
Chains of Blood

In a world of magic and mystery a young farm boy named Kaelen is thrust into a brutal gladiatorial arena after witnessing his family’s murder and being sold into slavery. At fifteen, Kaelen’s immense physical strength and resilience become his only means of survival as he fights monstrous beasts and seasoned gladiators in the blood-soaked pits.

0Rokan0 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 17: Clean

Kaelen stood there, staring into the mirror, lost in thought. The conversation he shared with Lily played over in his mind, her innocent questions and bright curiosity bringing a fleeting warmth to his heart. He heard the door open behind him this time and turned to see Lila struggling to close it, her arms laden with laundry.

"Let me get that," Kaelen said, moving towards her.

Strangely enough, his side didn't ache as much as it did before, and most of the sores and bruises seemed to have vanished. He quickly reached the door and closed it, then offered to help with the laundry. Lila smiled but declined.

"I'd love your help, but you need to wash yourself off and change into clean clothes first," she said.

Kaelen smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Almost messed up your laundry," he said apologetically.

He looked down at himself, noting that while his upper body was relatively clean—likely thanks to Lila cleaning his wounds—the rest of him was filthy. His hair was a tangled mess, and his trousers were in tatters, barely hanging together and long unwashed.

"Is there a place I can clean myself?" he asked.

Lila put the laundry down and nodded. "I can draw you a bath, but there's a stream just west of the village. It's fresh and clear."

Kaelen shook his head. "You've done so much already. The stream sounds perfect."

Lila's face softened. "Just be careful. The woods can be tricky if you don't know your way. Follow the path west, and you'll see the stream. It's not too far."

Kaelen nodded, grateful for her guidance. He turned to leave, but she stopped him.

"What are you planning to wear after you clean up?" she asked, eyeing his tattered pants with a hint of disgust.

He shrugged. "I was planning on washing these and putting them back on."

Lila sighed, clearly disapproving. "Wait here."

She disappeared into another room, and sounds of rattling and shifting filled the small house. When she returned, she was carrying a bag. Walking up to Kaelen, she pushed the bag into his hands.

"These were my dad's. They might not fit perfectly, but anything's better than what you have now."

Kaelen smiled, noticing the sadness in her eyes. He chose not to address it, understanding that some things were better left unsaid. "Thank you," he said sincerely.

He stepped out the door, closing it behind him, and walked along the small stone path leading away from the house. For a moment, he paused, taking in the sight of the village. "I'm free," he whispered to himself, the weight of those words sinking in.

Kaelen walked west towards the setting sun. The late afternoon light cast a warm, golden hue over everything, making the world seem almost magical. The air was fresh, carrying the scents of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the forest. Birds chirped melodiously, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze added to the serene atmosphere.

The beauty of the surroundings struck Kaelen deeply. Every tree, flower, and animal seemed perfect, a stark contrast to the brutal reality he had known. A tear slid down his cheek as he whispered, "I wish you could be here with me."

He wiped the tear away as he reached the stream. The village was now out of sight, and the area was quiet, with no one around. He set the bag gently on the ground and stepped onto the stream's bank, scanning the area to ensure it was safe.

Confident that he was alone, Kaelen removed his trousers and stepped into the water. The coolness enveloped him, bringing immediate relief. He submerged his torso, expecting pain from his injuries, but instead felt only soothing comfort. Confused, he got out of the water and removed the bandages. To his astonishment, his wounds had healed, leaving only scars where there had once been cuts and bruises.

He stood there in disbelief, examining his body. Roderick's words about aura echoed in his mind: "Listen, Kaelen, there are many types and ways to use aura. The main four are Elemental Aura, which manipulates elements like fire, water, earth, or air, with each user often having an affinity for a specific element. Physical Aura enhances physical attributes like strength, speed, and endurance. Healing Aura allows its user to heal wounds and cure ailments. And Mental Aura affects the mind, including telepathy, illusions, or mental resistance." He realized that his rapid healing must have been due to his aura, a manifestation of the healing type.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he focused on bathing. The feeling of washing away the grime and filth was indescribably comforting. The water, clear and cool, carried away the dirt and sweat, leaving him feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The scent of the forest mingled with the clean, crisp smell of the water, creating a natural, invigorating aroma.

Once he finished, he let the breeze dry him off. The sun was now low in the sky, casting long shadows and a warm, golden light over the landscape. Kaelen walked over to the bag Lila had given him and opened it. Inside, he found a pair of black linen trousers. They fit well enough, though the legs were a bit short.

Next, he pulled out a simple gray tunic. It was a bit tight, but it felt comforting to have something covering his body. Finally, he found a worn pair of brown leather boots. Sitting on the grass, he cleaned his feet before slipping the boots on. They fit perfectly, much better than the makeshift wraps he had used before.

Dressed in his new clothes, Kaelen smiled. The boots felt like clouds compared to the rough ground he had been walking on. He picked up the bag and started back towards the village. As he walked, he took in the sights and sounds of the forest, feeling a profound sense of peace and freedom.