
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

World Rotation

Big Plan

The fight that lasted for a short time made Bargon very badly injured. Novar saw Bargon brought into the royal medical facility for emergency treatment. A smile full of satisfaction appeared on Novar's face because Bargon's face was completely destroyed. Most of the punches the Demon Lord threw were aimed at the face and stomach. This caused Bargon to be seriously injured to the point where he was in critical condition.

"Oi oi... is it okay for you to make such a scary face...?"

"Oh, my apologies… I'm not good at holding back my own facial expressions when I see something interesting."

"So the injuries my son received really amusing to you...?"

"If I'm being honest... yes... moreover I know what made him hurt like that was his own father."

"Hahaha… you're not wrong... so let's forget about that... and how is your mother's condition...?"

"She's fine... now she's in a special room to rest... my little brother is also being looked after by one of the medical facility staff... so there's no need to worry."

"Do you think I'm going too far to beat my own child like that...?"

"No… for the past 1000 years you kept killing your son trying to get the crown prince title... and now you only made him seriously injured... so I guess, this time you didn't overdo it, my lord."

"I see... thank you... I never thought there would be someone I could chat with casually like this."

"Hohoho… maybe because I also originally have a soul that is already 100 years old…"

When Novar and Abaddon laughed together, several Lords of the Human Race Kingdoms gathered. They had a very serious meeting in a Neutral Territory. The kingdoms that attended this important meeting were the Kingdom of Revilion, Kingdom of Santos, Kingdom of Bionter, Kingdom of Fortes, Kingdom of Georgia, Kingdom of Arisian, and Kingdom of Montair.

"All the representatives of the kingdoms have gathered… so let's begin the 51st inter-kingdom meeting proposed by the Revilion Kingdom."

The representative of the Revilion Kingdom explained the results of the battle 2 months ago. They reported the anxiety they experienced at having suffered a big loss for the first time. the second and third strongest people in the Revilion Kingdom were seriously injured. they were unable to fight for a while, now the Revilion Kingdom could only rely on their Strongest Magic Knights. They also tell about the appearance of a pure-blooded vampire who is the source of the problem. The Revilion Kingdom's second and third strongest magic knights were seriously injured from dealing with that vampire.

"So at this meeting... we would like to propose a hero summoning plan…"

The meeting participants were quite surprised to hear the proposal put forward by the Revilion Kingdom. Summoning a hero is not an easy matter and it takes time to prepare for the ritual. That means the summoning of a hero couldn't be done on a whim and needed the approval of all Human Race Kingdom.

"Hero summoning plan, huh…? Interesting… we of the Arisian Kingdom agree with this proposal..."

"We from the Fortes Kingdom have considered... from the report that the Revilion Kingdom gave us... we will agree to it... "

"Santos Kingdom also agrees with this proposal… We can't let those demons do as they please…"

The three Kingdoms had agreed to the proposal put forth by the Revilion Kingdom. the three kingdoms do have territories directly adjacent to the Revilion Kingdom. The reason they agreed was to strengthen Revilion which has the closest territory to the Demon race Kingdom.

"From the point of view of the Kingdom of Georgia, we will agree to this proposal with a few conditions…"


"Yeah… firstly we don't want to get involved in hero training... secondly... we won't send any form of military aid to the Revilion Kingdom once the heroes have been summoned…"

"Is that all...?"

"Yeah is that all our condition to agree with this proposal…."

"Then we have a deal…"

When the Kingdom of Georgia agreed to summon a hero with conditions, the two remaining kingdoms also put forward conditions. The Kingdom of Montair put forward 3 conditions, firstly it doesn't want to be involved in the hero summoning ritual. then the second and third conditions were almost the same as the two conditions put forward by the Kingdom of Georgia. While the Bionter Kingdom only put forward one condition to the Revilion Kingdom, exemption from entry tax for merchants.

"Ok deal… with this... all the kingdoms have supported the summoning hero plan... now let's move on to the next topic... about the downfall of the Vesta Kingdom…"

The seven kings who attended the meeting smiled wickedly when they heard the next topic of discussion. Originally in the territory of the human race, there were 8 kingdoms that stood firm. They all live in harmony and help each other. But everything changed over time, the Kingdom of Vesta, which had the smallest territory, began to be oppressed. The cunning of the great countries made the fall of the Vesta Kingdom accelerate.

"Based on the results of this meeting... we all agreed to treat the area of ​​the former Kingdom of Vesta as a special Mine... where the ownership will be carried out in rotation... each kingdom can only own the area for 1 year... then after 7 years... and the seven countries have had their turn… ownership of the area will be contested by winning the Magic Knights Festival in the Neutral Zone every year… next I will read the results of the discussion about summoning heroes..."

The meeting attended by the seven kings of the human race continued into the night. The main objective of the meeting was discussed without any problems, the king of the Revilion Kingdom was very happy when he was in the inn.

"When the heroes arrive... you will be finished, little vampire...! Hahaha….! enjoy the rest of your time well within the demon lord territory..."

"Ha… chu…!"

Novar who was checking some documents on the report on the construction of the vampire capital was sneezing.

"My lord… are you sick…?"

"Don't joke with me Rosa... how could a vampire get sick...?"

"My apologize…"

Rossa came to Demon Union Capital to pick up Novar as well as give him important documents. The birth of Novar's brother was very good news, but the birth process was not as difficult as his brother's. The reason was that the younger brother was not pure blood like his older brother. It is quite natural, the birth of a pure-blood vampire is something that is very rare. Even in the last 2 thousand years, only Novar was born as a pure-blooded vampire.

"Everything I have to do in the Demon Union Capital I've done... I'm even more than satisfied to see the results of my honor disciple's training… now all that's left is to take care of rebuilding the Vampire Capital... those we pick up from the remnants of the war will become absolutely perfect pieces…"

As Novar smiled evilly in the Royal guest room, Bargon who was in the Royal Medical Facility opened his eyes.

"HAAA…!! What happen…? Where I am…? ARGH…!"

'That's right... I was defeated like a loser when I fought against my father…'

Bargon's memory vaguely returned and gave him a replay of the incident. When the battle started, Bargon took the initiative to attack first with his axe. He launched a vertical strike to cut his father's body in half. But his axe only succeeded in splitting the afterimage of his father's body.

His father appeared to his left and gave Bargon a hard punch in the face. Bargon recalled the hideous look his father made when he launched an attack. The father did not look sad at all when he hit his son's face. Abaddon kept moving from Bargon's left to right quickly. then he again threw a hard punch at Bargon's face.

'I was wrong... father may be getting old, but he doesn't go easy on his son... I broke all of my ribs... my face was almost crushed... if it wasn't for the rigorous training I underwent in the wild... my head might break when it takes the first hit… even my axe is completely useless when faced with his movement speed...'

while recalling the moment of his defeat, Bargon didn't feel sad at all. he even smiled with satisfaction when he saw the power that his father had.

"Hahaha… for now it looks like I have to give up on pursuing the title of a crown prince... if dad is still that strong without using his weapon... at least this Kingdom won't be destroyed in the next 100 years…"

At sunrise, Novar goes to visit the Royal Medical Facility to see his brother before he returns to the Vampire Capital. He saw a large man coming out of the Royal Medical Facility with an excited face. The big man went towards the palace, Novar ignored him and went straight into the Royal Medical Facility.

"Looks like this will be the last day I can see you, little brother… I believe being with our mother for 5 years in Demon Union Capital is the best path… when you grow up... I look forward to your return to the Vampire Capital... of course, I will also work hard so that the place will be much better than before."

"Have you finished saying goodbye…?"

"Yup… I'm done, mom… please take care of my little brother until he finishes the Young Devil Party."

"Sure… that also includes the pact you made with the demon king, right...?"


Novar hugged his mother who was still in bed after answering her question. He had not felt his own mother's embrace in a long time because of some trouble that came in the beginning.

"Bye, mom…"

"Bye Novar… be strong like your father…"


After saying goodbye, Novar left with Rosa. they returned to the Vampire Capital to take care of many development-related matters.

To be continue~