
Meeting With The King!

Chapter 181: Meeting With The King!

The team of Gomen were not phased by the majestic air the castle gave them, the way they walked and their demeanor were completely nonchalant. The guards, who were getting nervous by the second as they walked towards the king, were surprised and also annoyed by the way the Gomen were acting.

"Well, isn't this quite a beautiful castle, Well, our altar is much better." A goman who was walking to the far right side of the leader commented, gazing all around the large blue and white hall they were walking through to reach the king.

"Are you seriously comparing a castle to the lord's altar?" The goman who was on the other side berated the goman who first commented.

"Be quiet; you are going to meet the king of an entire race. Show some respect." The goman next to the leader from the right said.

"He's right; you may act however you want, but at least show some respect." The leader added.