

The auto-pilot went off, allowing Khan to perform a manual landing in the hangar. He handled the steering wheel carefully but firmly, and the engine became silent once the ship touched the metal floor.

"Impeccable, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard praised. "You handled your eighth flight masterfully."

"It's the seventh for the Global Army," Khan corrected since his first flight didn't count toward his license. 

"It still is an amazing achievement, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard did his best to praise. "I've never seen such a natural pilot in my life."

"Ships are easy," Khan sighed, tracing the keys on the control desk with his fingers. "They are meant to be as easy as possible. Once you memorize the commands, you only have to get used to the responsiveness."

"Sir, trainees take years to gain confidence on the steering wheel," Lieutenant Shurpard pressed on. "You had it since your first day."