
CEO Wants My Baby

"You're pregnant with me and still want to leave?" He insisted that she hand over the child she gave birth to him three years ago. Refusing once, he pressed one more time. CEO despite tricks trying to win love, she found all ways to resist, cling to get out. All right, his child you'll pay him, but you'll go! However, he was still not satisfied, and threw her on the bed with a shout: "Girl, I want to have another baby!"

And_Wish_Hope · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Chapter 9:

It seemed like centuries had passed, and the long and mournful ringtone echoed in the phone, almost suffocating...


A gentle male voice came from the phone.

He answered.

Lalisa sat there; her soul seemed to have been sucked away, her body empty, with only her heart beating chaotically, the phone almost slipping from her hand. "Who is it?" After a long silence without a response, the person on the other end of the line showed impatience.

"It's... me."

Lalisa replied, her voice trembling.

An extended period passed, and silence enveloped the surroundings.

Thinking the other person couldn't hear her voice, Lalisa paused momentarily and said, "It's me; I'm Lalisa."

"I know it's you." Jayce Sherwood's initially gentle voice turned cold in an instant. "Didn't I say not to call me on my own? I don't want any unnecessary misunderstandings."

These refusal words were spoken with indifference.

Lalisa listened in confusion, suddenly not understanding why she longed for his help. "Jayce..."

"Your way of addressing is not appropriate!" As cold as ice, Jayce Sherwood said, "After all, I will become your brother-in-law, your sister's husband."

The words "brother-in-law" stretched their relationship as vast as the distance between celestial bodies. Sorry, but I have to add: the story is only posted on Wattpad by Lục Vân Đảng.

Yes, he was about to become her brother-in-law, so she had to address him as such, even though she was two years older than him.

After a moment, Lalisa suppressed her anguish and said, "If I were to say that I am being kidnapped, would you come to rescue me?"

If there was someone in this world who could save her, it must be Jayce Sherwood.

She stubbornly believed in him.

"Kidnapped? Who would want to kidnap someone who can only draw a little and has nothing else? Are you drawing to the point of going crazy?" Jayce Sherwood laughed dismissively, his voice becoming even colder. "Jinx is your sister, no matter what, and you are making up lies to disturb your sister's husband. Is this what an older sister should do?"

She is making up lies.

Why did everyone think she was lying? Louis thought so, and Jayce Sherwood felt the same...

"I'm not lying. Please come and save me..." She pleaded with him.

McKay stood by, not stopping Lalisa from seeking help from the other person, knowing there was nothing more she could do; no one could save her anymore.

"If you are truly kidnapped..." Jayce Sherwood found it bothersome to talk to her; he paused momentarily and then spoke each word to her: "After you die since we are relatives, I will help with your funeral arrangements."

He said that after she died, he would help with her funeral arrangements.

Lalisa felt as if she had been thrown into an icy abyss, cold from head to toe, numb to the point where she couldn't feel anything. Her heart ached so much that it seemed to be silent in death.

Despite how Louis treated her, she didn't feel the pain to the extent of wanting to die. But ultimately, her ability to survive was because she still wanted to live. After all, she had been trying so hard for Jayce Sherwood...

But Jayce Sherwood cruelly severed her last ray of hope.

He wouldn't come to save her.

He made her feel that, compared to dying, despair was much more painful. She thought that if she just opened her mouth and begged, he would rescue her...

It turns out she was too naive...

"Jinx has another performance; I have to go with her."

Jayce Sherwood intended to hang up the phone, not even considering helping her in any way.

"Don't you remember me?" Lalisa hurriedly asked before he could hang up the phone.

This would be the last time she asked this question.

"Lalisa, don't you feel bored? Are you still interested in me?" Jayce Sherwood asked coldly, his voice filled with disgust, without any pretense.

He had driven her entirely to loathe him...

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, she gripped the phone tightly, and her knuckles turned white. She wanted to hang up the phone firmly but couldn't do it because she still had regrets.

This would be her last phone call before she died.

She held onto the receiver tightly and blinked to suppress the tears from flowing, causing her eyes to become dry and sore. Slowly, she said, "Jayce Sherwood, listen to me. My efforts, my attempts, can only end here. If one day I die, I hope..."

She hoped that he would come and offer incense for her.

Jayce Sherwood didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence. He hung up the phone directly because, on the other end, Jinx's voice could be heard urging him. He honestly considered Jinx the most important.

Lalisa listened in a daze to the silence on the phone, her chest aching as if someone was squeezing it tightly.

He didn't even want to hear her final words.

Jayce Sherwood.

When he was young, he lost his eyesight and was always absent-minded and silent, so the family sent him to live with her. Six years ago, he underwent surgery to restore his vision, but during the procedure, he had a minor accident that caused him to lose all his memories.

Afterward, he fell in love with Jinx, her younger sister.

So many dramatic events.

He used to be by her side, following her everywhere, always saying he would marry her after his vision was restored...

Regardless of what she said or did, Jayce Sherwood believed she was jealous of her sister, wanting to steal her sister's husband... Their parents thought she was going too far and stopped caring about her.

In reality, she was also exhausted, facing her lonely past. She had done a lot but also lost a lot.

Today... Let's consider it the end of her life.

"Miss Lalisa, are you okay?" McKay walked up to her, looking at her with concern.

Lalisa's current appearance was even more pitiful than when the young master tormented her...

"I will go into that forest."

Lalisa said indifferently, slowly letting go of the phone. There was no light in her eyes, just complete darkness.

From Jayce Sherwood's tone, she could tell that no one in the house had noticed her absence for several days.

No one paid attention to her.

She wondered how long it would take for someone to realize she was missing; who would be the first to find out? Jinx? Her foster parents? Colleagues? Or... Jayce Sherwood?

Anyway, it didn't matter anymore.

"Miss Lalisa, are you unwilling to compromise with the young master even if it means your life?" McKay asked.

"If a compromise can exchange for freedom, I am willing; but if it means becoming his toy in bed, satisfying his desires, I don't want it."

Lalisa spoke softly, standing up from the recliner and leaving without hesitation.

Seeing her determination, McKay didn't advise her; he could only pray for this situation to change...

In the large bedroom, Louis lay on a high-end massage chair in the center. Mirenka Lam and two other beautiful girls stood at the nearby bar, drinking together. Occasionally, they approached Louis, displaying their seductive bodies to attract his attention, but they were afraid of angering him, so they didn't dare to be too explicit.

Louis didn't even glance at them; his solid and rigid fingers moved on the control panel, his handsome face cold and his dark eyes fierce and menacing as they looked at the screen.

On the screen was a piece of land with tall and towering trees, the tree branches swaying vigorously, resembling surging waves. It was the forest outside this castle.

Lalisa wore a long embroidered watercolor dress and was pushed to the room's front door by the bodyguard. She didn't struggle or resist, calmly taking each step forward. The long hem of her dress dragged on the ground, but she didn't care.

A very heart-wrenching truth. Lalisa was compared to a living dictionary by the team. They asked her about everything...

Too much to bear.

"Young master."

McKay walked up from outside while Mirenka and the others just looked at him disdainfully.

McKay couldn't help but shake his head. This was when Lalisa and the young master's most considerable disagreement occurred.

The women next to the young master were not stupid. They all wanted to climb up high and reach the sky. Each of them flattered the young master, showcasing their entire body, trying to gain his attention. They used more extensive and expensive gifts, openly displaying their lowly status, showing contempt for those beneath them...