
Episode 1

"April come down now dad says he wants to speak with you right now". Chanel my elder brother called out as I shrugged and left my room to meet him.I'm the last child of the Perion family and the only girl out of three boys. I lost my mom 😭 when I was three, not like I remember anything about her .

"Yes dad you called for me". I said as I barged into his study. "April manners. How many times do I need to tell you to knock before entering???". He said instead.

"Yeah yeah sorry dad"

"Good now sit. I have a very important issue to talk to you about."

"Me????? An important issue, wow! never thought I would hear that from you until like in a thousand years to come ".

"Just listen to me" this time he said it in a very stern tone and then I knew he was not going to take any of my silly talks, then a knock came in.

"Who is it?"

"It's Zack"

"Oh son come in". Zack is the eldest son of the Perion family in other words the heir of the Perion company. He can be so mean at times but not to me anyways, another thing about this dude is his anger issues it's like really bad. He sat down on the sofa next mine.

"How you doing April" he asked in his thick manly voice. Zack in his appearance is what every girl in town wants certainly not me.

"Am good. Could you believe dad says he has some' important issue' to discuss with me" I said emphasizing on important issue.

"Well then let's listen to what he has to say"

"Thank you Zack." My dad continued "April you are moving".

I just scoffed and gave a hysterical laugh 😂 "you are joking right".

"No am not and besides I don't say jokes am pretty sure you haven't heard me crack one".

"Okay so why exactly am I moving and not all of us? Which family does the daughter move even without getting married?? wow so like my own father is sending me out of his home in a stylish manner, hope the world hears about this....." Immediately my dad rose and cut me shut "would you just listen to what I have to say" he yelled

"Would you just stop. What else do you have to say? I didn't go to the damn room you said I shouldn't go to". My dad looked like he was going to flare up at any moment and I was trying to suppress my anger. No one spoke for some time until Zack finally broke the silence. "April dad has his reason".

"And what are those reasons? why can't you guys ever tell me anything? do I still look like a child to you guys, always don't do this, don't do that or do this and do that ". I raised my voice as I spoke. My brothers never told me anything that happens in the family and my dad was not an exception, it's like they keep literally everything away from me. I always told my dad I wanted to go to school so I could have real friends instead he got me a home tutor. And also I don't have a single friend, the one's I tried to get during little gathering I go for either the next day they're sick or they are no more something always goes wrong. Then Chanel barged into the room "is everything alright"

"No one invited you here Chanel" my dad spat.

"Well it's my sister and a family disscsion so why shouldn't I be invited".

"Cha....nel" my dad dragged his name.

"Am not leaving until this issue is resolved and also because I don't want you to do anything you would regret doing". Chanel was the only one who stood up for me anytime I got into a fight with dad.

"Chanel,go wait in the garden". My dad said. Immediately I got on my knees begging "not until we are done here" Chanel said instead. The garden was where my dad punished my brothers, but he'd never let me go until he was done. My dad hardly laid a finger on me only when he is outrageous and I do something that really pisses him off. But my brothers always got punishments anytime they do something wrong and there were always lots of marks on their bodies but the next day notin not even a scratch.

"No need to beg" Chanel spat.

"Stop now!!" Zack finally spoke."Dad please pardon him and you too Chanel were are your manners".

"Am not in support of this and I know you're not also in support so stop being a dog". Chanel said to Zack.

"I think you should understand this now and stop being so level headed". Zack said instead.

I stood up, didn't bother asking what they were discussing as I left the room angrily.
