
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

Master_MoJo · แอคชั่น
18 Chs

The Young Knight

Hey! I think we're here! Tina looked through her telescope and saw a city filled with medieval houses, towers, and huge castles. The city of Camelot, dead ahead. As they arrived in Camelot, Kyle and Tina were amazed by the towers and statues that filled the city. This place is so big where are we supposed to find the Dragon Star. Said Kyle. Well, according to the map, it seems that the treasure is somewhere underground. Said Tina. Well, it seems like we need to find a tunnel of some sort. The two suddenly heard a huge commotion coming from the city square.

In the name of King Edmund! I Squire Zhane place you under arrest! Oh, please, you expect us to order from a little knight in training? Maybe when you get a little more experience, we will humor you. The young squire grabbed the troublemaker's hand and took him down to the ground. Now, when I say you're under arrest, I mean it! The other two criminals charged at Zhane with their swords, but he dodged their attacks with ease and pinned them to the ground, and arrested all three. Wow! That guy is good.

No kidding, Kyle, maybe he can help us find the treasure he seems to know his way around Camelot. I don't think Tina, you really think it's a good idea to let some random guy know what we're looking for? Well, he might know where to start, so let's ask. Kyle and Tina walked over to the young knight, hoping to get answers. Excuse me. The knight drew his sword in front of the two pirates. Who are you! Whoa! Take it easy, I'm Kyle, and this is Tina. I am Squire Zhane. What do you want? We just want to see if you can help us find something? Find what exactly? Tina showed Zhane the map.

It's called the Dragon Star, and we want to know where we can go to find it. Zhane examined the map's details of the treasure and thought to himself. "This Dragon Star is in the Camelot Caverns, I didn't know anything was in there except rocks, this could be my ticket to become a full- fledged knight if I help these two find it… and take it for myself".

I will be happy to aid you this endeavor; the treasure you're looking for is located underground inside the Camelot Caverns. Great! Do you think you can show us the way Squire Zhane? I would be honored to help my lady. It is my duty as a knight. Excellent, well let's go find it. Said Kyle. Hold on, before we start looking for the treasure you're going to have to do something about your current attire. It is rather "unique". What do you mean by that? If you wish to walk around Camelot, you will have to dress the part. Allow me to escort you to the castle.