
The Miscr3ants

Cole Sullivan started beating badly to the sound of background music. It was "Le Cirque du Diable".

"Where are you taking us?", Cole asks Friedrich Wolfgang, their acting leader or, in other words, their criminal mastermind. Both were bring dragged by Nam in a journey through the Spirit World.

"I heard a spaceship blew up somewhere in the galaxy somewhere I scammed the seller out of an item there. Nam, any findings?", Friedrich asked Nam-Yoo Yin, who he handed the metal ball to. Once again the criminal has bested himself in finding ways to do crazy crime under Aziel's nose.

The small contraption, the size of pastillas, had orange ingrained markings similar to the Dao Path. Nam-Yoo looked at it as his eyes turned from brown to pure black, giving his eyes a mystical feel.

Nam-Yoo shook his head, "Quite vague, just a planet", He then sent the image of the planet to the two others using a vision. Friedrich eyes darted around the spirit world scenery for a few seconds before saying, "I remember which planet it is. The coordinates are XXX-XXX, YYY-YYY, ZZZ-ZZZ."

"Cole. Nam. Hit it.", Friedrich ginned evilly.

Free Bird started playing. They spiraled through the Spirit World.

The planet they were headed was encapsulated by a heavenly sea, literally. The water somehow floats above land they sometimes rain down to give the dry atlantis below due nourishment.

Finally, the three students arrived. Nam transformed into a crane while 2 large paper flowers, light blue and dark red folded into paper cranes and moving under Cole and Friedrich, respectively. Cole's animal ears twitched as he started gliding in the air with vibrations coming out of his feet, landing on his crane. Friedrich opened a weightless spell and then used a bind spell between him and the dark red crane. Gradually, he reached the back of the crane and sat looking over the floating sea below him.

"So what now.", Cole asks while Pirate of the Caribbean played.

"Mateys, are ya ready to swashbuckle an entire marine ecology?"

Nam nods and briefly replies, "I'll try Folk of Rage."

Cole observes down below and had an idea, "I never tried making whirlpools before. What do you think?", his words still carried the intention of just staying on the paper crane though.

"Good lads, pity your brother. I'm the only one going underwater?", Friedrich looks at the two before sighing, "You'll both be the reason I die.", and blames them before diving backwards to the sea.

'Said asshole brought us here in the first place...', Cole just casually looks at his jerk of a friend and turns to Nam, which the latter points to a floating purple eye that appeared and followed after Friedrich. Cole rolls his eyes as he kickflips down after and leaving Nam who silently stays flying in the form of a crane.

Cole used sonic booms to match the altitude of the falling male witch. The latter already prepared a power curse of dehydration, enough to kill the marine life on his way down to the trenches.

To make the trip to the bottom quick, Cole controlled the frequencies and vibrations of the waves, directing them quickly to make a whirlpool deep to the Midnight Zone directly. Friedrich braces for impact with a voodoo dolls, there was also a link spell on said doll.

When the duo hit the center of the whirlpool, Cole directly cancelled any forces that would continue to crush and mess with them. Friedrich, on the other hand, transferred all the damage onto the dolls then from the dolls to the surrounding monstrous fish creatures.

'Great, we murdered a lot sushi that we won't eat.', Cole thought about for a moment but just let it be. Nam can recycle these, after all. As if on cue, a purple eye submerged in the water stared at the arrayed massacre before itself.

Invisible threads outstretched from the dead flesh of sea creatures, towards a mighty and mysterious white figure above. They moved like strings moving to the rhythm of a puppeteer. The purple eye watched as it all happened, its pupil twitching and quickly going back and forth from the different species, seemingly the stars emanated from the purplish glow of the eyeball.

'Freaky, wonder what he sees... Nam told me not to pry for the danger so its best they're left untold. Not like I can compare to a mythical creature like him.', Cole thought before diving down deep along with Friedrich under the background music of Minecraft Underwater Ambience, he also seemed to hear faint noises of the underwater creatures melding within too.

On the way, a giant fish the size of a cruise ship, shaped like an armored beluga, targeted Friedrich. The target on the other hand flicked his hand and a bloody knife appeared with cryptid symbols and twisted characters.

Multiple spells appeared, on the monster appeared a sense dampener and a neural interference, on the knife appeared blood draining, bleed, poison, and pierce, and finally on the fish appeared a strength dampener, and a curse to lock on the target.

The fish's armor was segmented but they overlapped each other which exchanged weak points for its mobility. This case, however, wouldn't stand a chance for Friedrich who revealed a creepy smile.

He stabbed expertly at an angle, making it possible for his knife to stab into the creature. Instantaneously did the magic on the knife start working. While the armored beluga suffered poison, bleeding, and rapid hemorrhage spreading across the creature's system.

A while after, the animals of the same species in the far vicinity suffered a curse too! Inside the dark floating sea was symphonious cry of fish.

'I'll store their life force. This will go nicely in my ever growing arsenal. I'll kill their whole species too, while adding to my kill count maybe I could also trigger something in my nature if I turn this species extinct?', Friedrich thought in a cold monologue but in reality he by passed the sure kill fish and headed for the spaceship right below it.

Cole ear twitched and he felt he could make a song out of this, 'Hm, should I make an emotional song from this? Maybe it could get to this heartless psychopath.', he glanced at his friend below then shrugged while doing a sound burst right to the spaceship, 'Eh, kinda lazyyy.'

Nam-Yoo, through the purple eye, looked at the bloodshed caused before sighing. He took out a card that revealed himself in human form but with 2 extra sets of black fur arms and twinkly eyes, "May you souls rest in the darkness.", he whispered. In the dark of the sea, the purple eye witnessed as the dead spirits of the 'armored beluga' species were placated and fading to eternal rest.

Nam-Yoo overlooked the floating sky above in a crane form. A purple eye silently and coldly looked over the liquid darkness, surrounded by the corpses of monsters. Cole's heart sounded the wailings and voice of the sea. Friedrich scoured the wrecked underwater treasure that is the spaceship, looking like a man discovering the ruins of atlantis truly as it had settled on top of a rocky sea creature the size of New Zealand.




Cole Sullivan - Anomaly: Stereo Heart

Nam-Yoo Yin - Artifact: Arcanus Deck

Friedrich Wolfgang - Legend: Inexorable Killer

Kinda had to rack my brain but now I have 3 completely new conceptual powers that aren't so different from inspirations but its not like what I made has been done before in their manner of conceptual creation. (Truly hoping I can make their ideas more concrete but I have a direction to go, not just with these three but also everyone you just read in the past chapters, and chapters to come)

Black_Light9949creators' thoughts