

Chapter Four: Shadow...

[Class Skill: Aura lv.3]

[Unique Skill: Allocate lv.5]

[Rare✨ Skill: Antibody lv.5]

[Skill: Echo Location lv.2]

[Skill: Sensory lv.5]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration lv.3]

[Skill: Reinforce lv.5]

[Superior Skill: Full Resistance lv.25]

[Superior Skill: Mental Barrier lv.9]

That's the list of skills I've obtained, my goal, to level-up and evolve them.

I've been using [Echo Location] to monitor around the house, it's gotten to point where I can differentiate people simply from their soundwaves.

But it had stagnated, no matter how long I used it now, it wouldn't go past level five, that's how I came to the conclusion that they could be evolved in some way.

I just have to figure out how. I've tried to use it in tandem with [Sensory] but it was a lot more difficult than I thought. Well, matching frequencies isn't something I can just do at the drop of a hat; Think of solving a simple equation that changes the way it's asked the whole time you're solving it.

Although, I did feel myself get further every time I solved it.

Then, finally! I did it!

>Skills [Echo Location] and [Sensory] have become synchronized.

>After harmonizing with [Echo Location], [Skill:Sensory] attempts evolution!?

>Do you accept?

>Y or N?

[Warning: Skill, Echo Location Will be sacrificed to evolve skill, Sensory]

>Y or N

>[Skill: Sensory] has evolved!

>New skill created!

>What will be its name?


[Uncommon Skill: Sense lv.1]

Suddenly I felt as if the echos became an extension of me, I could see everything, I even knew the density of everything sound traveled through.

I was surprised to say the least. It was a simple change in how the two skills interacted rather than two skills stacked upon each other.

Now I just have to try with my other skills.

[Reinforce], a skill that tensed up my muscles, strengthening them to their peak. I didn't know exactly how but, I did know that it would be one of the skills I'd need the most to evolve.

I started by intensely exercising, I figured if I used it long enough I'd eventually brute force an evolution, but It didn't even level up after an hour of push-ups!

No. Let me try something…

I jumped in the air for a few hours… kicking, punching, flippin…

After about five hours, it finally worked.

>New [Skill: Air movement] created!

[Air Movement lv.1]

>You can move around in the air better than the average person ¬_¬

All this time I could have checked the description of my skills if I had just thought about it?!

Hey! You gonna answer? Don't tell me the all mighty goddess is tongue-tied?

She never answered… Maybe it has something to do with that message.

[Your existence has been acknowledged]

I've thought about it ever since I saw it.

But no theory I've come up with helps put my mind at ease.

No! Now's the time to focus… I spent a few hours leveling up the newest skill, peaking at level ten.

I used [Regeneration].

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[You have Gained the Achievement "Razor sharp focus"]

[You have earned a rare✨Skill:[Focus]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

I could create skills through repetition, though I think they have to be specific.

I used [Focus] and [Reinforce] to try and bypass the limiter of my body.

My first goal is to reinforce my offense through a skill that could boost my strength, at least by double. Push-ups, sit-ups, and lots of crunches. 

I've been going at it for two days, healing every two hours.

After a while his aunt came up to bring food. I gratefully accepted… She seemed chatty

Anyway, I continued my regimen, except this time I healed every four hours. 

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

A thought crossed his mind, interrupting his [Focus] 

Could I check my stats?

I could check my skills if I focused, could I do the same with my stats?

I closed my eyes, trying to visualize them.












>POWER: 49

>Stamina: 50


>SENSE: 50



>LUCK: 2


>WILL: 50

Being able to check your status is a special skill?

Anyway, I figured the best way to evolve [Reinforce] was to use [Allocate], I'd been trying to use a more rudimentary way to have better control… but I guess that's more of me not understanding the depth of [Allocate].

>User can "effectively" control their body…

It was such a vague description. Although, from another point of view you could simply call it straight forward.

His aunt stayed to tell stories almost everyday. It wasn't too annoying

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

>Your strength has flourished!

>You have now surpassed human bounds!

>You have met the requirement for Sub-skill [passive control]


If I can evolve a skill before it reaches its max state, what would be the point? 

>skill [Reinforce], and Unique skill [Allocate] have synchronized!

>After harmonizing with [Reinforce], Unique skill [Allocate] attempts Class-up!!!

>Do you accept?

>Y or N?

>Y or N

[Attempting Class-up…]

[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]


[Attempt Failed]



[attempt accepted!]

>[Unique Skill: Allocate] has classed up!

>New [Ultimate Skill: Allocate] created!

[Skill [Reinforce lv.Max] has been converted into a sub-skill]

>New [Sub-Skill: Tense lv.Max] created!

What… just happened? My body, I can… feel it! Like really feel it!

Every muscle, vein, blood vessel, and nerve… I can even feel my cells!

Are they all separate!? What the hell even am I! 

I can't… breathe!

I lost consciousness…

An hour has passed, I was confused at first, but apparently a panic attack isn't worth a pop-up.

I've finally got the hang of feeling myself, like seeing a big puzzle picture.

Although, there's still the feeling of my seven, well, six senses.

I can feel the gentle heat of the blanket I'm under. The soft chill under my hair.

The tiny pops of electricity being passed throughout my body through my nerves.

Although I can't decide what feels most disturbing, the feeling of the bacteria, the void feeling of my dead cells, or the way it feels to look through my eyes.

[You Have Leveled Up ^1]

[Uncommon Skill: Sense] has reached max level!

I opened my eyes, I saw, felt, smelt, tasted, heard, and sensed everything differently!

Wait, how would I explain this? Like my senses have linked, in a certain sense, but more in a vague way.

The feeling of this blanket, I could tell you just from sight how fluffy it was.

But this softness that felt like a cloud, would also taste like cotton if you decided to eat it.

And that it had almost no nutritional value save for the leather and water droplets, but you'd need a skill or an ability to absorb droplets of this scale anyway.

His aunt sat beside the bed, sleeping with her head on the bed.

His grandfather came up with a tray, a breakfast tray.

After waking up his aunt, we ate in silence for a while. The silence was broken by his aunt with a funny little story.

My fifth day I worked on my balance and flexibility.

I stood on my hands for hours, after about three hours passed I started to do pushups while handstanding.

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[strength +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

[Stamina +1]

























[You have the Stamina of a horse!] 

>You have broken the barrier of human limits once again!

>New [Uncommon Skill: Swift] earned!

>Uncommon Skill [Swift], and Ultimate Skill [Allocate lv. max] have synchronized!

>Your senses are engrossed in your surroundings...

>New [Uncommon Skill: Kinesthesia] earned!

>Uncommon Skill [Kinesthesia lv.1], and Uncommon Skill [sense lv.max] have synchronized!

After about ten hours I started balancing by my finger-tips.

Some girls kept coming up to the room. I ignored them, but only since they didn't seem to have anything interesting to say.

>New [Uncommon Skill: Vestibular] created!

>Uncommon Skill [Vestibular lv.1], and Uncommon Skill [Sense lv.max] have synchronized!

[Uncommon Skill: Vestibular has reached max level!]

[Uncommon Skill: kinesthesia has reached max level!]

[Uncommon Skill: sense has classed up!]

> New[Rare skill: sense lv.Max] created!

[Uncommon Skills [Vestibular lv.Max], and [Kinesthesia lv.Max] have been converted into a Sub-skill]

>new [Sub-skill: Vestibular lv.Max] created!

>new [Sub-skill: Kinesthesia lv.Max] created!

With this much I should receive an extraordinary boost in offense.

Now, for the same in my defense… So either an unbreakable body or an extreme boost to my [Regeneration] skill. Relying on an impenetrable body wouldn't be beneficial to me or my class, so it was obvious what I do.

But I came up with a better idea…

I stood upright, went to the center of the room, and stared at the closet.

I squatted, pulled my right hand back into a fist, and used my left hand to aim.

With my absolute full strength, I punch the air in front of me and dislocated my shoulder

I continued for hours, slowly leveling up my [Regeneration], and [Swift].

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^2]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^4]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^3]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^5]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^4]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^6]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^5]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^7]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^6]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^8]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^7]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^9]

[uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^8]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has leveled up! lv.^10]

[uncommon Skill: Swift has leveled up! lv.^9]

[Rare✨ Skill: Regeneration has reached max level!]

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has reached max level!]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

Now I just have to figure out how to evolve it… Ah!

I'll use [Swift] in tandem with [AURA]!

I get back in my usual pose, using [Allocate] I prepare my full strength.


[aura lv.2]

[swift 25%]

>Uncommon Skill [Swift], and class skill [AURA] have synchronized!

[Uncommon Skill: Swift has BEGUN to evolve!]

>New Rare✨ Skill [Boost] has been created!

> Rare✨ Skill [Boost lv.1], and ultimate skill [Allocate lv.max] have synchronized!

>New Rare✨ Skill [KI lv.1] has been created!

[Rare✨ Skill: Boost has reached max level!]

>Rare✨ Skill [Boost lv.max] , and class skill [AURA] have synchronized!

[Class Skill: AURA has reached max level!]

>Rare✨ Skill [ KI ] , and class skill [AURA] have synchronized!

[Rare✨ Skill: KI has reached max level!]

[Class Skill: AURA has assimilated rare✨ skill: KI]

[Class Skill: AURA has Evolved!!!]

>New class skill [Kin lv.max] has been created!

Yes! Now just a bit more…








>Your body has been overrun with power!

>You have exceeded the requirements!

[Calculating Reward✨…]

>New Rare✨ Skill [Output] earned!

> Rare✨ Skill [Output lv.1], and ultimate skill [Allocate lv.max] have synchronized!

I used [Output] to quickly jump from my weakest to strongest ki output.

As I released it, a warm white aura wrapped around me.

Although, there was this small black mist that also seeped out, it wasn't as much as my white aura but thin lines of it seeped from my hands, the corner of my eyes, and maybe a few other places.

But it didn't feel like anything worth checking out.

[Output: 1%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 1%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 1%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 1%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 1%]

[Output: 10%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^2]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 25%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 25%]

[Output: 05%]

[Output: 25%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 25%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^3]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 32%]

[Output: 20%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 05%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 20%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 21%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 32%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^4]

[Output: 22%]

[Output: 44%]

[Output: 20%]

[Output: 40%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 09%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 08%]

[Output: 16%]

[Output: 06%]

[Output: 36%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 48%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^4]

[Output: 05%]

[Output: 44%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 40%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 20%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 25%]

[Output: 35%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 46%]

[Output: 35%]

[Output: 56%]

[Output: 40%]

[Output: 48%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 57%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^5]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 44%]

[Output: 02%]

[Output: 40%]

[Output: 03%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 04%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 05%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 06%]

[Output: 16%]

[Output: 07%]

[Output: 36%]

[Output: 08%]

[Output: 48%]

[Output: 09%]

[Output: 48%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 69%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^6]

[Output: 12%]

[Output: 72%]

[Output: 34%]

[Output: 50%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 53%]

[Output: 04%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 05%]

[Output: 30%]

[Output: 06%]

[Output: 16%]

[Output: 70%]

[Output: 9%]

[Output: 08%]

[Output: 19%]

[Output: 09%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 18%]

[Output: 49%]

[Output: 25%]

[Output: 59%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 69%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 79%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^7]

[Output: 50%]

[Output: 81%]

[Output: 32%]

[Output: 43%]

[Output: 54%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 66%]

[Output: 57%]

[Output: 78%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 80%]

[Output: 11%]

[Output: 72%]

[Output: 53%]

[Output: 64%]

[Output: 19%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 17%]

[Output: 49%]

[Output: 24%]

[Output: 56%]

[Output: 07%]

[Output: 69%]

[Output: 03%]

[Output: 66%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 88%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^8]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 99%]

[Output: 24%]

[Output: 56%]

[Output: 57%]

[Output: 78%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 80%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 90%]

[Output: 76%]

[Output: 59%]

[Output: 89%]

[Output: 35%]

[Output: 44%]

[Output: 53%]

[Output: 19%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 17%]

[Output: 49%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 99%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has leveled up! lv.^9]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 99%]

[Output: 24%]

[Output: 56%]

[Output: 57%]

[Output: 78%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 80%]

[Output: 10%]

[Output: 90%]

[Output: 76%]

[Output: 59%]

[Output: 89%]

[Output: 35%]

[Output: 44%]

[Output: 53%]

[Output: 19%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 39%]

[Output: 17%]

[Output: 49%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 99%]

[Output: 15%]

[Output: 66%]

[Output: 57%]

[Output: 98%]

[Output: 29%]

[Output: 01%]

[Output: 100%]

[Rare✨ Skill: Output has reached max leveled!]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

Finally, Now all that's left is…

After stretching I go to take a bath.

It was nice.

Now, It was time to test my growth.

I went downstairs… Those girls were waiting for some reason. I told the elf to grab my gear.

"Are you about to leave?" his aunt asked.

"Yes… Thank you for the food and stories." He said, his back turned away.

"I apologize, but I don't bow to anyone lower than me."

He walked out, ignoring what the others had to say. The beast girl behind him. 

We went back to their cellar, I never realized how close it was to the items shop.

Maybe a block or two, but the alleyway we were in was definitely connected to "That" alleyway.

Anyway, I let them both go in before me…

"Fight me with the intention of killing me," I spouted, walking in behind them.

They both froze, Eillia grabbing his gear, and Lei who had begun to stretch.

They both knew what he meant, they would only get one chance, hit him with their full strength, or die.

The choice was obvious

Eilla threw his cloak, covering his blade she threw along with it.

Of course I caught it, I stopped it just before it touched my neck.

[Physical Enant: Unleash Potential]

The elf had cast a spell!? So they were holding back in the ally fight…


[Physical Enchant: Physical Boost]

[Physical Enchant: Greater Sense]

[Physical Enchant: Greater Potential]

[Physical Enchant: Ability Release]

[Your senses have been overwhelmed by A "foreign energy"]

[Foreign energy discovered!]

>NEW [uncommon Skill: MANA sense LV.1] created

>Uncommon skill [MANA sense lv.1], and uncommon skill [sense ] have synchronized!

[Uncommon Skill: MANA sense has reached max leveled up!]

[Uncommon Skill: MANA sense has been converted into a Sub-skill]

She had only cast them on herself, she grabbed two daggers seemingly from nowhere…

Is that another spell?

She lunged at me so straightforwardly, how simplistic, a pincer attack?

Lei had used the walls to get behind him.


I turn my body, the elf on the right, and the beast left. 

I used my blade to deflect every one of the elf's attacks', and for the beast girl I simply used her palms to bounce her back.

Annoyingly, she's pretty adept and uses her legs in the air. Of course I could still dodge them.

But I guess underestimating them now would only be detrimental to me.

The elf jumped back, it looked like she was getting ready to cast another-

[Enchant: Imprint]

With that, all the enchantments she'd cast on herself were now cast on Lei.

[Boost: Sense]


[Boost: Thought]

Now I can plan more efficiently.


With this situation it'd be better to end it fast and efficiently, but…

After landing, lei quickly rebounded and launched herself at him, at full power.

The sheer force of her charge cracked the cement floor on impact with him.

With that… They lose. And they knew it too.

He could tell she used all of her strength in that.

As the dust cleared, Eillia's mouth was left agape at the sight… He hadn't moved an inch!

And he still stopped her! 

"I've decided… I'll let you both live if you submit to me here and now."

Lei prostrated herself, making sure to slam her head onto the ground.

Eillia hesitated, it was only for a moment, but soon joined her friend.

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

[You Have Leveled! Up ^1]

"Good, then head back to the house and protect my family at any cost…" he stopped and looked back at them," Can you handle that?" 

Without missing a beat they responded,"Yes!" So, I left.