
CFO Element: Monarch of the Night

Every Man, Woman, Child, Living organism that roam the plains of Hilderia has heard of the legend of the Majestic being that hunts the night. Uleen Virgo the mysterious King of the night, now forced to live as the ultimate predator, seeks for nothing but to break Itself from the curse that afflicted it and took away its freedom. Aaliyah Walters, the lowest of all the humans, suffering the most amongst all of the humans. Even in the time of prosperity for humans she was bound by a contract to serve the higher ups as a lowly slave. She was later accused of a crime by the king she loved and admired so much, fearing for her life; she flees into the comfort of the King of the night Uleen Virgo. Uleen Virgo then makes it a priority to become the god of Hildera and unite all the races under one rule to protect them all from the incoming attack. A being after the rumor and curses layed on it by all, decided to sacrifice Itself to save all it swore to protect.

Francis_Oks · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Extra Chapter: A glimpse into life before the Heart of Power and more..........

Long ago...

Before the discovery of the heart belonging to the Origin of Power the humans existed.

Obviously, that was an obvious fact, but this form of existence was not considered living.

Constantly plundering one another to the point of utter chaos and killing off one another. The human society was as vial, arrogant, and savage as the whole of Hilderia thought them to be.

Like wild animals, each human territory tried to take control over Willow-Hind for power. It was a really sad experience.

There were monsters that lurked in every corner of the forest making it impossible to use the fertile and surplus lands in the forest for farming and gathering of resources.

The humans sure had conviction.

Although no human left Willow-Hind because of the danger of going into an unknown territory, just imagine running into the Nord territory or even worse the castle of the Night where the Ultimate predator layed dormant waiting for prey to meet him.

The human maps had Hilderia unchartered as a whole.

They found a way to communicate with other cities on Willow-Hind but instead of establishing trade and other essential exchanges, they chose plundering.

The other races did as they chose to the humans...

It was mostly the Nord who came to the human continent to satisfy their hunger, bringing with them death, pain, and despair.

With only their footsteps they could decimate the entirety of a single human city shrinking down to the size of a human to consume what was left in what they destroyed.

It was all in the legends and history books.

The Key to saving themselves.

So began the age of expedition.

It wasn't only Talen in the race, Talen was just the victorious one.

With no form of cooperation the humans will form.



Hilderia is a very vast land with a lush population.

What more need be said?

Hilderia was a world or realm (depending on the point of view) said to be created by the Great Jordan himself. 

Why was he never seen?

The tale as old as time can give a perspective...

The Lore states that Hilderia was a heaven of double possiblities.

There was an immortal oracle that the 'gods' (not to be compared to the gods of the various realms. More like the dragons and high status beings of near unimaginable power) often consulted to get a glimpse into the future.

The oracle is a system that reincarnates into different races as the life of the current oracle passes on another from a different race will gain the power.

The power of the oracle was immortal but the oracle as a single person was not.


The humans were divided into their seperate (at the time Vilages) cities band together by various bloodlines.

Who said there wasnt any magic in the human society at the time?

Yes magic existed but it was not powerful enough to be used as anything but mere toys.

It was the heart of power that forcibly pulled out the potential of the humans the "Why's" are unkwown but as it stands there was no help for any humans.

It was a repeating cycle of incessant pain, suffering and death.

How many time had the King of the Night gotten into Talen to help push the society foward but all the humans were so unaware.

Together with Uleen, the dragon gods helped with what they could from Wuxia, the dragon realm.

Wuxia is a world that has not been fully delved into. 

Maybe it would'nt.

For all that its worth Wuxia along with the dragons were crytid meaning that there was no proof of the existence.

Talen was the only nation that was famous across all of Hilderia, after all the current ruler King Adrea Hill formerly a mysterious shaman killed Utgard with a single chop from his palm to the neck.

The todes of power were shifting and there was no going back Hilderai was about to be consumed by the flames of war. 

Where was the benevolent being, the majestic being that lurks in the night at every corner ready to kill and consume all that it needs and the rest was for sport.

There was just no way something had that much of an unquenchable hunger.


It was already known that in the Forest around the entirety of the Human continent there lurked monsters that were presumed to be Uleen Virgo but were not. These monsters were either magic or non-magic. 

 From the carcass Magic monsters were cores or batteries of energy that the humans used for secret exploration until the Heart of Power was discovered. 

As for the former resting place of the Heart of Power, the only person aware of it was the person who hid it. 

It must have been the case that the humans were desperate to rid themselves of the weakness that was a result of them just existing.

It was the reason that the dragons had the chance to play dress up, pretending to be gods. When in fact actual gods existed.

It wasn't like there was a clear depiction and gap in the powers of the dragons and the gods and Hilderia was in dire need of order.

The main reason for that is the leader of each dragon division became dragon-gods. 

The four dragons, as futile and childish as the egotistical role was it was essential to keeping the balance in Hilderia.

Hilderia, Wuxia, and some other worlds lost to time were all sister planets capable of sealing even the like of the Origin. 

There were more worlds out there but nothing on Hilderia had the power to leave or navigate the cosmic sea that surrounds the galaxy that Hilderia was located at.

"Let this be Known to all, be it power or majesty I am at the pinnacle of all these simplicities. Stand proud for only in pride will one grow. I was most loved, now I stand alone in the boredom and confusion in the border of right and wrong. The day will come when I free myself from all physical shackles and return to who I once was," said the King of the Night in the darkness of Hilderia when he first landed.

This is one of the chapters i promised to add.

More will come soon!!!

If you want Volume 2 comment and share more, if i get to a certain rank i will release Volume 2 but for now Enjoy!!!

Francis_Okscreators' thoughts