
Cells divide

Qu was a simple grey ooze, that was until she discovered her ability to transform and gain the abilities of anything she consumed. Watch Qu evolve and adapt as she climbs the leaderboard to become the most powerful. -------------------------------------------------- - cover art by LumiNyu -https://www.deviantart.com/luminyu/art/Triss-Merigold-722688901

PotatoGoomba · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

wrong affinity?

"Now class today we will be looking at what we call advanced and basic elements.

I'm sure you all know what the basic elements are and if you don't I have no clue how you made it to be in my class, but nevertheless the four basic elements are fire, earth, air and water.

These elements essentially make up every other magic in some minor way.

Now before any of you ask, no light and dark are not basic elements, they are what we refer to as a complex basic element. This is due to the fact that light and dark aren't made up of anything else and are the basis for other elements, but they have the complexity of an advanced element.

The basic elements make up all other elements, so lets say magma, that is a mix of fire and earth, and something like air and fire can generate lightning.

This does not mean that someone that has both air and fire magic can generate lightning, its just that lightning mana is generated by a fusion of fire and air mana.

Magma and lightning are the most common examples for this as they are just a 50/50 mix of mana, but lets say you were to increase the level of earth mana and fire mana to a ridiculous degree, and then you were to fuse the two together with 75% of earth and 25% of fire and you would generate a small amount of metal attuned mana. Now this reaction is very wasteful, the quantity of mana in that area will drop to about 20% of its original size.

So because of this basic principle that basic mana can create advanced mana, then it means that all mana is made up of basic mana in some way.

The fusion between two advanced manas may produce another advanced element but those advanced manas use were still made up of the basic elements.

Now obviously that doesn't mean that you can just merge your basic elements together to get a stronger advanced magic, the only time mana has ever been combined was in study, when two areas with high amounts of a certain type of mana merged together and eventually produced a new elemental area.

Anyway class, if any of you have an advanced magic I want you to figure out what combinations it may be made up of, and any of you with basic elements I want you to team up with someone and the two of you figure out what element your mana could produce.

-magical theory and the nature of mana- -mutare elementa, academy of spells-


The lightning dense area was very weird to be in, the air itself felt electric and threatened to zap her at any time, but then again what are a few zaps here and there in exchange for an elemental attunement.

So Qu sat in the centre of the crater she accidentally produced and just tried to allow the mana flow through her.

While she had nothing to do she decided to give herself a challenge, how big of a flame can she make… it was a simple challenge but it would still be a fun one ,especially when she considered it would be harder to use fire magic while she was within this area.

And so she began, the first thing she did, was allow the flames on her fingers to reach as high as they could, the flames ran up her arms but just when they were about to reach her shoulders they stopped.

She then manipulated the fire so it stretched out more, she continued to stretch the fire until it covered the entirety of her chest as well as her arms, but due to this the heat and intensity of the flame was nearly non-existent.

So to compensate for the lack of damage it would deal she then pumped some dream venom into it, this definitely to make the flame feel more imposing but it was no where near to the damage output she usually could produce.

In all honesty it was kind of disappointing how feeble the flames where currently, but then a theory jumped into mind.

If she could produce spells with energy, but her natural flames didn't use up energy then that meant that they are separate, and so what happens if she tries to pump the mana used for her spells directly into her flames.

So that's exactly what she tried to do, she focused on her mana and directed it like she normally would, but then rather than pushing it to the tips of her fingers she tried to allow it to exit through the pores on her skin.

At first nothing happened, but then all at once the flames on her body shot upwards and blazed in a brilliant light.

So Qu then manipulated these flames to try and cover more of her body, and with much effort she finally did it, her entire body was covered in a thin layer of flame much like when she activated her aura.

Qu then activated her aura, the aura seemed to merge with her layer of flame and made the layer thicker and even more deadly.


"the spell 'lesser elemental armour' has been created"


And then almost as it wasn't good enough, with the creation of the spell her 'armour' blazed even brighter.

Qu quickly checked her energy and soon realised that this drained her mana fast! She was roughly losing it at a rate of 10 energy per second, that meant she could hold this spell for 40 seconds before she was completely dry of energy.

And so she quickly deactivated the spell, this process had took her around 2 hours to achieve and she was starting to get really bored just waiting for something to happen, but with a few words of encouragement from her system she continued to wait.

And so, Qu decided to have a chat with the system while she waited, and at first this was good until the topic was brought back to the legitimacy of a horned rabbit.

Mid way through their heated debate something strange happened, the air had stopped zapping Qu. The zapping stopped for roughly 30 minutes. But then suddenly, she got a large zap, and then another one, and another until she a stream of electricity hit her right in the chest.

Qu quickly put her clothing in her inventory to prevent damage to her clothing. The stream of electricity continued and continued to flow into her.


A huge bolt of lightning struck her, and then it began, her body felt warm, and then hot and her muscles started to spasm, her hair began to ark small lines of electricity and for a second her eyes turned blue.

The mana in the air jumped towards her, almost threatening to suffocate her. She could feel her body begin to drink up the mana, sucking in more and more by the second.

She lost full control of her body, as the lightning forced her muscles to spasm even more.

And just like before, it all seemed to end as quickly as it started.


"you have been attuned to the lightning eleme… ERROR ERROR ERROR…

"two elements how [696e746572657374696e670d0a], who knew such a [736d616c6c206368616e67 650d0a] would [63617573652074686973] to happen. but we've had lightning before, [62757420776527766520686164206c696768746e696e67206265666f72652c20686f772061626f7574207765] change that…"


Lightning has been broken down into its primary components…

You have had a boost to your progress in the fire element, you are now at 50% completion. The air element has been extracted from the lightning element; you now have air affinity.



Qu was so fed up, she had just sat here to get lightning element and now she get wind, and on top of that she has to get attuned again, it had been a weird couple of days.

i have returned...

kinda forgot the book existed but with a few comments being added to the chapters i got notified and i remembered the book exists.

If you have any cool ideas or theories i would love to hear them

PotatoGoombacreators' thoughts