

I had already written a Hindi novel, I am translating this novel and uploading it in English. I hope everyone will like it my native language is not english it is hindi and i have translated google translate so sorry if any grammatical grammatical mistakes .

A girl was running wildly on the crowded streets of Jaipur, the pink city of Rajasthan and in the scorching sun. This was Smita, the only daughter of Jaswant Singh Rathore, in whose name the entire business of the Rathore Group was named. She must have been 5 years old only then her mother Dad dies Smita used to live with her uncle Ritesh Rathore after her father's death. She had six people in her family. The pratham Rathore who was the youngest, besides him a nanny who lived for Smita.

Only two people loved Smita, one was her nanny and the other was her younger brother pratham. Although Pratham had now been sent out for graduation, he was currently in London but still did not want to talk to Smita. He asked her to come back quickly. Pratham wanted and wanted to do everything for his sister Smita that she deserved. For Pratham, his real sisters Kayar and Myra did not matter much because both of them only thought about themselves. Pratham did not care about anything else, Pratham did not even want to go out, he just wanted to stay with Smita so that he could protect her from everyone, but on Smita's persuasion he went out.

"Smita ma'am, stop, otherwise we will get scolded by your uncle," said one of the people running behind him, panting.

Smita: - "At the moment I am not in the mood to stop. I am enjoying and what will you get by holding." Is.

Smita :- "You useless spoon, leave me now or else it will not be good, you know

what I can do Devraj : - "You should not have run away like this and what will not be good, tell me

also and tell me what you can do." Smita bit her hand and ran again but before she could go too far, her husband

Devraj caught her again, now dragging Smita's leg, she was following Devraj.

On coming inside Smita's house.

Ritesh Rathore (Smita's uncle) : - "You are very stubborn. You were told not to go out."

Smita kept listening to everything silently.

Ritesh Rathore :- " Myra and Kaira also live here . "

Smita takes a look with despair and goes inside.

Nanny - " my dear daughter, why do you go out like this? You know your uncle doesn't like it." Naini was with Smita since childhood and used to take care of her.

Smita: - "Why did mom and dad leave me, all these are very bad, it would have been

better if they would have taken me with them." Naini: - "He doesn't speak like this and he is the first one too!"

"So how should I say, you tell me!" Smita said.

After that Naini turns her hand on Smita's head. Smita had been facing everything since childhood, she was tortured all the time, her uncle had only nominal relationship with her.

In Ritesh Rathod's room...

Ritesh Rathore very angry talking to his wife.

Ritesh Rathore - "Today that girl ran away again, she can open the best lock too!"

Ritesh Rathore - "Don't know what brother saw in this girl who got everything done

in her name, who she was and where she came from, didn't tell anything"

Kamini Rathore - "my love may be his illegitimate daughter, after all your sister-in-law and my dear elder sister-in-law could not have become a mother!"

Ritesh Rathod - "This can also happen, after all, it is your miracle like our queen, it is because of the medicines you gave her, but I don't think sister-in-law and brother can do this as much as they loved me. He did not remarry despite his mother's advice, so I think he must have taken it from some Arphinese. Well, forget it, he took it from somewhere, whatever, what can be done?

Kamini Rathore - "Tell me one thing!"

Ritesh Rathod "Ask!"

Kamini Rathod - "She was fine till the time she was brought up, but why are we getting her studied and also getting her married? Why haven't we done everything in our name till now?"

"Who is getting the marriage done!" said Ritesh Rathod,

"You mean? I don't understand?" Kamini said.

"It's a very deep matter, Thane will not understand, wait, he has said wait and watch

in English! You just relax!" said Ritesh Rathore.

Kamini was not able to understand anything but she did not say anything else and

after thinking a little, went out of the room.

After she leaves, Ritesh Rathore sits on his bed and remains silent for a while and then stands up and goes near his cupboard and says with a devilish smile, "Just two more months and then everything will be fine! Then this Smita name." "I will throw out the thorn and the entire Rathore group is mine, after all, after Bhaisa, have the right on Rathore groups!"

Who is Smita's fiance and what is the reason that her uncle was taking such good

care of her despite not wanting to? Will Smita be able to know her uncle's intentions?

By the way, if any Hindi speaking person reads it, please do comment.