

Caihong gets orphaned by a mafia who sells her to a brothel known as the "sisterhood" over a political crisis involving her parents. she grows up with no knowledge of the past as she finds favour with the leader of the sisterhood who takes her as he daughter. years later she is accused of poisoning her best friend's father and the leader of the sisterhood whom she considers her mother, to save herself she flees to another country with a new identity. she however ends up in a love triangle between two brothers from the wealthiest family in the country and her best friend who resurfaces. Things take a rollercoaster as secrets threaten to be exposed, lies told and blood shred to keep the truth from the light. A war of power upsurges as the rich would do anything to keep their skeletons hidden and their puppets under control. In the midst of all this love blossoms but would love be able to stop the roaring fire of revenge and hate?

Anh_7 · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

He's kind of cute

Thankfully her street wasn't well lit and rowdy as compared to other days when it didn't rain. Finally getting the chance to let her tears out, she couldn't bare it anymore. In the last couple of years this would be the first time she cried, not over a man or her failed relationship but for herself, for believing someone saw past her scars and ugly past but she was wrong.

If he had said he couldn't marry her cause he loved someone else or his parents arranged the marriage to secure a business deal she wouldn't have been this hurt, she learnt to take everything as it came, with no expectations but for the first time when she actually thought the universe would give her another chance that too was crushed.

Weaving a sigh of relief as it seemed Xixi was fast asleep, telling stories wasn't her thing and especially not this one. After making sure everywhere was locked she took a shower and went to bed.

Trying to avoid Xixi she laid in bed pretending to be asleep until Xixi left for a shoot. It wasn't until 2pm that she got up from bed, took her bath and headed out to wait in front of the cafe Linx had dropped her off yesterday. Wearing a green big shirt, baggy jeans, a baseball cap, and a pair of sunglasses to cover the dark circles around her eyes as a result of crying.

After waiting for an hour and 30mins she thought he wasn't going to come after all, that annoying ghost! She said to herself not realizing the pitch of her voice was high and had attracted a few stares from the other customers inside the cafe.

"Seems like you've got a nack for throwing tantrums miss" a voice from behind her said breaking the awkward situation she was in, never did she think she'll actually be grateful that she saw him. Without waiting for Dana to ask him to sit he sat beside her even though the space was small.

Can't you see this seat can't contain the both of us? Dana said glaring at him like she was about to scratch his eyes out, and yeah she had actually thought about doing that already.

That's because you're fat Linx replied laughing at his own words, she couldn't see his face properly as he wore a nose mask, simple ripped jeans with a gray shirt, he looked like he was trying to hide from someone but that didn't matter he had just called her fat! She, Zheng Dana! I've got to finish my business with this ghost she thought to herself as she tried to squeeze out a smile, bantering back and fro with him won't help her plus she didn't want to piss him off, she wasn't one that would bootlick anyone for favours but she really didn't have the cash to spend if he decides to call a figure she couldn't pay right now.

What are you thinking in that head of yours, you've been staring at me for the past century miss

Oh it's nothing, i was just thinking Dana replied trying so hard not to curse at him but no he just couldn't stop tempting her with his words as she heard he mumble

"I didn't know you have a brain" he was clearly enjoying teasing her but she didn't mind.

I think my earring fell inside your car yesterday Dana said stroke asked cause she wasn't sure.

Oh that, it's in my car outside.

Can I please get it back she pleaded, she mentally screamed at herself, she was pleading with someone right now and even smiling? Good heavens if Xixi saw her right now she'll think she was sick or something.

You didn't ask how much your fare is for yesterday's ride. Linx couldn't get enough of this girl he saw how hard she tried smile, her cheeks were literally turning red, running away from the shoot of "The nine dragons" wasn't a bad idea after all, everyone on the cast had been annoying him all day especially that silly 'You Kim. She was ruining the scenes, falling out of character and flirting with him, how shameless he thought.

Back to the present.

Umm ho..ww much for the ride... She seemed scared or was he just seeing things? Haq finally she looked humble.

Two thousand Yaun"

Two thousand?! For a ride?! She half yelled with her eyes bulging out like she had just seen a ghost. He almost laughed at her expression but he had to keep an expressionless face.

Yeah two thousand Yaun miss...?

Miss Zheng Dana she said in a low tone

Lovely name he almost spat out but he managed to not say it out loud. So when I'm I going to get my money miss Zheng?

Umm can I pay in installments from next month?

Nope, you can definitely not he replied feigning seriousness, having a plan off his sleeves he wasn't going to let her off so easily and well he was enjoying seeing her loose words.

"You can't pay by installments, but you can work for it.

Hearing that Dana raised her brows, what on Earth was this annoying ghost saying now?

Work for it how?

Well you can be my personal assistant for two months, your salary's supposed to be two thousand Yaun a month, but I'll take one thousand from your salary for two months.

Dana couldn't believe her ears like was he been serious right now? She couldn't even stand him for one whole hour talk more of working as his assistant for two whole months!!

No! She half yelled at him, I mean.... No she said again reducing her pitch, this wasn't the time to act according to how she felt.

I'll try to see if I can arrange the money for you by tomorrow she said in a low half pleading tone waiting for his reply, he suddenly seemed unusually quiet and serious when it came to talking about the money.

Alright then, I'll get the money by 12noon tomorrow and if I don't you automatically become my assistant.

Thanks she replied smiling, even though she knew there was no way she could arrange that amount by tomorrow, she had her rent to pay and bills to take care of with the money in her account but at least I've got to try right? Dana asked herself.

I'll be leaving now then Linx said, dropping the money on the table for the coffee the waiter had dropped for both of them even though neither of them drank it. He was a bit worried she would be able to raise the money and this plan of his would fail, arrghh I'll just have to think of another way then he said in his head.

Wait! Wait! A voice called out, he didn't need to turn around to know it belonged to Zheng Dana.

What? He asked

Well I've not gotten back my earring....she replied with her head down.

Oh that, it's in my car and my car's parked down the street.

I'll follow you to get it then.

They both strolled down in silence and as hell may have it, his car was packed outside the K&C cloth store she rented the outfit she wore yesterday, she bit her lips as they approached the car with her head still bent, it was already 4:23 and she had promised Lee that she would bring it back by 3, good heavens! This ghost was making her incure additional debt.

Here it is, he handed the tear drop earring to her.

With excitement she took it smiling sheepishly at herself and letting out a sigh of relief.

Phewwww finally. She was afraid it wasn't going to be in the car seeing as he was with a smaller sports car today instead of the Lamborghini and he did seem like a clumsy person but there it was, inside a little box he kept on his car.

"Thanks she said with a bow, immediately turning back to head for the cloth store, unknown to her he followed her, it was at the counter she heard a voice ask the girl in charge of collecting rented items back where the restroom was.

You?! Dana exclaimed

Yes me, Linx replied. He still had the face mask on so she couldn't see his facial expressions.

And I have a name miss Zheng, the name's fen..... Oh shit! He couldn't say his name just like that in public especially as he was under disguise, if he did and someone recognized him in less than five minutes this store would be swamping with his fans

Um...the name's Robin he replied awkwardly.

Why did you follow me in here Dana asked looking serious.

Well I need to use the restroom and it's not like you own this place he shot back at her. Well he was right he had the right to come in here.

I asked where the restroom is at ma'm, Linx asked the lady at the counter again she replied giving him directions to where it was at.

Not like he wanted to follow her, but he really needed to use the restroom, he literally has been drinking water all day on set and didn't realize when his bladder got so full he couldn't hold it in anymore.

When he finished easing himself he removed the nose mask he had been wearing, he was beginning to feel suffocated

Urghh the cons of been a celebrity he scoffed at his reflection in the mirror. Thinking he was alone untill he heard the door inside the rest room open and out came Lee who had caught Linx's reflection in the mirror before he quickly put his nose mask on.

Gosh! Lee blushed, why was the guy he saw in the restroom so hot?! He kept smiling like a little kid that had just seen Santa.

Once again Lee saw the same frame approaching the counter even though he couldn't see his face he could tell by his clothes although Linx had let loose his hair that was tied in a small bun.

Damn he's so cute!!! I mean hot!! Lee whispered to Dana, his eyes had formed into two hearts looking like a cute puppy at Linx

Dana almost choked on her saliva trying not to say something bad about Linx since it seemed Lee had a crush on him .

He's cute isn't he Lee asked no one in particular...

Yeah I guess "he's kind of cute".