
Chains of Destiny

Evan Blackwood, a normal boy in the realm of Eldoria. He was the only child of his parents. His parents were Mages that opposed the ruling power, the Council of Shadows. Because of their opposition, they both were assasinated by the council. Evan who was just ten, was taken as a slave. Evan was sold of to become a gladiator, to entertain the nobles. He is pushed close to death on many occasions, but his thirst for vegeance kept him alive. Finding solace in darkness, Evan awakens as a dark mage. Shadow Song, the organization that rebels against the council. The organization was the one his parents belonged to. They set their sights on Evan, and assist in his escape. With freedom, Evan can now pursue his vengeance, using the Shadow song as a stepping stone. As he pretends to go along with their plan to restore balance to Eldoria, while planning to exact his revenge. His rage burns deep, as he doesn't care to use those around him or even the entire realm to get his revenge. As he gets closer to his revenge, he leaves a bloody trail behind. But now to get his opportunity, he will have to risk even more. Will he do it or will he find something worth saving in this world. Protagonist: Evan Blackwood

VoidPhantom · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Evan Blackwood stood in the dimly lit cell, the air heavy with the stench of sweat and despair. The sound of dripping water echoed through the stone walls, a constant reminder of the hopelessness that permeated his existence. He longed for the touch of sunlight on his skin, for the gentle caress of a breeze that carried the scent of blooming flowers or heard the songs of birds.

His parents, skilled sorcerers who had once fought against the oppressive regime, had been brutally murdered before his eyes. Their only crime was daring to challenge the Council of Shadows, the ruling elite of Eldoria. Evan could still see their lifeless bodies, their blood staining the cobblestones as the shadows of their killers danced mockingly around them.

After their deaths, Evan had been captured and sold into slavery, forced to fight as a gladiator in the infamous arenas of the capital city. The scars that crisscrossed his body were a testament to the countless battles he had fought, the lives he had taken, and the darkness that had seeped into his soul.

But Evan had not given up hope. Deep within him burned a flickering flame of defiance, a determination to rise above his circumstances and seek justice for his parents. He had spent years honing his sorcery, mastering the manipulation of shadows, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike back at those who had stolen everything from him.

The sound of footsteps echoed down the dimly lit corridor, jolting Evan from his thoughts. He pressed himself against the cold stone wall, his heart pounding in his chest. The heavy iron door creaked open, revealing a burly guard with a sadistic grin etched onto his face.

"Time to entertain the crowd, Blackwood," the guard sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Let's see if you're still as skilled as they say."

Evan's eyes narrowed, his resolve hardening. He would not be a pawn in their twisted games any longer. With a surge of power, he summoned the shadows to his aid, their inky tendrils wrapping around the guard's legs, causing him to stumble and fall.

Seizing the opportunity, Evan lunged forward, his fists connecting with the guard's face. Blow after blow rained down, fueled by a mixture of desperation and righteous anger. The guard's blood splattered across the cell floor, mingling with the darkness that clung to Evan's hands.

Finally, the guard lay motionless, defeated. Evan took a moment to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. This was just the beginning. He knew he had to escape, to find the resistance group known as the Shadowsong, and join their fight against the Council of Shadows.

With newfound determination, Evan stepped over the guard's unconscious body and ventured into the labyrinthine corridors of the arena. His senses heightened, he navigated through the shadows, avoiding the patrolling guards and the prying eyes of the Council's spies.

As he made his way through the maze-like tunnels, he stumbled upon a hidden chamber, its walls adorned with ancient symbols and faded tapestries. A whisper of a voice echoed in his mind, guiding him towards a hidden compartment. Inside, he found a worn leather satchel containing a map, a set of lockpicks, and a letter bearing the seal of the Shadowsong.

The letter revealed the location of a secret meeting place, a safe haven where the resistance planned their next move against the Council. Evan's heart swelled with hope as he realized he was not alone in his fight. There were others who shared his pain, his determination to bring down the council, and return peace to Eldoria.

With the satchel securely strapped to his side, Evan continued his journey through the dark underbelly of the city. He knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, filled with danger and uncertainty. But he was willing to face it all, for the sake of his parents, for the sake of Eldoria.

As he emerged from the shadows into the moonlit streets, Evan took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of freedom mingled with the faint hint of rebellion. The chains that had bound him for so long were shattered, replaced by a newfound purpose and an unyielding resolve.

The journey ahead would be long and arduous, but Evan knew that he was destined for something greater. He would become the force that through darkness would destroy darkness, the catalyst for the destruction of the council that ruined his life as well as that of many others. With every step he took, he vowed to honor his parents' memory and forge a new destiny, one that would bring an end to the reign of the Council of Shadows.

And so, Evan Blackwood, the sorcerer with a heart of fire and shadows, embarked on a perilous journey towards his true destiny, unaware of the trials and tribulations that awaited him, and the role he would play in shaping the fate of Eldoria, destroying it in his quest for vegeance or helping it regain balance. The path he had chosen would lead him to unexpected allies, dangerous adversaries, and a destiny far greater than he could have ever imagined.

Not too long after his escape from the hell that, had been his home for years of his life. The alarms rang, tainting the air with their horrendous sound.

Evan took the blaring alarms as a sign to start running. The freedom he so desperately grasped at was now his to own, there was no way he would dilly dally and get caught again.

His bare feet slapped the ground, as he fled like the wind. He was on his way to a tommorow where he would stand against the Goliath that had tormented his life.