

You were sitting on your bed doing schoolwork when you hear Cat knock on the balcony window, just like most nights.

"It's unlocked!" You say loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to wake your family.

It definitely helps that he has super hearing.

He opens the door and walks in, closing it behind him quickly, since its chilly.

"Hey Cat!"

"Hi y/n!"

He walks over and sits next to you on the bed, then looks at your schoolwork.

"Ew, math again?"

"Sadly. But I have to do it I guess." You say with an eye roll.

"Yeah... Even if it does cause us mental abuse!" he jokes.

You chuckle at him and agree.

"You want some help?" he offers.

"Ooh, yes please!"

So he does, and you finish in no time, there wasn't much left.

"Glad that torture is over for today!" You say as you toss the book onto the floor.

He laughs at you and stretches from being bent over the book, then flops down over your legs.

He looks like an actual cat laying there.

"Do you know you are very comfy?" he asks.

"I've been told that," you giggle.

He laughs with you and you decide to test something.

You pet his hair, just behind his cat ear and he purrs again.

You laugh as he bats your hand away.

"I'm not an actual cat for you to pet y'know!" he feigns annoyance but is laughing all the same.

"Suuurree. I know you like it."

"Do not!"

"Do too! The purring gives you up, dude."

"Whatever," he says with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Ok ok, I won't pet you. Much."

You both laugh for a while then you ask him what he's done today.

"Eh not much, had to help my father with stuff, went to school, the usual. Except today everyone was talking about that Halloween dance thing."

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Aren't you gonna be a special guest? And Ladybug?"

"Yep. We're mostly going since there's usually an akuma at this kind of thing and we thought it'd be easier to just be there when it arrived."

"Ohh, I was wondering how the Mayor got Ladybug to agree, she doesn't seem like the party type."

"She's not, I had to talk her into it."

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Yeah. So are you going?"

"I dunno, probably not. Parties aren't really my thing..."

"Oh come on! You can hang out with me and Ladybug!"

"But Cat, we're not even supposed to be seen together in public!"

"It'll be fine, everyone will be wearing costumes and stuff, so nobody will know it's you, and there's gonna be plenty of people talking to us anyway, might as well have a friend."

"I don't know..."

"Please! We can have fun snacking on party food, and dancing and acting crazy!"

"We could do that anytime."

"Not really, we always have to be kinda quiet so we don't wake everyone!"

"Got me there. But I still don't think I should go, besides, I don't have anything to wear!"

"You can find something! I don't have anything yet either! Pleeaase come? It'll be more fun if you do!" He's begging with kitten eyes now, you can't say no to him.

"Ugh, fine! But I'll probably leave early!"

"That's ok, cause I will too!"

"I can't believe you're making me do this. The party is next week, and I'll never find something to wear!"

"Do you have an idea of what you might want?"

You think for a minute, then look down at Cat, and the perfect idea hits you.

You'll be him! But in a fancy way.

"I may know of something. But I doubt I could find it anywhere..."

"I have an idea! I know a girl who designs clothes, maybe she could help!"

"Yeah, that might work. But how am I supposed to ask her? 'Hey, one of my best friends who's also a famous superhero knows you and says I could ask you to help me make a dress for the party he begged me to go to.'?"

"No, of course not! Just say that you have a mutual friend who sent you to her for business! She'll be happy to get a new customer!"

"Ok fine. How do I contact this girl?"

"Her name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You know that bakery?"

"The Dupain-Cheng bakery? Of course!"

"Yeah, just go there and ask for Marinette. She'll help you!"

"Ok. If you say so. I'm going to an awful lot of trouble for this, you better be thankful."

"I am, it'll be fun. Trust me."

"Hmm." Is all you reply.

After school got out, you walk to the bakery Cat Noir said to go to, and walk in.

You walk up to the counter where a nice looking woman stands.

"Hello, I'm looking for Marinette? I heard she designs clothes and I'd like to ask her about a dress."

"Oh yes, she's my daughter. I'm sure she can help you! I'll go get her!"

The woman quickly goes into the back and gets Marinette, who comes out ahead of her mother.

She walks over to you and says, "My mom said you wanted to ask me about a dress?"

"Um, yeah, it's for that Halloween Dance, think you could have it done by then?"

"Of course. Let's go upstairs to talk."

"Uh, ok."

You hesitantly follow her, unsure about going into a stranger's house.

She leads you to what must be her room, and you look around.

There are about a million pictures of a boy, who you feel like you know.

Something about him just tugs at a memory.

"Hey, um, I don't mean to pry, but who's this boy? I think I've seen him?" You decide to ask, the worst thing she could do would be to not make the dress.

"Oh, that's Adrien, Adrien Agreste, he goes to my school, and I have a crush on him."

"Ah. But why would I know him then?"

"He's a famous model. But that's not why I like him of course!"

"Oh." But you still feel like you know him, or have at least met him.

"So. What kind of dress do you want?" Marinette asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Um, Cat Noir themed. If you could do that."

She raises her eyebrows then nods.

"Yeah, I should be able to do something like that, I'm guessing the colors would be black and green?"

"Uh, yeah! And a mask of course, and some pawprints? Like what's on his baton thing." You don't want to sound like you know a ton about him, so you try to word it carefully.

"I think I can do that. You want bells?"

"Sure! Around the waist maybe?"

"Sounds cool. It'll be ready by the party, I am making other costumes, so it won't be finished right away. But it'll be done."

"Ok, thank you soo much! Oh! And my size is y/s. And what about payment? How much do you charge?"

"K. And I, um, I don't know. I usually just do this for me and my friends, so I've never had to charge."


"Hm, I'll keep track of what I have to buy and stuff, and then I'll charge that. Sound good?"

"Yep! That'll work!"


"Thanks again for making this!"

"You're welcome, and if you'll give me your number, I'll text you when it's done." She says with a smile.

You give it to her then wave goodbye and walk home, hoping the dress won't cost an arm and a leg.