her everyday. He said he really liked her and wanted to be friends with her. Kiara was numb. She didn't reply to Aiden for days.

There was a big 7 days- self development program at her high school. She participated in the program to get distracted. She was opening up again, smiling more during the program.Aiden texted her saying, " Look at your left please". As She turned left, she saw Aiden smiling at her. She got nervous and afraid. She didn't want to start anything again. She ignored him. He tried to get her attention by giving answers loudly. She didn't look in his direction. He texted her, told her he just want to be friends and nothing more. He said he won't bother her much. He got very little attention from her after many attempts. Though she didn't react much, he was happy to get even her little attention. After the program, during regular days, he started approaching her. Helping her cross the road, carrying heavy things for her, chasing away other boys who were bothering her and her friends. He was trying very hard, soon she started speaking to him. He was very down to earth and dumb boy. He had knowledge about technology. He helped her fix her phone. He taught many new stuff to her. Slowly he started flirting with her. He wasn't very smooth in flirting so Kiara would end up laughing whenever he flirted. He made her laugh, made her very happy. Their bond grew and they became really good friends. She didn't tell him about Rene but Aiden was indirectly helping her to move on. Aiden and Kiara used to communicate through walls of their school. He used to write message for her on the wall during labs. She used to search those messages and reply under it during her time of lab. Nobody knew about them. She was very comfortable around him, she expressed herself very well. He observed little details about her, he used to know when she is upset or angry just by looking at her. They started pranking lecturers together. Slowly after months of friendship, he told her he is in love with her. Even though, this time she knew, she liked him a lot she was afraid of relationship. She told him to never ask her for relationship. He didn't want to jeopardize friendship so he agreed. He wanted her but didn't want to force her. He was by her side through everything. He started working on himself, improving his physique, his own personality. As they got more closer, he expressed his love again. She couldn't deny him because she was in love too. They started dating. They both helped each other to grow. She helped him in academics and he taught her about world. They shared many stories, spent a lot of time chatting with each other. They never went on date outside college. One day, Aiden asked her on a date, Kiara was nervous but since she trusted Aiden, she agreed. They went to a museum, it was a bright day. While walking he held his hand back and gestured her to hold his hand. She stood still, didn't hold his hand. He turned to her, smiled and said," you are safe with me". She smiled back and held his hand. They explored museum together. They played games, saw shows together. He didn't leave her hand till the end. On the way back home, it started raining, he took her hand and they ran under a shed. They both stood there with glitters inside their body. They didn't speak but were stealing glance of each other. Rain stopped, he dropped her home. They both were very happy. He gloated about his relationship infront of his friends for hours. They were into relationship for a long time. During their final year of highschool, they studied together, passed highschool with good grades. They both wanted to get into same college but they had big marks difference. They stayed positive, applied for same list of colleges. Few days later, they both got accepted in different colleges. They were disappointed but Kiara was little relieved. She wasn't sure, if she wanted to go to same college for next 4years. She didn't want to put her hopes high. So after spending vacation together, their colleges reopened, it was a new chapter of Kiara's life.