
Champion Of Destiny

Shen Mo transmigrates into the body of an outer disciple of the Qingxuan Sect, once the brightest among his peers. Just as he is on the cusp of entering the inner sect, his foundation is cruelly destroyed by poison. At his lowest point, Shen Mo discovers an extraordinary ability: the power to see and seize the fated opportunities of others. Are you a powerful reincarnation destined to acquire a Heavenly Tier technique? I'll take it! Are you the future Flame Emperor, refining the essence of the sun? That power is mine now! Are you a descendant of the Martial Ancestor with a Heavenly Tier spiritual weapon? Hand it over! Are you the sacred maiden of the Fox Clan, about to tame a sacred beast cub? Both the beast and your opportunities belong to me now! "My fate is in my hands, not others', for I am the CHAMPION OF DESTINY."

Lazy_Pen_Master · ตะวันออก
63 Chs

Chapter 58: Zhang Mo's Fury

Xiao Fan's face turned bright red.

Liu Yunxuan's expression, on the other hand, remained unchanged.

Shen Mo said calmly, "Address me as Senior Brother."

Xiao Fan was taken aback.

Shen Mo turned to him with a cold gaze, "Xiao Fan, don't you understand respect and hierarchy?"

Xiao Fan lowered his head, gritting his teeth, "Yes, Senior Brother Shen."

Shen Mo continued, "Do you think that letting Yin Xuege go now will make Heavenly Water Sect spare us in the second or third round?"

"Absolutely not!"

"You all saw clearly what kind of person the Heavenly Water Sect leader is when you met her for the first time!"

Shen Mo looked directly into Liu Yunxuan's eyes, "As for showing Heavenly Water Sect some respect, thinking we might need them in the future, that's absolute nonsense."

"Back when Qingxuan Sect was pushed out of the top five by Heavenly Water Sect, did they show us any respect? Did they not seize the opportunity to crush us further?"

"Why didn't they consider that they might need Qingxuan Sect in the future?"

Liu Yunxuan's composure finally broke.

He knew Shen Mo was absolutely right, and there was no way to argue against it.

Zhao Ting, Luo Shengnan, Zhao Rou, and the other disciples of Qingxuan Sect cheered for Shen Mo from the bottom of their hearts.

His reasoning was meticulous and foresighted.

One couldn't help but admire him!

After saying this, Shen Mo turned his gaze towards Yin Xuege.

Hearing Shen Mo's words, Yin Xuege's expression turned panicked.

He realized that the disciples of Qingxuan Sect were not intimidated by his threats.

Instead, Shen Mo's words had unified them even more against their common enemy.

"You, you need to think carefully."

"You're too selfish. How can you not consider the other disciples of Qingxuan Sect?"

Yin Xuege instinctively stepped back, spitting out a few weak threats.

Shen Mo's face remained as calm as ever.

"The other four Young Supremes seem quite formidable, so why are you so lacking?"

Shen Mo shook his head and suddenly struck out with his palm.


Yin Xuege was instantly sent flying.

He was launched out of the martial arena.

Upon landing, he was so enraged that he spat out blood and fainted on the spot.

The moment Yin Xuege was sent flying, a collective gasp arose from the stands.

When Yin Xuege had been surrounded by the Qingxuan Sect team, he had already captured the attention of nearly ninety percent of the audience.

Everyone wanted to know whether the disciples of Qingxuan Sect dared to knock Yin Xuege out of the arena.

After all, he was one of the Five Young Supremes of Xuanjiang and the face of the younger generation of Heavenly Water Sect.

In past first rounds, there had been conflicts among the Five Young Supremes, but they had always tacitly avoided eliminating each other.

Would the Qingxuan Sect disciples break this unspoken rule?

Or would they be so intimidated by Yin Xuege that they would let him leave, even in his severely injured state?

Now they knew.

Shen Mo dared!

He truly dared!

"Good! Good! Good!"

Heavenly Water Sect leader Zhang Mo stood up abruptly, her face extremely calm as she uttered three consecutive "goods," her voice echoing throughout the martial arena.

She then turned and left with a flick of her sleeve.

Her demeanor and tone clearly indicated that her inner fury had reached its peak!

"Haha, this Shen Mo is truly an interesting person," Mo Yuheng covered her mouth, laughing softly, her smile growing even brighter.

"Damn it! In the second round, if we encounter Qingxuan Sect disciples, show no mercy. Use your full strength, understood?" Wan Renjie growled.

"Yes!" the disciples of Thunderfire Sect responded in low voices.

In the Rising Sun Sect team, Hong Chilong laughed heartily, "Well done! Yin Xuege, that guy, doesn't deserve to be one of the Five Young Supremes!"

Within the Divine Sword Sect team, Zhou Qingcang, who had been silently polishing his long sword, finally stood up and cast his gaze toward Shen Mo.

"Senior Brother, what do you think of him?" a Divine Sword Sect disciple asked.

Zhou Qingcang pondered for a moment, "Very strong, very smart."

The Divine Sword Sect disciples were astonished. Zhou Qingcang had never given anyone such high praise before, not even to Hong Chilong, Mo Yuheng, or Wan Renjie.

Yin Xuege's elimination marked the moment when the number of participants in the martial arena reached one hundred.

Divine Sword Sect leader Luo Chaotian, who had been keeping an eye on the count, infused his voice with spiritual energy and announced, "Cease fighting!"

These two words seemed to have a magical effect.

As soon as they were spoken, all the disciples simultaneously stopped their battles.

"Congratulations to the one hundred disciples who have passed the first round."

"The second round will begin tomorrow at the hour of the rabbit."

"Rest well. Tomorrow, we will announce the rewards for the top ten of the Hundred Sect Ceremony."

All the disciples responded in unison, "Yes!"

As soon as the first round ended, Murong Yue and Liu Yuanfeng quickly approached the Qingxuan Sect disciples.

Murong Yue's usually cold and elegant face was now beaming with a bright smile.

"Shen Mo, well done! That's how it should be!"

Shen Mo bowed, "Your disciple has not disgraced the mission."

Liu Yuanfeng said coolly, "Leader, you should think more about how to handle Zhang Mo's impending wrath in the second and third rounds."

Murong Yue, still in high spirits, was suddenly doused with cold water by Liu Yuanfeng's words and snorted coldly, "I am well aware of that, no need for Deputy Leader Liu to remind me!"

At this moment, the Verdant Vine Sect team approached.

Their arrival made Zhao Ting, Luo Shengnan, and the others put away their smiles and turn to face the newcomers.

Zhao Rou gazed blankly at the beautiful woman.

How could someone have such stunning looks and an alluring figure?

Compared to Mo Yuheng, she felt inferior in every aspect.

Not big enough where it should be, not long enough where it should be, not curvy enough where it should be.

Luo Shengnan, on the other hand, eyed Mo Yuheng warily, wondering what this enchantress wanted.

Mo Yuheng chuckled lightly, "Can I have my little snake back now?"

Shen Mo shrugged and took out the white snake from his arms, handing it over. "It came over on its own."

The white snake opened its mouth, making soft noises, and before leaving, it gently bit Shen Mo's finger.

It didn't draw blood or break the skin; it was more like a pet's playful nip to its owner.

Mo Yuheng smiled as she took the white snake, tapping its head with her slender finger, "Who is your master?"

The white snake turned its head away, seemingly annoyed.

After a moment of contemplation, it dove into the light gauze at Mo Yuheng's chest, causing her body to shiver slightly.

"Goodbye, I hope you can make it through the second round." Mo Yuheng waved, throwing a kiss to Shen Mo as she left.

That fleeting gesture captivated many men, making them stop and stare.

Shen Mo's heart raced, and it took a while for it to return to its normal pace.

Murong Yue frowned slightly and stepped in front of Shen Mo.

I can't let my excellent disciple be easily seduced by women.

"Leader Mo, please keep your daughter in check," she said, looking at the bearded man in green behind Mo Yuheng.

The bearded man coughed lightly, "My daughter has grown up and is hard to discipline now, ahem."

He then reminded, "Leader Murong, be careful. Leader Zhang may not react well to this."

Murong Yue nodded and watched as the Verdant Vine Sect team departed.

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