
Prologue: In the beginning

"Why are we here?" Leo said from across the room slouched in his throne. I checked my watch and the Moon Goddess was late which was unusual for her. She was always prompt unless the other Gods held her up but even then she would send a message letting us know. I was starting to worry the longer we were all cooped up in the main throne room.

"The Moon Goddess demanded a meeting with us. Probably because Gemini did something stupid and now we are all in trouble because you know he didn't act alone," Virgo quipped from his throne tossing a glare at Gemini who just smiled.

"I haven't done anything this week. All the little humans are fine and if anyone was to blame, it would totally be Aries. Right Aries?"

"Gemini leave my name off your tongue before I rip it out," Aries looked over at Gemini who held up his hands in defeat.

"Cancer why do you think we have been summoned?" Pisces asked looking over at me with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head and glanced over at Capricorn who was focused on his phone, probably texting his wife. Sagittarius was over in a corner talking to Aquarius and Pisces, leaving Taurus and Libra brooding in their thrones. I looked around at my brothers each with their own very distinct personalities an wondered which one was the reason we were all here.

"No one has done anything wrong. However given past events the other Gods are demanding that we hold a Star Queen ceremony," the Moon Goddess sauntered in and immediately commanding the attention of all twelve Zodiac kings. "Now I know none of you are looking for a bride but the other Gods are hoping this will help tame all of you."

A Star Queen ceremony is when the Gods choose a human woman to spend one month with each King in hopes she falls in love with one of them. Once she decides which King she will marry a ceremony will be held to turn her into a Star Queen, a title that is shared amongst the Zodiac King's wives and will make her immortal. The last Star Queen ceremony was held over ten millennia ago when Capricorn married his Queen, Jenna.

"Why are the Gods pushing this on us now?" Leo said straightening in his throne and leaning toward the Moon Goddess. She held up her hand to silence all the other Kings.

"I only called you all here to tell you that the human woman will be here tomorrow and the first kingdom she will be staying at is Aries. So get ready and good luck."

And with that she flashed herself out of the room leaving me and my brothers dumbfounded. Capricorn was the first to break the silence.

"Do you think she still has to stay with me even though I have a Queen?"

I laughed and my brothers followed along each getting louder and louder until the room was filled with laughter.