
a choice

snavé looked comfortable in his gown element now in a blue zip up jumper with the collar that wraps around your neck his once withered appearance was now more developed you could see his eyes smiling through the glasses which sat on the bridge of his nose he said I wanted to speak to you about your faction and proper training " the nasal tone had completely changed he now had a clear voice and pronounced every word with confidence.

I asked him what about my faction and he quickly drowned me out explaining that he wanted to help me out with my career choices he handed me a sheet writtennon it where my options for factioning in the margin on the heading line where a list of all the different cores from metal to water between each core was a column from top to bottom.

he said I want to help you decide what faction and in future help you with other types of decisions. your first decision is what faction you want to join.




Christian god

its important to consider your attributes and what the factions value like how pheonix accept fire and lightning your cores,where as Zeus and Christian god both like life and lightning. i personally would say your best option is pheonix but you could also go for pheonix.

I grabbed my pen and hovered it over the boxes and crossed out god and Zeus I had one more to cross out but the pen didnt want to touch the paper,.the names echoed in my mind I pictured a hero standing on top he was Ductum Diles. he looked over his shoulder at me and nodded.

a flash of light past me and I opened my eyes I'd made my decision slowly I lowered my pen pushing it through what felt like an impenetrable wall. my mark on the paper made it clear I was going to be a member of the pheonix faction.

slamming my pen on the table I smiled looking at Snavé in the eyes he said in a keen tone interesting he folded the paper into his pocket and passed me a form with all the information I needed to join a faction a I went through it signing my name in all the right areas as I hopped up and passed the form to Snavè he placed it in an envelope which he then placed in what looked like a clear tube he flicked a switch And the tube glowed and whistled in a foreign tone. the envelope was gone and it had emptied its self I asked what had happend and he said I've sent it of to the pheonix faction HQ it should call for a response in a- the tube glowed again and it hummed in a warm wave and a new envelope was inside he took it out and opened it and read the fist line candidate approved with proper training to begin in the next weak the envelope came with a badge that drifted towards me quickly it blurred ip as it pressed into my chest.i had a burning sensation he grabbed my shoulder quickly and told me "dont worry it wont hurt for long he was right infact it hurt for only an instant