
Black Heart Tea House

Link went over everything, and before he finalized, he realized he needed a name, his evil taste came up again as he decided the name "Black Heart Tea House" he then designed a grandmaster level sign and winced at the energy cost of 5 energy. He then grit his teeth. He then clicked finalize and was hit with an error message, due to the large modification area he had to exit the store.

So he walked out, and looked around curiously seeing no one in the early morning, he clicked confirm. Then he looked at the store and was stunned. There was no flashing light, no magical change. It was like someone just showed him a before and after picture, it happened in an instant with no fanfare.

He looked at the energy count remaining, 53. He nodded, he had plans for this energy. He walked back in the store and locked the door behind him. When he was checking out the chance place he noticed some key details, the chance place is indestructible unless specified, and he is invincible inside it.

The invincibility doesn't mean that he has crazy super powers, but more like he takes no damage, and he can expel or punish people. He wondered what the punishment was. He went back upstairs. He then tried another test for the system, can he make a chance for himself. Of course his first target is to get in shape.

He thought of countless things in his mind, before he locked an item in his memory that could help. T-Virus Serum, now it sounded dangerous, and when he was making it, he spent extra energy on specifying only positive effects and no negative effects, and cannot spread. Why did he not add any other 'Safer' options? Well this was another test of the system.

It cost a whopping 25 energy, he sweated at this. He made sure that he saved an item called 'Perfect Zombie Cure' that cost 10 energy just in case. He clicked confirm and a vial of blue liquid appeared in his hand. He was rather nervous, then he grit his teeth and drank it, then waited.

He didn't feel anything weird at first, then he felt a violent rumbling in his stomach, he ran to the bathroom. What happened was 45 minutes of embarrassment. He laid weakly on the floor. He stripped off his soaked clothes, then took a quick shower. He sat wrapped in a towel, waiting for any potential adverse effects.

He stood in front of the mirror and was surprised by the change, previously, he was handsome, but had a thin and haggard look, now what can be seen is no longer haggard, but strong and powerful, his already handsome body shines even more splendidly, and he could confidently give himself and 95/100.

He had a scholarly temperament engraved in his bones, which only added to his overall looks. He then thought about clothes, most of his clothes are old noble clothes that are too overly fancy, or leisure clothes. He thought for a moment, and decided to create a trend, He created a black executive suit.

When he put it on, his overall temperament became a bit more handsome and domineering. He carefully did his hair then heard a rumble from his stomach. He smiled, grabbed around 10 silver coins and 50 copper coins. The currencies for metal coins are relatively stable, Copper to Silver to Gold, at a ratio of 100:1.

The currencies for magic stones are around 10:1 based on grade, but it fluctuates too greatly for an accurate count. He did not have much currency left and it was cheap to use energy to 'Print Money' but he decided against it, even he knew that inflation was a bad thing. He then left the store, walking to a nearby restaurant.

He attracted many eyes along the way, even a bit of harassment from some cheeky aunts along the way. He hurried along before he found a small breakfast shop. He happily ordered some bacon and eggs, at a cost of 10 copper coins. After wiping out three servings he was finally satisfied.

He paid the bill before he went to another store, the phone store. Yes! Phones exist in this world, but they are still early developed and a bit weird. The phones are like landlines, but they are also wireless, but the box also weighs around 50 kg, and around a cubic meter in size. So it is not as convenient as a mobile phone.

It was relatively simple, the mobile number is attached to the phone and there was no such thing as phone plans yet. It cost 5 silver for a decent model and he happily paid, they offered for transport, but he tried the weight and was happily surprised by how light it was, so he did it by himself.

He was given a free version of this world's equivalent of yellow pages. He then went home quickly. He quickly installed the phone on the wall, and remembered the phone number, there was a newspaper in this world and he wondered how much it would cost for advertisement.

He then went upstairs and changed into a tuxedo vest. Then he went downstairs and printed the opening hours on the door, along with a sign that said 'Open'. He then sat down and read a book waiting for a customer.


Victoria was the daughter of a big merchant family, when she was on her carriage taking a morning run, she was stunned by someone she saw, he was so outrageously handsome, though his clothes were a bit weird, they were not bad. Her family had some cards in the high end fashion industry, and she was completely enamored by both the person and the clothes.

She had someone trace him, she was curious where he got the clothes. She was surprised when she found out that he was the owner of a tea house and a fallen noble. She decided to take a look at the store. She went low-key, only having a guard follow her. When she saw the store, her mouth fell open.

It was very different from many restaurants she had seen before, it had a very bright and open feeling. She looked at the sign, and her mouth twitched, 'Black Heart Tea House', although she knew it was the family name of the owner, it still made her feel as if it was telling her she was going to be scammed.

She motioned to her guard, and walked towards the glass door.


Link was alarmed by a small bell ringing, he looked up and saw a young woman walk in with a beefy man. He smiled, set down the book he was reading, and spoke.

"Welcome Guests!"