
Changing Fate: From a Villain in the End of Times

Transmigrated out of nowhere Ruan Wen unexpectedly fell into an apocalyptic novel her best friend wrote! "Is this happening because I suggested those horrible death scenarios?" What kind of retribution is this?! Now she must learn to survive to see till the end of the book, problem was her character in the novel was supposed to become zombie king that the protagonists brutally killed! Fortunately she still have time to prepare! With this opportunity, can Ruan Wen change her fate from being a zombie and live her life?

Louvella · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 4 "Apocalyptic Novel"

It took her no time to reach back to her dorm room, luckily there was nobody inside.

Taking a deep breath she sat down by the study table and took out her phone. She wanted to write down everything she remembered about the book, Ruan Wen doesn't want to take any chances forgetting about any important plots.

Xia Miaomiao wrote a whole background about how the apocalypse started. In her book, it was a combination of mishandles scientific research, terrorist attacks, and unexpected planetary collision creating gamma ray burst hitting the world.

There were research facilities up north that was studying various kinds of viruses that can be used in genetic manipulation and started their human testing bordering unethical practices. Unfortunately the research went out awry and fell into the hands of some terrorist groups who wanted to reduce the population. As the terrorist group mobilised their plan in spreading a deadly virus all over the world, coincidentally an unexpected planetary collision occurred. A huge asteroid the size of a dwarf planet crashed into a neighbouring planet, creating an explosion that produced intense gamma ray bursts hitting this world's earth in the process, askewing the orbital rotations and positions of all the planets near it.

The energy that hit the world mutated the contagious virus instead of unleashing a new black plague it made the infected into the undead.

In a flash the world turn to chaos, the plants and animals mutated, some people mutated and gain superhuman abilities, many remained the same while the infected became flesh eating zombies. The society as we know it crumbled down like sand castle.

In the country where the book was set, there raised five most prominent strong bases all within the first three years and made a name for themselves. The Central Base at the imperial capital where the stronghold of the remaining government was stationed, Qillin Base at the north lead by family of the male protagonist, Ex-soldiers and mercenaries of the White Tiger Base at the west, the Qinglong Base at the east, the Vermillion Base at the south where the female lead gained most fame and some small bases scattered around.

Although the apocalypse was terrible, the zombie problem only lasted less than ten years before they went extinct, there were finite number of people afterall and people manage to handle the infection better, the real problem was with the mutated animals and plants. Reversing the food chain and dropping humans at the bottom making it hard to produce food enough to provide for the survivors.

Ruan Wen can't remember every little detail upon how it happened as it was complicated, but she was sure of one thing, the zombie attack happened when the female protagonist was in the end of the second year in university setting up the beginning of the end.

The female protagonist, Yu Xiyun was part of a mountaineering club in the school and she was preparing for the end of the year hike in her dormitory room.

I recall being impressed on how she, the female protagonist Yu Xiyun, utilised all her gears to get out of school, not to mention the abilities she awakened and the golden finger she got along the way and used it all to form her own supernatural ability group. Manipulating her way to gain a powerful foothold within the bases raising to the top and attracting suitors left and right with her charm, especially the male protagonist who was more times black bellied than her.

Speaking of golden fingers, I remember there were quite a lot of cheats written in the book. Some were even remained unclaimed till the end of the book, Miaomiao told her she was going to use it in building up for her second volume unfortunately she transmigrated before the Miaomiao started writing it.

There were all kinds of cheats and inheritances in the novel, giving the book an entire treasure hunting subplot included inside all throughout the protagonists journeys.

The best one in her opinion was the mustard space that Yu Xiyun got after defeating the zombie king Ruan Wen! She took the wooden pendant the zombie king was wearing as a trophy besides her crystal core and accidentally bleeding on it making the pendant recognise her as its master.

Stopping her thoughts, Ruan Wen stood up and rummage through her closet to find a wooden pendant. According to her memories, this pendant was given to the original owner by her grandfather when she first travelled to the city for university. It was a dark coloured carved wooden pendant stained with black varnish depicting an exquisite carvings of double badgers holding into a lotus flower at the center and are resting on a big boat shaped leaf at the front and an inscription at the back that she can't decipher, it was a bit smaller than her palm and attached with a long red beaded string.

Her grandfather said that he bought it from a taoist in the temple for goodluck and had it bless for an entire year!

That was also why the original owner always wear it only taking it off when bathing, the love and sincerity it represents in her life. Unfortunately she became a zombie early on the novel, never discovering the mustard space it contained and basically just delivered it cheaply to the female protagonist who stepped on her head, literally, to get more power!