
Angst Obsession Disorder

Situated in Yggdrasil Academy's 1st Year Classroom. Perngunea is currently sitting on his seat, which was situated at the middle of the class, while drinking milktea.

He glanced at the text above and almost coughed his drink, 'Oh fuck, I'm the focus of this chapter? Wait that's impossible, the main story is... oh wait, this isn't canon.', he looked at his reality at the moment. His memories of what really happened is overlapping with the short stories of the previous three chapters.

'Right, something is wrong... short stories? I thought there was only the main story... no... I do remember another reality where Shinji was the main character, though... Is this something similar?', Thinking to himself, Perngunea leaned on the palm of his hand, said hand called in the arm to rest on his desk. Around the classroom was a casual chattering; There were groups and loners, people in groups are always more than the latter, but more likely than not is that there are more lonely people than there are groups.

'Oooh, nice line right there.', Perngunea shuddered as if he were a 14-year-old hearing life's wisdom. But he also knew the story focusing on himself meant one thing and one thing only, 'A plot development.', and he was all for that. So he quickly listened around.

'I should also highlight my good sides as well-... the story is still reading my thoughts... no, what if people find out that I'm not... AHHH!', He panicked and instinctually shifted his gaze to his classmates, specifically a dainty green haired girl who is the center of attention between a group of girls.

'Ah, Belle Trunsoet, whose beauty tops between the fairest in Yggdrasil and is unanimously considered the 'Campus Belle', which sounded so right with her name, but for me that felt like a lazy author's ingenuity...Oops, don't stray, don't stray.', Perngunea thought.

'Actually, no, what is up with my name???', [Quento] scrunched his face before changing it.

'Great, now I'm more Spanish though I'm not...', He secretly smiled smug to himself.

Quento's smile faltered however, since he knew he really hadn't thought of anything interesting to show the readers, or at least he thinks there are readers but there was no defining proof, the last straw on the camel's back, the judgement call, to tell whether there was indeed such otherworldly existences.

Deciding on an idea, he turns his head to a group of extras. Specifically, it was a group of four guys. Quento might as well just snoop around for drama.

"Pont stop staring, you're going to make us look bad.", Jay intensely grumbled in discretion.

"Hm? Ah, no, I was just thinking of what to eat.", Pont snapped out of his daze

"That's even worse with the face you made while staring at them...", Jay sighs out while raising an open palm up lazily as he leaned on his other hand which was supporting itself on his table.

"Don't bother, I wouldn't bet on them staring back at us.", Pont derisively sighs while wiping out the little drool that broke out from the corner of his mouth. Jay answers with a short grunt before looking out the window.

"Please refrain from reminding me of my singularity", Rowen hung his head low while spouting fluent gibberish.

"Woah, didn't think you would say something smart for once.", Zmir laughed at Rowen as he leaned his back against his chair.

"This seat over here is graced with enlightenment.", Suddenly Rowen ran the tips of his fingers down his imaginary beard. Jay turned his gaze back before snorting and responding, "O sage, what is your wisdom?"

"This sage says that Zmir should help us get the expensive Monkey Meal Set", He stood up faced the ceiling with confidence, not wanting to look at Zmir in the eye. Pont's eye's lit up and bowed down, "Praise the sage's wisdom!"

"Hell no.", Zmir flatly denied. Jay, however, loves Monkey Ice Cream so he intervened, "Alright, I'm feeling nice today, how about I buy it?".

Zmir turned his head towards Jay and nodded while the other two became excited at the notion of eating an all-time favorite delicacy. Pont's mouth was watering just by the thought but this time his absent gaze didn't land on the group of girls by the front center of the classroom.

Although the 4 guys sat by the bottom corner of the classroom at this moment, Jay and Pont were positioned facing towards the front. Jay happened to notice a certain timid boy with black hair with black bangs over his brown glasses. The boy described approached by the entrance of the classroom, meanwhile Belle glanced over his direction and excused herself from her classmates to meet him.

Jay only glanced over and lost interest. He stood up from his chair while the other guys with him walked over at his sides. Pont snapped out of his dazed stated and lagged a bit behind.

"Jay, wait up!", Pont caught up to the three.

"I might as well eat up the Steamed Ooga in front of you. Keep up.", Zmir

"It's still an awful name for a perfectly sound dish.", Rowen scratched the back of his head.

"So who'll take the fall in ordering that steamed monkey in front of the canteen. Just so you not it.", Jay snickers while Zmir, Pont, and Rowen made eye contact with increasing intensity. No one wanted to say 'Steamed Ooga' in front of the canteen workers, they'd rather die.

Now if the chapter was centered around them then Quento would be able to enjoy his time spying on a slice-of-life with the boys but he was in for a disappointment. As if to attest to that, Quento planted his face right on his desk.

'I really wanted to know who would be the sacrificial lamb though...', Quento mulled over the thought.

He then glanced back at the two who talked by the entranced. The conversation between the two were at normal volume but was drowned by the sounds of the social classroom.

"Keru~ru are you alright? I was worried when I couldn't find you in the planetary visit yesterday."

"T-there is nothing to worry about, I'm fine. I just got lost in the way. I found a safe place to hide. I'm worried about you, Belle, weren't you at the Dead Cove when the monster insurgence happened?", Keru nervously asked about what happened back at Red Dead Sea Cove.

"The Beelzebub Swarm Incident, that's what they call it, it was about to overtake our group but a mysterious person came in and saved us all.", Belle placed a finger up to her lips and thought.

"Isn't that the same cloaked figure that protected Belle when the Academy was infiltrated?", one the girls, who had a white bob cut, with Belle interjected.

"Hey Keru, do you have any idea who that person might be?", another of the girls, with an ash grey ponytail, asked in curiousity.

"H-how would I know? The guy just comes and goes, in fact, I haven't even met him once.", Keru paused for a second before replying nervously.

"Oh right, so far you happen miss those parts, but I tell you that whoever he or she is, they look so badass.", the white bob cut praised.

Quento snickered and thought, 'Alright story, that's it for now. I don't wanna spoil too much since this seems like a side story. I don't even think this canonically ever happens...'




Quento - Meta: Narrative Freedom

Pont - ???

Jay - ???

Zmir - ???

Rowen - ???

Belle - ???

Keru - ...???

I delayed this a bit too much. Oh well, bless me for some good exam scores, and yours too readers...if you are a student ig.

Black_Light9949creators' thoughts