

When from a tragedy game of life Cara will come back to live, to enjoy a little more of the world. Little did she know that even darker things are waiting for her before hand. Even when life didn't treated her that nicely, she was cheerful and happy. And was hoping for the best after pushing the reset button. After a row of rejections in job, she finally succeeded to assist the arrogant boss Greyson. But who knew that the Arrogant and quite man with billion in his pocket was too hididng something. Something that was a life changer for Cara. And that both were standing again the man disrupting lives. Michael Ray.

imculture · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs



Running down from the hall, I finally reached at the edge of the waiting room and saw my brother sitting there with his hand on his head and a band aid around it. 

"You know you are such a fucking bastard!!" I yelled loudly at him without reciting that I am in hospital , the nurse passed me a glare and I apologized. 

"Look I am sorry. Don't tell mom,  she will be alot hurt than I am. " He insisted on zipping my mouth. 

"If you do really care about her. Than what the heck you are doing Rohan?" I asked him, tired from him constant injury and him in the hospital. "I will shut my mouth this time. If you will promise to leave those thug friends of yours." I threatened him and she sighed.

"You know I can't do that. They are the only thing brother left me after he died."  He teared up and got depressed again as I went and sat near him. 

"What was the reason this time? " I asked him as he looked at my face and smiled. 

"We saved a girl from getting raped. " He said and I raised by eyebrows in shock and confusion. 

"What?? " 

"Yeah she was on her way to somewhere and we were behind her but than some man dragged her in an alley. So we went and saved her. " He said while my mind was wondering on not to yell 'What the fuck ' in an hospital with kids 

Calm my darling. Calm. 

"And do you realize, that this can be a police case? " I queried him as he nodded. 

"Who cares?  She was saved thats all that matters doesn't it? " He asked me and I couldn't deny the fact. 

"Whatever. Let's go home. Call mom and talk with her nicely. And don't beg her, to not come visit because she gets more suspicious. Understood? " I asked him and he nodded.

The apple of my parents eyes. And a total trouble maker. While I am his forever saviour ever since brother died. 

Leaving from the hospital a bike passed me, throwing me to the ground. I tried to read the number but it was all zero and the man was under his helmet.

"What the fuck!!! " While Rohan screamed from his spot as he ran towards me and picked me up to stand. "Are you okay? " He asked me checking for any injuries from to down. 

And than a egg landed on my head, some group of people running towards us. With some boards hovering over there head. 


They ran over us and started to threw eggs and tomatoes. There tomatoes all over me. There eggs over my head and face while there shoes and slippers too. They all were chanting rapist. While Rohan was shocked. 

After hitting us for a while they ran over me and Rohan and started to hit us with their foot and hand as we fell on the ground.

I hugged Rohan, makings sure he doesn't gets hurt since he was the centre for all the wrath. 

"Sitara...why...are - they hitting us?? " Under the chaos he managed to ask me for a question and I myself was shocked with what was happening? 

"How can you rape a innocent girl? "

"Because of people like you girls are scared to go out!! " 

"You should die!!!"

"You should die!!! "

They all keep yelling at us while I hugged him tighter. 

"Death is too small!!! " A loud voice came from the opposite directions. They all turned to look at the man as well as we. 

A Man in suit with his hands in his pocket was walking over. 

"They must repay the same way."