
Centa Vormyndar: The Book of 100 Demons

In this collection of interconnected stories, we explore the complex and often conflicting forces that reside within every human heart through the personifications of Xrythexen and Serenova. Whenever someone is troubled, Xrythexen appears in human form, offering a book entitled "Centa Vormyndar" which can summon a demon that meets the summoner's specific needs. Meanwhile, Serenova takes on the task of confronting the summoner to encourage repentance, either directly or through a close companion. Each story focuses on one person's journey to summon a demon, providing a unique perspective on the dynamic between these two entities. As the stories weave together, they offer a rich exploration of the human psyche and the inner demons we all struggle to face.

Luxferian · ย้อนยุค
9 Chs

Suffocating Abundance


King Radamir sat on his throne with a troubled expression, his fingers drumming restlessly on the armrests. He had just received a report from his scouts that his troops had failed to defend Ardalind's border against King Mordrath's army from Xyrdalathia. He turned to his trusted advisor, Sir Gerard, who stood at his side.

"What did the report say, Sir Gerard?" the king asked, his voice laced with panic.

Sir Gerard hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm afraid it's bad news, Your Majesty," he said. "Our troops were overwhelmed by the Xyrdalathian army. Ardalind is about to fall, and we are just waiting for the army to arrive at the castle soon."

King Radamir closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "What can we do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We must surrender," Sir Gerard said solemnly. "It is the only way to save our people from being slaughtered by the Xyrdalathian troops."

King Radamir nodded slowly, his face a mask of resignation. "Very well," he said. "Fly the white flags all over the roads leading to my castle. We will surrender and welcome King Mordrath's army."

Sir Gerard bowed deeply before leaving the throne room to carry out the king's orders.

Meanwhile, King Radamir turned to his steward, a man known for his culinary expertise. "Prepare the best dishes for King Mordrath's army," he said. "We must show them that we welcome them as guests, not as conquerors."

The steward nodded and immediately set to work, selecting only the finest ingredients and creating a feast fit for a king.

In the town square, the town crier rang his bell and announced the news to the people of Ardalind. "Citizens of Ardalind," he cried. "We are to surrender to King Mordrath's army from Xyrdalathia. We must welcome them as guests and not as conquerors, for it is our only hope of survival."

The people of Ardalind murmured among themselves, but ultimately they knew that King Radamir's decision was the only one that made sense. They set to work flying the white flags and preparing for the arrival of King Mordrath's army.

As the sun began to set, King Mordrath's army arrived at the gates of Ardalind. The gates opened slowly, and King Radamir stepped forward to greet them, his head held high.

"We surrender to you, King Mordrath," he said, his voice echoing across the courtyard. "But we do so willingly, and with the hope that you will treat our people with kindness and respect."

King Mordrath nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You have made the right decision, King Radamir," he said. "We will be good guests, and we will treat your people with the kindness they deserve."

And so it was that Ardalind fell to Xyrdalathia, but its people were saved from the horrors of war. The feast that King Radamir had ordered was served, and both armies feasted together in a spirit of goodwill and camaraderie. Though Ardalind was no longer a free kingdom, its people had been spared, and that was all that mattered to King Radamir.


The kingdom of Ardalind had surrendered to the conquering country of Xyrdalathia, and though their people had been spared from the horrors of war, their newfound peace was short-lived. Xyrdalathia did not oppress the people of Ardalind explicitly, but they inhibited their prosperity in subtle ways.

One of the ways they did this was by imposing heavy taxes on the goods and services produced by the people of Ardalind. The Xyrdalathian tax collectors were ruthless, demanding exorbitant sums from the already struggling people. The taxes were so high that many of the businesses in Ardalind were forced to shut down, leaving countless people without work.

The Xyrdalathians also began to impose trade restrictions on Ardalind, making it nearly impossible for the people to sell their goods and services outside of the kingdom. They would only allow Xyrdalathian merchants to trade freely within the kingdom, making it difficult for the people of Ardalind to make a living.

Furthermore, the Xyrdalathians began to offer special privileges and incentives to those who pledged their loyalty to their country. They would offer lucrative jobs and tax breaks to those who agreed to support their regime, slowly chipping away at the unity of the Ardalind people.

As time passed, the people of Ardalind began to realize that their once-prosperous kingdom was now being held back. They were powerless to fight back, as the Xyrdalathians had the full might of their army at heir disposal.

The Ardalind people, however, were not ones to give up without a fight. They began to organize in secret, creating underground networks to distribute goods and services without the knowledge of the Xyrdalathian authorities. They also began to communicate with neighboring kingdoms, seeking alliances and support to help them break free from their oppressors.

It was a difficult and perilous time for the people of Ardalind, but they refused to give up hope. They knew that they would have to fight for their freedom, and they were willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that their kingdom could once again flourish.


King Radamir sat at the head of the table, flanked by Queen Kaleitha and Sir Gerard. The three of them were deep in conversation.

Queen Kaleitha sat across from King Radamir; her expression anxious as she spoke. "My dear, we must find a way to rebuild our forces. We cannot sit idly by while Xyrdalathia tightens their grip on our kingdom."

The King sighed heavily. "I know, my love. But we have no gold to finance the building of troops."

The Queen's frustration grew as she replied, "I don't care about the gold! We must do something to defend our kingdom!"

The King replied, "We need to recruit new soldiers, train them, and provide them with weapons and armor. All of this requires gold."

Sir Gerard nodded, "And we cannot rely on our citizens to fund this effort. We need to find a way to earn gold to support our troops."

"Your Majesty," he continued, "I may have a solution to our problem."

The King's eyes widened with interest. "What solution do you propose, Sir Gerard?"

Sir Gerard cleared his throat before continuing. "I believe we should build an alliance with Arandor. Together, we can stand against Xyrdalathia and protect our people."

The Queen's eyes lit up with hope as she exclaimed, "Yes! That's exactly what we need!"

The King, however, remained unconvinced. "But how shall we finance such an alliance? We lack the gold to support it."

Sir Gerard paused, then spoke with conviction. "Your Majesty, we cannot afford not to try. Our kingdom's future is at stake. We must find a way to gather the gold, even if it means taking great risks."

The Queen nodded in agreement, and the King, though hesitant, finally relented. "Very well. We will explore this possibility."

The King furrowed his brow in thought. "Perhaps we could sell off some of our land or resources?"

Queen Kaleitha chimed in, "But that would only provide a temporary solution. We need a more sustainable source of income."

Sir Gerard leaned forward, "Your Majesty, what if we explored new trade opportunities? There may be untapped resources or goods that we could export to other kingdoms."

The King nodded slowly, considering the idea. "That's worth exploring. But who would we trade with? And what would we trade?"

The Queen spoke up, "We could send a delegation to neighboring kingdoms and see what they need or have to offer. Perhaps we could establish new trade routes and partnerships."

Sir Gerard nodded, "Yes, and if we are successful in our trade negotiations, we could earn enough gold to finance our efforts against Xyrdalathia."

The King sat back in his chair, mulling over the ideas presented. "Very well, let us begin exploring new trade opportunities. It may be our best chance to earn the gold we need to protect our people and our kingdom."

The three of them nodded in agreement, determined to find a way to overcome the obstacles presented by Xyrdalathia and secure a brighter future for their kingdom.


The atmosphere in the forest was calm, with the occasional sound of leaves rustling in the wind. King Radamir wiped the sweat from his brow and took a sip of water from his canteen, gesturing for his hunting party to do the same. As they rested, a figure caught the King's attention.

"Who goes there?" he called out, drawing his hunting bow. The man stepped forward, revealing himself to the King. His piercing blue eyes made King Radamir feel hypnotized.

"Your Majesty. Please forgive me for my humble presence before you. But allow me to introduce myself. I am Zrythexen, a traveler from faraway lands," the stranger introduced himself. "I have heard of your great hunting skills, and I wished to see them for myself."

King Radamir was intrigued by the stranger's words and approached him. The two men exchanged pleasantries, and Zrythexen's calm and intelligent demeanor put the King at ease.

The King found himself opening up to the stranger in a way that he rarely did with anyone else. He felt that the stranger had a certain wisdom and perspective that he had never encountered before.

At one point, the conversation turned to the subject of leadership. The stranger shared his own views on what it meant to be a good leader, and the King found himself nodding along in agreement.

"I couldn't agree more," the King said. "But it's not always easy to lead with integrity and fairness. There are so many competing interests to balance."

The stranger nodded understandingly. "Yes, it's a difficult balance to strike. But I believe that true leadership comes from the heart. If you lead with compassion and a genuine desire to serve your people, you will find a way to navigate the challenges."

The King felt a sense of resonance with the stranger's words. He realized that he had been so caught up in the day-to-day duties of his role that he had lost sight of the deeper purpose of his leadership.

"Thank you," the King said, feeling a renewed sense of inspiration. "You've given me a lot to think about."

As they walked in the forest, King Radamir was deep in thought. "Zrythexen," he said, "I fear that my leadership is being tested. The people of Ardalind look to me to free them from the oppression of Xyrdalathia, but without resources, I fear that I may fail them."

Zrythexen listened intently as they walked, nodding understandingly. "Yes, my Lord," he replied, "It is a difficult situation indeed. But fear not, for I may have an idea that can help."

The king's interest was piqued. "Tell me more," he said eagerly.

Zrythexen paused for a moment before responding, "My Lord, what I am about to propose is dangerous. We cannot speak of it in the open air. The trees have ears, and the birds can spread the news."

The king nodded in agreement. "You are wise to be cautious," he said, "Come, let us speak further within the safety of the palace walls."

As they entered the palace, the king motioned for Zrythexen to follow him to his chambers. Once inside, he sat down on his throne, while Zrythexen stood respectfully before him.

"Tell me," the king said, "What is this idea that you have?"

Zrythexen took a deep breath before speaking. "My Lord," he began, "I can assure you that we can summon gold with the help of a demon."

The king raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A demon?" he said skeptically.

"Yes, my Lord," Zrythexen continued, "This demon has the power to grant wishes. If we can make a deal with it, we may be able to obtain the resources we need to rebuild our army and defeat Xyrdalathia."

The king considered this for a moment before responding, "I am hesitant to make deals with demons. It goes against everything I believe in."

Zrythexen nodded, "I understand your concerns, my Lord. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And besides, if we can make this deal, we may be able to save Ardalind from the clutches of Xyrdalathia."

The king was silent for a moment, contemplating Zrythexen's words. Finally, he spoke, "Very well, I will consider your proposal. But we must proceed with caution. We cannot let anyone know of our plans, not even my most trusted advisors."

Zrythexen nodded in agreement, "As you wish, my Lord. This is a parchment containing instructions on how to summon a book of 100 demons. The book will lead you to summon the favorable demon that can summon gold infinitely. You will believe what I say after practicing the summoning ritual."

After receiving the parchment, the king looked at the parchment intently, examining the intricate design of the sigil. "And what happens once I draw this sigil and dig the ground?" he asked Zrythexen.

Zrythexen bowed his head respectfully. "My Lord, the sigil will trigger the appearance of a portal that will take you to a hidden underground library. There, you will find the book you seek, the Book of 100 Demons."

The king raised an eyebrow in surprise. "And how do I perform this ritual once I have the book?"

Zrythexen hesitated for a moment before responding. "My Lord, the ritual is complex and dangerous. It involves summoning a demon and binding it to your will. It should not be attempted lightly."

The king nodded thoughtfully. "I understand the risks. But I'll give it a try. Xyrdalathia has left me with no other options."

Zrythexen bowed once again. "Your Majesty, I humbly request your permission to take my leave. I am grateful for the time you have afforded me and appreciate the opportunity to have been in your presence. I wish you continued health and prosperity."


King Radamir donned a black veil over his face and sneaked out of the palace through a secret escape tunnel. The veil covered his entire face, leaving only his eyes visible, making it difficult for anyone to recognize him.

As he made his way through the dark and narrow tunnel, he heard footsteps approaching from the other end. Panicked, he pressed himself against the wall, hoping to avoid detection. The footsteps came closer and closer, and the King's heart raced with fear. Just as he thought he was caught, the footsteps suddenly stopped, and the person turned and walked away.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the King of Ardalind continued his escape and eventually emerged into the open air. He quickly made his way to a secluded spot in the forest where the ground was sandy and started to draw the sigil as instructed by Zrythexen.

The King was nervous and his hands trembled as he drew the intricate symbol on the sandy ground. When he finished, he stepped back, and the sigil glowed with an eerie light, casting an otherworldly glow over the forest.

As he started to dig the ground as instructed, he heard footsteps approaching again. He quickly hid behind a tree, peering out from behind his veil. It was a group of hunters, and they walked past him without noticing his presence.

The King let out a sigh of relief and resumed the digging, finally uncovering the book. As he opened the book, he felt a chill run down his spine. The pages were filled with dark and ancient incantations that he had never seen before.


King Radamir observed the strange book entitled Centa Vormyndar, and as he opened it, he found that he could only access one page. The page was focused on a demon named Caligrothea, who held the noble rank of Duchess in the demon hierarchy. The king could not help but feel a sense of unease as he studied the page, as Caligrothea was known for her immense power and the fact that she could grant human desires for lust and wealth. As he tried to turn to another page, the book resisted and seemed to close itself, leaving him only with the page on Caligrothea. King Radamir felt a growing sense of curiosity and fear about the demon and what it could do, but he knew that he needed to learn more about it if he was to have any chance of saving his kingdom from Xyrdalathia's tyranny.

Caligrothea is a powerful demon with a female form and pangolin-like features. She has rusted gold scales covering her body, sharp eyes that gleam with ancient knowledge, and powerful claws that can dig through the earth with ease. Caligrothea holds the noble rank of Duchess in the demon hierarchy and rules over the wealth and prosperity of subterranean realms. She possesses immense physical and supernatural strength, can grant the human desire for lust in various forms, and invoke wealth from the darkest realms. Her powers make the summoner nearly unbeatable in battles and invincible in the face of enemies. She wields a massive spiked mace and has the ability to cause powerful earthquakes.

King Radamir prepares for the summoning ritual by gathering soil and precious stones to draw Caligrothea's sigil. As he reaches the climax of the ritual, he carefully places the soil and stones in the center of the sigil. He positions himself facing the North and begins to chant the incantations from the book of 100 demons.

"Caligrothea abribilinu maxtaxia! Korathalixium Caligrothea Terrestria! Caligrothea kremorosius quintessence! Caligrothea, Malthor krona heizen, fendir kromakar nalathar."

The sigil began to emit a pulsing glow.

Suddenly, the ground beneath him begins to shake violently, and a deafening roar echoes through the air. The pulsing glow intensifies, and from the center of the sigil, a massive figure rises up. It is Caligrothea, towering over Radamir with her spiked mace in hand.

King Radamir takes a deep breath before addressing Caligrothea. "Mighty demon, I have summoned you to request your aid in freeing my kingdom from the grasp of Xyrdalathia. She has cut off all of our sources of gold, leaving us defenseless against her armies." He looks up at her with a mixture of fear and desperation.

Caligrothea regards him with a penetrating gaze, her eyes glowing like hot coals. "I see," she rumbles in a voice that seems to shake the very air around them. "And what makes you think I should help you?"

Radamir swallows hard. "I understand that you possess great power and that you can help me defeat Xyrdalathia's armies. I am willing to pay any price for your aid."

Caligrothea's scales shimmer in the flickering light of the summoning flames. "Very well," she says after a moment. "I will help you. I am willing to offer my services, but not without a price," she says, her sharp eyes fixed on the King. "In exchange for my assistance, I demand that you allow me to reside within your hand. With my power, you will be able to summon earth magic, bringing forth earthquakes and landslides, or drawing forth an infinite number of gold from the earth."

The King hesitates, unsure of what he's agreeing to. "And if I no longer wish to have you in my hand?" he asks, his voice shaking slightly.

Caligrothea lets out a deep, rumbling laugh. "If you wish to be rid of me, you need only cut off your hand," she replies, her tone amused.

The King gulps, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Very well," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I agree to your terms."

Caligrothea nods, her sharp eyes gleaming. "Then we have an agreement," she says, as she extends a massive, clawed hand toward the King. As he tentatively places his own hand into hers, he feels a sudden surge of power, and a sharp pain as Caligrothea digs her claws into his flesh. The King grits his teeth, willing himself to endure the pain as the demon's power flows into him.


King Radamir stood in a barren field, facing north and clutching the hand that held Caligrothea. He closed his eyes and focused his energy, envisioning a stream of gold flowing towards him from the depths of the earth. Suddenly, the ground began to rumble, and a low hum filled the air.

As Radamir opened his eyes, he saw the soil around him crack and shift, revealing veins of glittering gold beneath. He held out his hand, and from the soil erupted a fountain of gold that shimmered in the sunlight. Radamir continued to draw forth more and more riches from the earth.

The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air crackled with magic as Radamir's power reached its peak. He felt an exhilarating rush of energy, and the world around him seemed to bend to his will. With a final burst of effort, he summoned forth an entire mountain of gold that towered over him, glinting in the sunlight.

King Radamir stood at the center of the barren land, his hands outstretched before him. He closed his eyes and focused on the earth beneath his feet. He whispered an incantation under his breath, calling upon the power of Caligrothea and the earth elementals.

Slowly, the ground began to tremble and shake, as if responding to the King's command. A faint, shimmering barrier rose up from the earth, encircling the towering pile of gold. The barrier pulsed with a golden light, and anyone who approached it would see only a barren wasteland, with no hint of the riches hidden within.

King Radamir stepped back, admiring his handiwork. He knew that the illusionary barrier would keep the gold safe from prying eyes and greedy thieves, at least for a time. He could remove the barrier at will, but only when he was sure that the gold would not fall into the wrong hands.

King Radamir returned to his palace with a wide smile on his face, knowing that he had successfully summoned the power of Caligrothea to draw gold from the earth. "I did it! I summoned Caligrothea and drew this gold from the earth," he exclaimed to himself.

Excited to share his success with his wife, Queen Kaleitha, he secretly left the palace with her and went back to the barren land where the gold was piled up high. "Radamir, where did this gold come from? How did you get it?" asked Kaleitha, her eyes widening in surprise.

"I summoned a demon named Caligrothea, and in return for her help, she asked to reside in my hand. With her power, I was able to draw this gold from the earth," Radamir explained.

Kaleitha looked at him in disbelief, unsure of how to react. "A demon? Radamir, I don't know about this. It sounds dangerous," she said with concern.

Radamir understood her hesitation but knew that he needed to convince her that this was the only way to save Ardalind. "Kaleitha, please understand that this is the only way to save our kingdom. Ardalind needs our help, and with this gold, we can provide for our people and raise an army to fight against Xyrdalathia," he said firmly.

After some persuasion, Kaleitha agreed to their plan but was worried about how to hide the pile of gold from Xyrdalathia. Radamir smiled and said, "Don't worry, my love. With Caligrothea's power, I can hide it with an illusionary barrier."

He then demonstrated his power, using earth magic to create a magical veil that covered the gold, hiding it from anyone who might come looking for it. "There, now it's safe. No one will know about it unless we reveal it," Radamir said, looking at his wife with pride.

Kaleitha nodded, still a little uneasy about the situation, but knowing that they had to do whatever it takes to save their kingdom.


Sir Gerard had been on a journey for days, traveling through the dense forests and rugged mountains of his kingdom. He had been seeking out an ancient relic that was said to hold great power and had been lost for centuries. Exhausted from his travels, he had taken refuge in a small, abandoned temple in the heart of the forest. It was a peaceful and quiet place, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature.

As he rested, Sir Gerard's mind drifted to thoughts of the relic he was seeking. He could feel its presence, drawing him closer and closer. Suddenly, his chest began to glow with a bright light, illuminating the dark temple. His eyes shone with the same light, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

Just as suddenly, the light faded, and Sir Gerard fell into a deep sleep. Unbeknownst to him, he had been possessed by Serenova, an ancient and powerful spirit who had been seeking a host for centuries. As Sir Gerard slept, Serenova's presence within him grew stronger, and she began to use his body as her vessel to manifest her powers in the world once more.

Sir Gerard found himself standing at the entrance of a dark, ominous cave. The air was thick with the smell of damp earth and stale air. As he made his way deeper inside, he heard the sound of dripping water and the echo of his footsteps. Suddenly, he noticed a dim light coming from the center of the cave.

Approaching cautiously, he saw a woman sitting on a throne made of stone. She was dressed in flowing white robes, and her long silver hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. As he drew closer, he realized that she was the woman who had possessed him earlier.

"Welcome, Sir Gerard," the woman spoke, her voice echoing in the cave. "I am Serenova, the queen of the fairies. I have a message for you to deliver to your King."

Sir Gerard bowed his head in respect, "What message do you have, your Highness?"

"Tell your King that he will succeed in saving Ardalind from Xyrdalathia. Not only that, but he will also take over Xyrdalathia from King Mordrath. A knight will emerge with magical power from Ardalind, but he is just a sign of King Radamir's victory. Never trust him. He will not support what your King is planning to do."

Sir Gerard was stunned by the message, "How can my King accomplish such a task, your Highness?"

"That is not for me to say, Sir Gerard," Serenova replied. "All I can tell you is that during the time of your King's suffering, you must not leave his side. That is all."

Sir Gerard felt a sense of foreboding, "What kind of suffering will my King have to bear?"

"That, I cannot say," Serenova replied cryptically. "But remember, Sir Gerard, you must not leave your King during his time of need."

With those words, Sir Gerard felt himself being pulled back to reality, and he woke up with a start. The cave and Serenova were gone, but the message remained. He knew he had to deliver it to the King.


Sir Gerard was curious about the unknown knight he had seen on his way to the court of King Radamir. As soon as he had the chance, he approached the king and asked, "Your Majesty, may I ask who that knight was? I have never seen him before."

King Radamir looked up from his paperwork and replied, "Ah, yes. That's Vaelthor. He's a new recruit. It's actually my first time meeting him as well."

Sir Gerard raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A new recruit? I see. And what is his role in the kingdom, Your Majesty?"

The king chuckled. "To be honest, he's the most incompetent knight in all of Ardalind. I sent him to fight against the bandits just to reduce expenses. If he fails, it won't be a great loss. But if he succeeds, he will earn a promotion so that other knights won't underestimate him anymore."

Sir Gerard shook his head in disbelief. "I see, Your Majesty. But isn't it a risk to send such an incompetent knight to fight against the bandits? What if he gets killed?"

The king shrugged. "Well, that's the chance we have to take. We have to reduce our expenses somehow, and Vaelthor is the perfect candidate for that. We'll just have to wait and see how he fares."

As Sir Gerard approached the throne, he hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Your Majesty," he said, "may I speak with you in private? I have something to tell you."

King Radamir raised an eyebrow but motioned for the other knights to leave the room. Once they were alone, Sir Gerard began to recount his dream.

"Your Majesty, I believe this might be a good tiding. While I was lost in the forest, I had a dream. I met a woman named Serenova, and she told me that you would save Ardalind from Xyrdalathia and take over their kingdom. She also said that a knight would emerge from Ardalind with magical powers and that he would be a sign of your victory."

King Radamir listened intently, his expression thoughtful.

"And what else did she say?" he asked.

"She also said that we should not trust that knight. He won't be at our side." Sir Gerard continued. He dared not to speak about the King's suffering.

"And then?" the king insisted for more information.

Sir Gerard was in great fear to tell about the foretold suffering, for he had told the King it was a good tiding. So, he just said, "That was all I heard from Serenova, my King."

Upon hearing the news from Sir Gerard, King Radamir's face lit up with a mix of relief and excitement. He leaned forward in his throne and asked, "You're telling me that we can save Ardalind? That we can defeat Xyrdalathia and take over their kingdom?"

Sir Gerard nodded, "That is what Serenova told me in my dream, Your Highness."

The King let out a sigh of relief and a wide smile spread across his face. "This is incredible news, Sir Gerard! We have hope now, hope that we can finally put an end to this war and bring peace to our land. Thank you for bringing me this news, you have done Ardalind a great service."

Sir Gerard bowed, "It is my honor, Your Highness."

King Radamir stood up from his throne and walked over to Sir Gerard. He placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "You have proven yourself to be a true knight of Ardalind. I am proud to have you as one of my most trusted knights."

Sir Gerard smiled, feeling a sense of pride and gratitude at the King's words. "Thank you, Your Highness. I will continue to serve Ardalind and protect it with my life."

The King nodded, "I have no doubt of that, Sir Gerard. I believe I can count on you."


As the sun set over the palace courtyard, King Radamir stood on his balcony overlooking the cheering crowds below. Suddenly, a messenger burst into the room and rushed towards the throne.

"Your Majesty, I bring great news!" the messenger exclaimed. "Vaelthor has returned victorious from the bandit's hideout. He single-handedly defeated the bandits with his magical power!"

The King's eyes widened in amazement. "Bring him to me at once!" he commanded.

A few hours later, the King held a grand ceremony in honor of Vaelthor's victory. He bestowed upon the knight a medal of honor and promoted him to the rank of captain. As the ceremony ended and the guests began to disperse, the King called Sir Gerard to his private chambers for a confidential conversation.

After the ceremony, the King had a private conversation with Sir Gerard in his chamber. "I must admit, Sir Gerard," the King said with a grin. "I was skeptical at first about your dream, but with Vaelthor's victory, I am now convinced that you were telling the truth. With Vaelthor's help, we can finally take down Xyrdalathea and save Ardalind."

Sir Gerard nodded solemnly, "My liege, I must warn you. Vaelthor cannot be trusted. Serenova told me that he is merely a sign of victory. He is not on our side."

The King's expression faltered at this revelation. "But he has proven his worth, Gerard. How can I overlook that? He has brought us one step closer to victory."

Sir Gerard stood firm, "My King, please reconsider. Serenova's words have been true so far. I fear for the consequences if we place our trust in Vaelthor."

King Radamir looked troubled but ultimately relented. "Very well, Sir Gerard. I trust your judgment. We will find another way to proceed with our plan."

Sir Gerard nodded in approval. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We must tread carefully in these perilous times."


King Radamir's heart sank when he received news of Vaelthor's betrayal. He fought his own fellow knights and was summoned by King Mordrath to receive his own troops. He immediately called for Sir Gerard to discuss the situation privately. "Sir Gerard, you were right about Vaelthor. He is not to be trusted," the King said with a hint of regret in his voice.

Sir Gerard nodded solemnly. "I knew it would come to this, Your Majesty. Serenova warned me about him," he replied.

The King took a deep breath before continuing. "There is something else I need to tell you, Sir Gerard. Something that I have kept a secret until now," he said in a hushed tone.

Sir Gerard leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "What is it, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"I possess a magical power that allows me to summon unlimited gold," the King revealed, watching Sir Gerard's reaction closely.

Sir Gerard's eyes widened in surprise. "Unlimited gold, Your Majesty?" he asked incredulously.

The King nodded. "Yes, unlimited gold. But we cannot use it openly to free Ardalind from Xyrdalathea. We need to find a way to smuggle it out and use it to build our army," he replied.

Sir Gerard thought for a moment, then a glint of inspiration flashed across his eyes. "Your Majesty, what if we used the gold to build Arandor's army? I believe they will help us with their strong army, we could take on Xyrdalathea and free Ardalind."

The king's face brightened with hope. "That's an excellent idea, Sir Gerard. But how do we smuggle the gold out of the kingdom without anyone noticing?"

Sir Gerard furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "We could smuggle it out using merchants disguised as traders, Your Majesty. We could also hire mercenaries to help us in the rebellion," he suggested.

The King nodded in agreement. "Very well, Sir Gerard. Let us proceed with your plan. We'll need to be careful though, to make sure that Xyrdalathea doesn't find out about our plans. We will free Ardalind from Xyrdalathea and bring peace to our land," he said with determination.


One day, while King Radamir was discussing matters of state in his court, a village chief named Acturion from Xythor village burst in, looking desperate and disheveled.

"Your Majesty, please help us," Acturion pleaded. "We have been robbed many times by Vaelthor's army. Our people are suffering, and we have nothing left."

The King was shocked and saddened to hear about the atrocities committed by Vaelthor's army. He knew that he had to do something to help these innocent villagers.

"Acturion, I am deeply sorry for what has happened to your village," the King said, his voice full of compassion. "Please know that we will do everything in our power to help you."

Sir Gerard leaned in and whispered to the King, "Your Majesty, we could use Acturion's help. Xythor could serve as a gateway for communication and smuggling gold to Arandor."

The King nodded, seeing the wisdom in Sir Gerard's words. "Acturion, I have a proposition for you," the King said, turning to the village chief. "We will provide you with gold to rebuild your village every time it is devastated by Vaelthor's army. In return, we ask that you help us with our plan to free Ardalind from Xyrdalathea's grip."

Acturion was surprised but nodded in agreement. "Your Majesty, I will do anything to help my people and put an end to this suffering. I will obey your orders."

The King thanked Acturion and promised to work with him to find a way to communicate and smuggle gold to Arandor without arousing suspicion. Together, they began to plan, determined to put an end to Vaelthor's tyranny and free Ardalind from Xyrdalathea's grip.


Vaelthor was fuming with anger as he watched Xythor village slowly recover from yet another devastating attack. He had no idea how the villagers were able to rebuild their homes and businesses so quickly, but he suspected that they were getting help from someone outside of his control.

One day, Vaelthor decided to investigate and send his troops to patrol the border. They watched as the villagers smuggled something across the border, but they couldn't quite figure out what it was.

"What are they smuggling?" Vaelthor demanded to know from his lieutenant.

"I don't know, sir," the lieutenant replied. "We couldn't catch them in the act, and we don't have the authority to search them without cause."

Vaelthor knew that he couldn't trust anyone on the border, as they were all under King Mordrath's control. He suspected that King Radamir might be behind the smuggling, but he had no way to prove it. He couldn't find any motive behind it.

Meanwhile, the villagers of Xythor continued to smuggle gold to Arandor successfully. They had bribed the border watchers to let them leave without checking their goods, and they were able to transport the gold safely to Arandor.

As Vaelthor watched Xythor village recover once again, he knew that something had to be done to stop the smuggling. Little did Vaelthor know, the villagers got the gold from inside Ardalind. However, Vaelthor thought that Xythor had planned to switch sides by smuggling crops to feed Arandor's troops at the border.

A few months later, Vaelthor was on edge, pacing back and forth in his tent. He had just received word that Arandor's army had grown immensely near the border, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They weren't attacking, but it was clear they were waiting for something.

"What do they want?" he muttered to himself, clenching his fists in frustration.

Just then, a messenger arrived with a message from King Mordrath to secure Xythor. Vaelthor heard the message with a scowl on his face.

"Secure Xythor," he muttered. "As if I don't have enough to deal with already."

He immediately planned to mobilize his troops, sending word to his lieutenants to prepare for battle. He had to protect Xythor at all costs, especially now that Arandor's army was waiting just across the border.

Meanwhile, in Ardalind's palace, Sir Gerard and the King were strategizing their next move. They knew that Vaelthor was suspicious and that they had to be careful not to reveal their plan.

As they discussed their options, Sir Gerard suggested using Vaelthor's suspicions to their advantage. He proposed that they create a diversion to distract Vaelthor's troops, giving them the opportunity to smuggle more gold and supplies through Xythor.

The King agreed and ordered Sir Gerard to carry out the plan. They knew that they were taking a risk, but they were willing to do whatever it took to free Ardalind from Xyrdalathea's grasp.


King Radamir received the news of Vaelthor's death in a magical battle against Acturion with mixed emotions of relief and sadness. He knew that Vaelthor's death would mean the initial sign of Aldarin's victory as foretold by Sir Gerard, but he was also sad that he had lost a skillful knight that was supposed to serve him.

"Sir Gerard, prepare to welcome Arandor's troops," the King commanded.

King Radamir was waiting at the palace gates, anxiously anticipating the arrival of Arandor's troops. As they marched through Xythor, he watched them intently, looking for any signs of weariness or fatigue.

Finally, the troops arrived, led by a tall, imposing commander with piercing blue eyes. The King stepped forward to greet him, introducing himself and thanking him for his assistance.

"Your Majesty," the commander said with a deep bow, "I am Commander Lyrian of the Arandor army. It is an honor to serve you and your kingdom."

The King nodded respectfully, then turned to the nobleman at the commander's side. "And who is this?"

"This is Lord Elric," the commander replied, "one of my most trusted advisors."

Lord Elric entered the throne room with a grave expression on his face. "Your Majesty, Commander Lyrian has received the message and the gold tribute. As soon as Vaelthor died, he mobilized a large scale of troops, entering through Xythor and is ready to march towards Xyrdalathea as instructed," he said.

The King nodded in approval. "Good. We must strike while they are still recovering from their losses in Vaelthor's last battle. We have to take this opportunity to defeat them once and for all."

Elric's expression changed to confusion as he asked, "Your Majesty, if I may ask, how did you know that Vaelthor would meet such a tragic fate?"

The King's expression grew solemn. "I had a feeling, and it turned out to be true. It's not important now. We have to focus on the present and the future. We need to take back Xyrdalathea from their grip."

Commander Lyrian spoke up, "Your Majesty, I assure you that my troops are ready and willing to serve. We will fight for Arandor and for your cause."

The King looked at him with gratitude. "Thank you, Commander. We need brave and loyal soldiers like you to help us win this war. Lord Elric, make sure everything is in order for the attack by dawn. We must strike with full force and determination."

Elric bowed deeply, "Yes, Your Majesty. I will make sure everything is in order."

As he turned to leave, the King called out to him. "Lord Elric, make sure to prepare for any contingencies. We don't know what Xyrdalathea's army will do, so we must be ready for anything."

Elric nodded, "Understood, Your Majesty. I will make sure to prepare for any possible scenarios."


At the crack of dawn, Arandor's troops under Commander Lyrian launched a sudden attack on Xyrdalathia. They rushed through the gates, swords drawn and shields raised, while Xyrdalathia's army was still reeling from the events of the previous night. The clash of steel echoed through the streets as the two armies clashed.

Lyrian led the charge, his sword a blur as he cut through Xyrdalathia's troops. He fought with a fierce determination, his men following his lead. They moved like a well-oiled machine, each man covering the other as they advanced.

Xyrdalathia's army fought back with equal ferocity, but they were no match for Arandor's troops. The battle raged on for hours, the streets stained with blood and littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers.

In the end, Arandor emerged victorious. They had pushed Xyrdalathia's army back to the castle, and after a long and grueling fight, they had breached its walls. Lyrian and his men stormed the castle, swords flashing, and took control.

The King's army was devastated, and the city was in ruins. Xyrdalathia had lost the war, and Arandor was now in control.

A messenger rushed to King Radamir with the news of the victory. The King was overjoyed and immediately ordered his men to march into Xyrdalathia. He went in alone, without the Queen, to see the damage for himself.

As he walked through the ruined city, he saw the faces of the people who had suffered so much during the war. He made a vow to help them rebuild, to restore Xyrdalathia to its former glory.

It was a hard-won victory, but Arandor had prevailed. And with King Radamir at the helm, Xyrdalathia would rise again.


King Radamir arrived at the gates of Xyrdalathia, a kingdom shrouded in dense forests. The kingdom was exotic, with tall trees and colorful flowers. When King Radamir rode towards Xyrdalathia, he was awestruck by the exotically beautiful surroundings. The forest seemed to whisper as the leaves rustled gently in the wind, and the birds sang in harmony, creating a serene atmosphere. As he entered the palace that used to be King Mordrath's, he was met with a disturbing sight. All around the palace, prisoners were tied up, waiting to be executed. King Mordrath and his family kneeled on the ground, looking helpless.

The King was about to give the order to execute the prisoners when a brave young girl stepped forward and begged for mercy. "Please, Your Highness, spare my family's lives," she said. King Radamir was struck by her beauty, her big brown eyes, and her delicate features. "What is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Delylanna, Your Highness," she said, and the King was impressed by her daringness among all the other prisoners.

"Your bravery today was impressive, Delylanna," the King said, his voice soft and kind.

"Thank you, Your Highness," she replied, her eyes meeting his.

"Tell me, why were you so bold? What made you step forward like that?"

Delylanna hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I couldn't bear to see my family die. And besides, what did we have to lose? We were already going to be executed. At least this way, I had a chance to save them."

The King was impressed by her bravery, and they bargained for a few minutes. "I will spare your family's lives," he said, "but what will you do for me?"

Delylanna looked up at him and said, "I will serve you as your concubine, Your Highness if you spare my family."

King Radamir was hesitant at first, but eventually, he agreed to her proposal and ordered the guards to put her family in jail and set free some servants to serve Delylanna. As they left, Delylanna remained with the King, and he noticed how her beauty radiated in the dim light of the palace. "You are a brave and beautiful young woman," he said, "and you have won a chance at life and a place in my heart."


Queen Kaleitha sat at her desk, staring at the letter from King Radamir in her hands. It had been weeks since she had last seen her husband, and she was growing increasingly weary of waiting for him to return. She sighed heavily and set the letter down on the desk, her mind racing with thoughts and worries.

"I can't keep doing this," she murmured to herself. "I need to see him, to talk to him. I'm tired of waiting and being left in the dark about everything."

As if on cue, a messenger burst into the room, interrupting her thoughts. "Your Majesty, there is news," he said breathlessly.

"What news?" she asked, a sense of dread creeping over her.

"The King is staying in Xyrdalathia and is busy rebuilding the kingdom and establishing new forces," the messenger replied, his voice low.

The Queen's heart sank at the news. "How long will he be there?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I'm not sure, Your Majesty," the messenger replied. "But he has ordered you to maintain authority in Ardalind during his absence."

"Of course, he has," Queen Kaleitha muttered bitterly. "Always leaving me behind to deal with everything while he runs off to play a king in other kingdoms."

The messenger looked uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything else. Queen Kaleitha sat there, feeling angry and frustrated, unsure of what to do next. She knew she couldn't just sit around waiting for her husband to come back, but she also didn't want to overstep her boundaries and risk his wrath. It was a difficult position to be in, and she felt more alone than ever.

Queen Kaleitha sat in the garden, feeling lonely and troubled. She enjoyed the peacefulness of the palace pool, watching the fish swimming and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the trees. She took a bite of the delicious fish that her servants had prepared for her lunch when Lord Elric approached her.

"Your Majesty," Lord Elric greeted her with a bow. "May I join you for lunch?"

"Of course, Lord Elric," Queen Kaleitha replied, gesturing to the seat beside her.

They ate in silence for a while, enjoying the calmness of the garden. Then, Lord Elric spoke up.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for being so bold, but I couldn't help but notice how troubled you seem lately. Is everything all right?"

The Queen sighed deeply. "I'm just weary of waiting for my husband's return. I miss him terribly."

"I can imagine," Lord Elric said, his voice low and smooth. "Perhaps there is something I can do to take your mind off your troubles."

The Queen raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

"I could show you some of the sights of Ardalind, Your Majesty," Lord Elric suggested, his tone slightly seductive. "There are many beautiful places in our kingdom that I'm sure you would enjoy."

The Queen smiled faintly, knowing full well what Lord Elric was hinting at. "I appreciate your offer, Lord Elric, but I must decline. I am a faithful wife to my husband, and I will not betray him."

Lord Elric leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, Your Majesty. But sometimes, a little temptation can be good for the soul."

The Queen looked away, feeling uncomfortable with the Lord's seductive tone. "Please, Lord Elric, let us speak of other matters."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Lord Elric said, leaning back in his seat. "I apologize if I have offended you."

The rest of the lunch was spent in polite conversation, but the Queen couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered within her. She knew she had to be careful around Lord Elric, for his charm and seduction could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

As Queen Kaleitha walked towards the pool another day, she noticed Lord Elric fishing alone. Intrigued, she approached him and asked, "Caught anything yet, Lord Elric?"

Lord Elric turned to her and smiled. "Nothing yet, Your Majesty. But I have a feeling I will soon."

Queen Kaleitha chuckled. "Well, don't keep your hopes up too high."

As Lord Elric cast his line again, Queen Kaleitha sat down next to him. "Fishing is such a peaceful activity, isn't it?"

"It is, Your Majesty. It allows me to clear my head and forget about the stresses of life for a while."

"I know what you mean," the Queen replied. "Being a ruler can be so tiring sometimes. I often find myself looking for ways to escape."

"Escape?" Lord Elric repeated, turning to face her. "From what, Your Majesty?"

"From the pressure of being a queen, from the responsibility of ruling over Ardalind, from the loneliness that comes with being married to a man who is never here."

Lord Elric's eyes widened in surprise. "I had no idea, Your Majesty. But if I may be so bold, may I ask... what is it that you truly desire?"

Queen Kaleitha took a deep breath before answering. "What I truly desire... is love. A love that is true, pure, and unconditional. A love that can make me forget all my worries and make me feel alive."

Lord Elric looked at her with sympathy. "I understand, Your Majesty. But love is not something that can be forced or obtained through power. It is something that comes naturally, and often unexpectedly."

"I know," the Queen replied, looking down at the water. "But sometimes, I can't help but wish for it anyway."

Lord Elric put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't lose hope, Your Majesty. True love may come when you least expect it."

After their conversation by the pool, Queen Kaleitha found herself drawn to Lord Elric's charm and wit. They started spending more and more time together, doing activities that royal people usually do.

They went on long walks through the palace gardens, discussing the latest news and politics of the kingdom. They played chess in the courtyard, each trying to outsmart the other. They attended grand banquets and dances, dressed in their finest attire and dancing the night away.

Lord Elric taught the Queen how to ride horses, and they went on horseback rides through the countryside. They went hunting together, with Lord Elric showing the Queen how to handle a bow and arrow with precision. They even went on secret picnics in the forest, enjoying the beauty of nature and each other's company.

As they spent more time together, Queen Kaleitha found herself falling in love with Lord Elric, and he with her. Despite their difference in status, they couldn't resist their growing feelings for each other.


Sir Eryndor was a respected knight in Ardalind, known for his strict adherence to the laws and traditions of the kingdom. When Queen Kaleitha was preoccupied with her own affairs, Sir Eryndor and the other knights stepped up to take on the responsibilities of the kingdom. They worked tirelessly to ensure that the kingdom was well governed, and the people were well taken care of.

They worked on various projects, such as rebuilding the infrastructure that had been damaged during the war and improving the healthcare system. They also focused on military training, to ensure that the kingdom was well-defended in case of any future attacks. As they worked, the board of knights became very popular among the people of Ardalind, who began to see them as their true representatives.

However, things took a turn when Lord Elric and Queen Kaleitha were caught in an improper action. The board of knights immediately performed a trial to punish them, as they wanted to set an example for the kingdom that nobody is above the law. However, the subjects of Ardalind were already discontent with Queen Kaleitha due to her scandalous behavior, and they saw this as an opportunity to expel her from the kingdom.

They demanded that Sir Eryndor be put in charge of Ardalind, as they believed he would be a just and fair ruler. Lord Elric, in an attempt to save Queen Kaleitha, decided to take her away from Ardalind and to Arandor, where she would live as a common woman. The decision was made, and the kingdom was left without a queen, as Sir Eryndor took over as the new ruler of Ardalind.

As King Icarion received the news of the scandal between Lord Elric and Queen Kaleitha, he was infuriated. He had trusted Lord Elric to represent Arandor and keep the peace in Ardalind during King Radamir's absence, but now it seemed that he had betrayed that trust.

He summoned Commander Lyrian, who was leading the Arandor army in Xyrdalathia and ordered him to withdraw his troops immediately. King Icarion didn't want to have any association with Ardalind, which was now tainted with scandal and corruption.

As Commander Lyrian led the army back, they had to pass through Ardalind, where Sir Eryndor had been crowned as the new leader. The citizens of Ardalind had grown to love and trust the Board of Knights, and they saw Sir Eryndor as a better ruler than Queen Kaleitha.

When Commander Lyrian and his army passed through Ardalind, Sir Eryndor allowed them to pass.


King Radamir was in his chamber when he received a letter from Ardalind, written by Sir Eryndor. The letter stated that Queen Kaleitha had fled Ardalind with Lord Elric and that the board of knights had stripped her of her title and banished her from the kingdom. Radamir's heart sank as he read the letter, his mind reeling at the news of his queen's betrayal.

He stood up from his desk, his anger and frustration palpable as he paced back and forth in his chamber. "How could she do this to me?" he muttered to himself. "After all, I have done for her, she goes and runs away with another man?"

Radamir's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his chamber door. It was his advisor, Sir Gerard. "Your Highness, I have news from Xyrdalathia," he said gravely.

"What news?" Radamir asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"The troops have withdrawn from Xyrdalathia, passing through Ardalind under the leadership of Sir Eryndor. They did not even bother to inform us, as if we were nothing to them," Sir Gerard replied.

Radamir's heart sank even further. "So not only have I lost my queen, but I have lost the support of our allies as well," he said. "And to make matters worse, we are not even prepared to defend ourselves if we are attacked."

He slumped down into his chair, his head in his hands. "What am I going to do?" he whispered to himself. "Everything I hold dear has been taken away from me."

As King Radamir sat in his chamber, lost in thought and mourning his loss, he suddenly heard the door creak open. He looked up to see Delylanna, his most trusted advisor, entering the room.

"Your Majesty," she said softly, approaching him. "I can see the pain in your eyes. Please, tell me what troubles you."

King Radamir sighed heavily and looked away. "I have lost everything, Delylanna. Ardalind has fallen, my queen has run away with another man, and Lyrian and his troops have abandoned me without so much as a word. And to make matters worse, our own troops in Xyrdalathia are not yet ready for battle."

Delylanna nodded sympathetically. "I understand your pain, Your Majesty. But we must not lose hope just yet. There may be a solution."

"What solution?" King Radamir asked, his interest piqued.

"We can ask for help from our neighboring kingdom, Syrindor," Delylanna said. "Their king, King Caledorin, is known to be a strong ally and has a well-trained army."

King Radamir raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Syrindor? I have not heard of that kingdom before."

"They are a small but prosperous kingdom, Your Majesty," Delylanna explained. "Their location is strategic, as they are situated between two large kingdoms. They have managed to maintain their independence and neutrality, making them an ideal ally for us in times of need."

King Radamir considered her words for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Very well. Send a messenger to King Caledorin and ask for his help. We cannot afford to lose Xyrdalathia."

Delylanna bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty, allow me to volunteer myself as the messenger. I have known King Caledorin since I was a kid. I hope, this will be easier for us to convince the King." King Radamir agreed, "As you wish my dear."


Delylanna, guarded by royal guards, went to Syrindor to send an alliance proposal from King Radamir to King Caledorin.

A few days later, Delylanna returned from Syrindor, accompanied by a handsome young prince named Sylveor. King Radamir welcomed them with open arms, but he noticed that Delylanna still stood beside the prince instead of coming to his side. "My lady, it is good to see you return safely. And who is this young prince?" he asked.

"Your Majesty, this is Prince Sylveor, son of King Caledorin," replied Delylanna.

"Prince Sylveor, welcome to Xyrdalathia. We are grateful for your assistance," said King Radamir, extending his hand to the prince.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I cannot accept your offer of friendship, King Radamir," said Prince Sylveor, with a cold expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" asked King Radamir, taken aback by the prince's words.

"I have come to take over Xyrdalathia. My father believes it's time for a change in leadership," said Prince Sylveor, his voice firm.

King Radamir stood there in disbelief, unable to process what he had just heard.

"You can't do this. This is my kingdom," protested King Radamir.

"Not anymore. You are no longer fit to rule, and I will take over from here. Besides, I have taken a liking to Lady Delylanna and have asked for her hand in marriage. She has agreed." said Prince Sylveor, his tone final.

Delylanna spoke up. "My Lord, I have agreed to the proposal. Now, I have decided to switch sides to Syrindor."

King Radamir was torn. He couldn't bear to lose Delylanna.

Delylanna watched the scene unfold with a small smile on her face. She had played her part in the downfall of King Radamir, and now her plan had succeeded.

After King Radamir's offer of gold was refused, he was expelled from Xyrdalathia along with his loyal followers. Little did King Radamir know, Syrindor and Xyrdalathia had been in alliance for a long time; moreover, Sylveor and Delylanna had been lovers since they were teenagers. Prince Sylveor took over the kingdom and declared himself king. Delylanna became his queen, and he freed her family from jail.


As King Radamir and his loyal follower Sir Gerard traveled through the winding roads leading out of Xyrdalathia, they encountered a few of Radamir's former soldiers who had chosen to stay with him.

"Your Majesty," one of the soldiers addressed him, "we've come to fight alongside you until the end."

Radamir shook his head in response. "No, my friend. I cannot allow you to do that. My cause is lost, and I do not want any more lives to be lost because of me."

"But we owe you our loyalty, your Majesty," another soldier chimed in. "We cannot abandon you in your time of need."

Radamir sighed heavily. "I appreciate your loyalty, but I must insist. I have already lost too much, and I cannot bear to see any more harm come to those who have remained faithful to me."

The group continued on their journey, and as they approached a small village, Radamir ordered his carriage to stop. He gathered his loyal followers and addressed them once more.

"My friends, I cannot thank you enough for your loyalty and service to me. As a token of my gratitude, I have gold to be distributed among you. Use it to start a new life, to find new opportunities and new joys."

He gestured to his servants, who began distributing the gold among the group. The loyal followers expressed their gratitude to the King and vowed to always remember his kindness and leadership.

As the group dispersed, Sir Gerard approached King Radamir. "Your Majesty, I will follow you to the ends of the earth, even in your darkest hour."

Radamir smiled, touched by the unwavering loyalty of his trusted companion. "Thank you, Sir Gerard. Your loyalty and friendship mean more to me than all the gold in the world."

King Radamir and Sir Gerard set out on their journey to Arandor in search of Queen Kaleitha. They disguised themselves as poor travelers to avoid attracting attention from anyone who might recognize them.

As they walked through the streets of Ardalind, Radamir couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and betrayal. He had lost his kingdom, his wife, and his dignity all at once. Sir Gerard, sensing his friend's sorrow, tried to console him.

"Your Majesty, we will find the Queen," Sir Gerard said reassuringly. "She must have had her reasons for leaving. We will hear her out and try to understand."

Radamir nodded, still lost in his thoughts. As they passed through the city gates, the guards barely spared them a glance. They were just another pair of travelers trying to make their way into the world.

As they traveled on the road, they encountered many challenges. They had to cross treacherous rivers, navigate through dense forests, and evade bandits. But they pressed on, driven by the hope of finding Kaleitha.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but they didn't give up. They traveled to different towns and cities, asking anyone they met if they had seen the Queen. But their efforts were in vain.

One night, as they sat by a campfire, Radamir finally broke down. "What if we never find her?" he said, his voice choked with emotion. "What if she doesn't want to be found?"

Sir Gerard put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Your Majesty, we can't give up now. We have to keep trying. We will find her."

As the morning sun slowly rose above the horizon, Sir Gerard woke King Radamir from his slumber, his face serious and stern. Radamir rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up, wondering why his loyal knight had woken him so early.

"Sir Gerard, what is it?" Radamir asked, groggily.

"Your Majesty, I had a dream last night. I saw Serenova again," Sir Gerard said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Radamir's eyes widened in surprise. Serenova had been dead for years, and he had never heard Sir Gerard speak of her in such a manner before.

"What did she say?" Radamir asked, curious.

"She told me that if you want to meet Queen Kaleitha again, you must cut off your hand where Caligrothea resides. Fate will bring you to her if you make this sacrifice," Sir Gerard said, his voice grave.

Radamir's heart pounded in his chest. He had heard of Caligrothea, the cursed land where evil spirits and demons were said to reside. The thought of venturing there was terrifying, but the thought of being reunited with Kaleitha was too much to ignore.

"I will do it," Radamir said firmly, determination burning in his eyes.

Sir Gerard nodded solemnly. "I will stand by your side, my King."

Radamir went to the physician's hut, located deep in the woods. He told the physician that he needed a painkiller to numb his hand, which he wanted to cut off. The physician was shocked and asked Radamir if he was sure about it. Radamir nodded, and the physician gave him a potion that would make him unconscious.

As Radamir lay on the table, Sir Gerard sharpened his sword. He had never performed surgery before, but he knew that he had to do this for Radamir's sake. He took a deep breath and steadied his hand. The physician poured the potion into Radamir's mouth, and he fell into a deep slumber.

Sir Gerard raised the sword and placed it above Radamir's wrist. He took another deep breath and closed his eyes, then brought the sword down.

The physician quickly wrapped a bandage around the wound, and Radamir began to stir. He groaned and clutched at the bandage, but the painkiller had worked, and he felt no pain.

Sir Gerard helped Radamir to his feet and held him steady as they walked out of the physician's hut. Radamir looked at his missing hand in shock, but he knew that he had to continue on his journey to find Kaleitha.

"Thank you, Sir Gerard," Radamir said, his voice filled with emotion. "I owe you my life."

Sir Gerard nodded, his eyes filled with tears. "I would do anything for you, my king," he said. "Anything to see you reunited with your beloved."

After losing everything, Radamir and Sir Gerard continued their journey to find Kaleitha. Despite the loss of his kingdom and his hand, Radamir was determined to be reunited with his wife. The gold he had summoned before losing his magic power remained with him, providing some comfort and means for survival on their journey.


As Radamir and Sir Gerard approached Arandor, they could see the city's towering walls and the bustling activity inside. It was a stark contrast to the desolation they had experienced on their journey. As they entered the city gates, the noise, and crowds intensified, and they tried to blend in as best they could.

As they walked down one of the main streets, Radamir suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure in the distance. His heart began to race, and he quickened his pace until he was running toward her.

"Kaleitha!" he cried out.

Kaleitha turned around, and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she saw Radamir approaching her with only one hand.

"Radamir...what happened to you?" she whispered, her voice filled with sadness and concern.

Radamir's face softened as he gazed at her. "It's a long story," he said. "But I've come to find you, Kaleitha. I need you by my side."

Kaleitha hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with indecision. But then, she stepped forward and took Radamir's hand in hers.

"I'll come with you," she said firmly. "But we must leave this place quickly. There are eyes and ears everywhere, and we cannot risk being seen together."

Sir Gerard nodded in agreement, and the three of them quickly made their way out of the city, heading towards a secluded spot where they could talk in peace.

After finding a quiet spot, Kaleitha's eyes fixated on Radamir's missing hand. "Radamir, what happened to your hand? How did you lose it?" she asked with concern.

Radamir sighed, "It's a long story, Kaleitha. I was betrayed by someone I trusted." He then proceeded to tell Kaleitha everything that had happened, including his foolishness in trusting Delylanna and his regret for neglecting her in Ardalind.

Kaleitha listened attentively and with sympathy. "Radamir, I forgive you," she said softly, placing her hand on his arm. "I understand how easy it is to be swayed by temptation, and I'm just grateful that you're here now."

Radamir was relieved and grateful for her forgiveness. He then listened to Kaleitha's own story, about how she had longed for him during his absence, and how she fell under Lord Elric's charm. Radamir felt a pang of jealousy but kept it to himself.

"But Radamir, I have something else to tell you," Kaleitha said, with a hesitant tone. "When Lord Elric left me, I was already pregnant with his child."

Radamir was shocked but quickly composed himself. "Kaleitha, I'm sorry for what you've been through. I will take care of you and your child, if you'll allow me," he said with sincerity.

Kaleitha's eyes welled up with tears of gratitude. "Thank you, Radamir," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Radamir reached out to hold her hand, and they both smiled at each other, feeling the warmth of their rekindled love.


Radamir, Kaleitha, and Sir Gerard packed their bags and left Arandor with new hope. The sun was shining bright, and the birds were chirping, as they made their way to a new kingdom. After weeks of travel, they arrived at a peaceful and quiet village, surrounded by lush green trees and a calm river.

Radamir said, "This place is perfect for us. It's peaceful, and we can start afresh." They searched for a small plot of land to build their own house and decided to start a small business to earn a living. Sir Gerard helped them with the construction, and soon, they had a cozy little home.

As they sat on the porch of their new house, Kaleitha asked Radamir, "How do you feel now?"

Radamir smiled and said, "I feel content. Even if the world takes away my precious things, just leave me with people I love. With them, I can regain everything I've lost."

Kaleitha smiled at him and took his hand, and Sir Gerard nodded in agreement. They knew that no matter what happened in the future, they had each other and that was all that mattered.



NOTE: Thank you for finishing my third chapter. Why did King Erevion withdraw his troops from Xyrdalathia? The answer will be presented in chapter 4.

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You can take anything or even my life, but don't take people that make me live.

Luxferiancreators' thoughts