
How to Train your Eldritch Horror

A blue humanoid slime figure is seen gliding through the smooth and outstretched floors of the hallways. She was quick on her feet, maintaining a prim proper form inside her student's uniform, which made her look kind of cute.

She went around asking a few students here and there. Epiales disappeared to somewhere, which gave her a foreboding feeling. If he wasn't with her for a second then he should be around doing something stupid again. Last time she had to dispose the homemade drugs, whose purity was high even for criminal drug trades, and drag out Epiales out of the chemistry lab before he tampered with anything else.

Sure, Epiales is thorough when it comes to his crimes but it didn't mean she would stand by as he tries summoning withered souls from the netherworld. Normally by now she would have met him on the way to the school building but to no avail. She then noticed a blonde-haired young man passing by.



"Do you know where Epiales is? And what is he doing now?", Melty bounced in place and asks in a hurry. Aziel's eyes glows gold

"Ah, right that heretic... hmm... I see. He's by the Black Magic lab. It seems he's performing a ritual.", Aziel visibly cringed looking like he saw something he didn't like.

"Oh no!", Melty barely stopped herself from bolting forward, "Thank you Az!", and actually did bolt off after thanking Az.

"It still sounds weird to be called that...", Aziel muttered as a brownish-black and old book with a gold plated cross on top appeared on his hand.

"Huh, a group of students want to run to the red light district. This is strictly prohibited.", In a flash of lights, Aziel disappeared. His rounds around the school campus never ends with sinners on the loose.

Melty went from the Academic Building to the Laboratorium Hub. Through a sulfur smelling yellow door and she sees a horrid sight. Epiales body turned dark grey, stone-like, and thinner, no, it looked like his flesh clung to his bones like glue as green moss grew from his flesh. However, his eyes that would normally be slit-eyed were now wide open with a haunting cyan glow. He's locked in a tank full of strange glowing sea water and piles of Cursed Sea Stones piled on the bottom. His jaw open to the water as a glow escaped from his throat. His body moved around as if trying to grasp on air.

Melty blinked and sighed in relief.

"It's an integration ritual...", She walks around the tank with scrutiny. Feeling helpless, she waits for it to be over.

'From the looks of it, he's going down the path of the Drowned. I though he would choose to go for a Geist'

About half an hour later, Epiales body slowly started moving again. He had drowned but he somehow lived again.

Epiales laughed maniacally but no sound came out; No, he didn't have the air to contract a noise. He swam out quickly in feigned resignation.

"Heuk! Air! It feels amazing to taste it again. Though I jest, snuggling my nostrils through the turbulents feels like an experience on its own.", Every time he spoke a word, the glow coming from his eyes and mouth flickered. His speech is quite different, more romanticized.

"Pipi! You should have told me that you're going to perform an integration!", Melty pouted while stomping with her jiggly feet.

"An awful nickname, As ever I may say...", Epiales posed for disappointment.

"And still the same radical speech Young Master Epiales.", A waist-length hazel haired girl, a valkyrie to be exact, had calmly entered the lab. Her serious aura brought about to the atmosphere.

"Vega.", Epiales gave a smile with his slit eyes staring at him personal maid. It looks more menacing that than it would have in his human form some time ago.

"I was indicated that your signs of life are gone so I went to check if today was the day to send you to the underworld.", The stoic maid, Vega, responded dutifully.

"..yes", The school's well known heretic took a step back and replied with a strained smile. He pointed and indicated his reddish metal collar on his neck, it had enchanting yellow about the gaps herein there.

"But Young Master still kept his sanity, so your maid will now go back. Be sure to go back to classes when you feel mentally prepared.", Vega bows and was about to leave the premises when she stopped turning to face Melty.

"You should go back to your classes too, Melty", She gently sighs out. After which, she left the two alone.

"Hmph, this is why you should tell one of us first! I'm worried and Vega has to look after you during the ritual.", Melty pouts and gives Epiales a hug on his body, it feel hard, a bit like smooth stone but with the texture of moss, turning it into a strange touch.

"My sweet, you should know already that doing the ritual is most dangerous to those outside the very ritual.", Epiales smile grew wider and wicked as his narrow eyes opened up to a cyan force, phantom-like hand, reaching out to the vulnerable slime girl.

"Hihi~, I know Pipi won't hurt me.", Melty smiles brightly at the giant ghostly palm outstretched, manifesting from the semi-translucent cyan coming from the creepy stone face.

The cracks had hue.

The wide smile was too.

The upturned eyes were smiling at you.

"No... you're just stupid..", Epiales sighs in resignation and reigned in his madness. The ghostly figure of a hand dissipated back into his head's openings. He tried hard, concentrating on something, a click of a lock was then heard.

There he was, Epiales body turned naturally peachy and his eyes to a green-tinted pink, his natural eye color. His black hair regained shine and bodily functions started working again.

"Fu...", Epiales breathes outs and stares again at Melty's sweetening smile. He once again chuckled helplessly without words.

"Let us, my sweet?", He held out his hand inviting hers. Melty, having not faltered her smile, held his in turn.

"UmU", The happy go lucky girl was satisfied if her fiance was fine. She was that of a simple girl.

Cole Sullivan furrowed his brows while walking with his two friends.

"Something happened?", Nam-Yoo questioned Cole, noticing the pause in his expression.

"I feel strangely depressed... or bored", Cole answered as his looked outside the window.

"Same.", Friedrich answered, "We should just take the scenic route", gesturing to Nam-Yoo to do his thing.




Epiales ??? - Skill: Green Lock

Melty ??? - Art: Bio-Mass

Vega ??? - Law: Virtue

Aziel ??? - Minus(?): Christian

Cole Sullivan - ???

Nam-Yoo ??? - ???

Friedrich ??? - ???

The stories might seem interconnected but the events of each story might not being in the same timeline so be warned.

Black_Light9949creators' thoughts