
CEO of my Heart

Facing a marriage deadline, CEO Henry Wong impulsively weds Ellie Chen, a broke former professional race car driver dying of a wreak she had on the track. In return, her younger brother will receive a generous scholarship -- and Henry will have the enchanting Ellie as a wife, if only for a time. Then fate takes a hand, and Henry suddenly finds herself with a healthy, vibrant wife -- a siren he finds it hard to keep his eyes off of. Henry turned to the other woman who was standing in the room as he clutched Ellie close to his chest. "You have seen it yourself now Aunt Dorota, she is such an elegant lady, with a humble character, and her kind nature is something I will never find again. And you know, she has the strength to match my mother -- she used to be a well-known race car driver you know."  The hug around Ellie started to grow uncomfortable as she squirmed a little. She wanted to move away, but knew that would detract from all the work that had been put in upto this moment so she swiveled her head. Like a butterfly landing she put her head on his shoulder and looked at Dorota. "I'm so lucky to have you, my love."

lilseasalt · สมัยใหม่
296 Chs


"Nolan is still in college. I couldn't possibly make any little brother of mine take care of my wife. The lion share belongs to the husband." Henry flashed an easy smile at Dr Wu. Nolan looked at Henry in wonder wishing that he himself possessed such a talent to put people at ease with his own smile, he would use it to his advantage.

Henry pushed his shirt sleeve back and glanced at the watch there before shaking his sleeve back down. "I think that's enough excitement for tonight. I can have a cab take you back to your apartments unless you'd like to try some apartments downstairs. Nolan you have your room next to your sister if you'd like. Dr Wu I can make arrangements if you need them made for the evening."

Nolan considered Henry's proposal, but felt the same set of unease that he still could not take care of his own. He shook his head. "No need. Wu confirmed for me that Ellie will be well taken care of here. Michael has been doing an excellent job with her. I can just take the metro back to my university. It's right around the corner. This isn't a dangerous area of the city so I should be good around this time of night."

He hadn't considered his lab experiments for a while, and he realized that he would have to check the cultures before he returned back home. Henry, now that his his sister was well and whole would definitely discontinue the money flow. Henry was probably preparing the divorce settlement now behind closed doors. But Nolan resigned himself, he would take a fully functioning sister any day over a hospital invalid that she had been. She would smile again--his only wish.

But Dr Wu had other ideas. She quickly answered the question for her, shuffling her feet indicating that she was in some pain from the exertion from the operation. "I would really appreciate that, Mr. Wong." She grabbed ahold of Nolan's arm and jerked him so he was standing next to her. "I can make sure that your dear brother reaches his apartment safe and sound. Once you can confirm the car is here, we'll be out of your hair."

"No, that's not--" Wu's hands on his arm started to hurt so he closed his mouth.

Wu cleared her throat, "Nolan. How often do you drink? Is this the first experience drinking with grown ups? You should have told me. I would have made the experience easier for you."

"It's been a while." Nolan smelled his breathe and wondered. "There's no way that one glass of whiskey would do this to me. I'm not--" His voice was slurred as he realized the true brevity of his condition.

With a knowing smile, Wu took him down the elevator after giving a proper conclusion to the meeting. Outside, in true Wong style, a limo was waiting. Nolan made a comment, but Wu shushed him. She signaled to the driver and carefully got Nolan into the vehicle.