


Chapter 14

As I walked towards the village, I concentrated on all my stat and ability points. I now had the time to think about where I wanted to place them. Perhaps I could even figure out why I was able to use ability points in my stats. Imagine if I placed 79 points into strength, or perhaps put them all in constitution so I would never die.

I then brought up my stats, concentrating only on what my stat points could be applied too, and I was surprised by a window with stats I hadn't seen before.

Name: Bertram Bullock, level 16, Race: RaceBody (Skaven Lord)

(400/400 hp), (15/111 Power), (30/30 Endurance)

Stat points: 30

Strength: 3

Constitution: 4

Dexterity: 6

Wisdom: 0

Movement: 1(+10) 11

I concentrated on each one to fully understand what they did. Strength was obvious, except that it also was added towards Movement. Constitution was how much damage I could take; basically, how tough I was. Dexterity gave me top notch balance, I could easily do a backflip in place because of how high I had it. This dexterity stat was also a part of the movement. Wisdom was a new stat I hadn't seen before, and apparently it fell in the department of how much power I had.

I had 30 points, so I decided to put 10 points in strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom. I was rewarded with my new stats.

Name: Bertram Bullock, level 16 (21542/40960) Race: RaceBody (Skaven Lord)

(400/400 hp) (1016/1111 Power) (80/80 End)

Str 13, con 4, Dex 16

Class <Death God>

Ability Points: 49

Stat points: 0

With a smile I looked towards the village and took off at a run and ended up crashing to the ground from the sudden movement. I started laughing as I stood up and this time started off slow then kept going faster and faster. I was easily going over one hundred miles an hour; the wind was blowing so hard in my face that the landscape became blurry. I held the pace until just before the village and slowed down my pace to a good 50 miles and hour. I then shapeshifted back to a human; I didn't know what the villagers would think of a Skaven suddenly appearing. But then again there were creatures like cat people, so perhaps it wouldn't be weird if a Skaven was an adventure. Whatever, better safe than sorry.

There was nothing but screams coming from the village, children, and women both screaming. I quickened my pace and came upon the gate to the village which was destroyed, it looked like a semi-truck had crashed into it. The first building to my right looked like a shop with a house in the second quarters. There were 3 adventures standing around the entrance where I heard the screaming.

I came to a stop before them hoping they had the situation figured out and was helping the women, but the smile from the three told me a different story. I peeked in and I could see naked woman lined up against the wall with one on the ground being raped by another adventure.

My vision blurred with anger, my clone had appeared before me and with his silver samurai sword killed the three in 2 fast swings. He then teleported inside, and I ran up behind him already shooting two death bolts into the first person on the ground while my ninja killed the four that was stripping all the women.

Seeing as if they were all dead, I looked to my ninja and pointed outside. "I heard more screaming from outside, you go check on it I'll protect these one's here." I ordered, but before I finished my monk had already teleported outside and was investigating.

I looked to all the young woman with disgust at what the adventures had done. 'Hey System Tutorial' I said loudly in my head. "Please get dressed, I will protect you from here on out you have nothing to fear." I stated getting sighs of relief as they quickly moved and got their ripped clothing.

Looking around the system ai chick hadn't appeared. I had received many notifications and began to scan through them. I ignored the loot drops and notifications that I had killed them, but one surprised me.

*Warning, because of your transgressions against other fellow adventures you have been flagged as a Murderer! A bounty has been placed on your head.

Great, I'm a player killer. Or at least that's what we call it in our games on earth. I wondered if I fought some monsters or did some quests if it would unflag me. 'Whatever, it was worth it to save all these young women. I then walked to the corpses of the players and began whisking them into my inventory. These players would be coming back for their loot, so would the paladin. I couldn't wait around here long; the paladin was sure to come and get revenge and I didn't have the cat people to help me this time.


Name: Bertram Bullock, Level 16 (21542/40960) Race: RaceBody (Human)

(1400/1400 hp) (9/10 Power) (130/130 Endurance)

Str 13+10 (23), Con 4+10 (14), Dex 16 + 10 (26)

Class: <Battle Monk; Sub Class: Ninja>

Ability points: 49

Stat points: 0

After I teleported outside, I paused and held my breath listening to the screams of the children I had heard earlier but there wasn't a single sound. So, I made a guess and ran in the direction deeper in the village. Again, there were no sounds, and as I scanned around I learned why there was no more screaming. A large pile of villagers lay dead surrounded by two other adventures. I was able to strike both with a surprise attack killing them instantly.

Just then the system tutorial appeared right above the pile of dead corpses. I was thinking of calling her to ask why she allowed this, my guess was my main avatar had called her.

"Can you bring them all back?" I asked pointing at the entire pile.

"Yes, every creature within my system has the ability to respawn, just like yourself." The tutorial answered as if this was common knowledge.

"Why do you allow them to kill?" I asked wondering if this system even had a soul.

"Adventures receive experience when they kill, and villagers are easy kill. I don't believe I've ever had an adventure who hasn't killed villagers… Minus you. You ended up getting yourself a very undesirable flag, now you won't be able to enter the capital." She explained very mono-tonish which made me stifle a yawn.

"How do I get rid of it? And what's in the capital that I would need to go there?" I asked as I heard something walking to my left and a couple blocks away, I watched as a naked man began walking towards me.

"The only way to get that flag removed is to have a king or a priest forgive you." System stated looking to where I was looking. "Seems your about to have your first death." She now sounded excited.

It was the paladin, fully naked because I held all his gear. I wondered if he even knew that. System Tutorial was probably right, that I was about to die. I wished I had the power to kill him right here and now, but already Gabe was warning me against it. But I could afford to die, after all my original would just summon me again.

I dismissed my sword with a flick of my wrist and made my staff appear nearly the same moment the sword disappeared. With my staff my movement went up to 33 and that was faster than my haste ability!

The naked paladin's face showed recognition that he knew who I was and gave me a smile before he started sprinting towards me. With how fast he was I thought about moving some of my ability points into movement, but I didn't have time.

A ding from a notification, plus time slowing down I already knew what the notification was. I would die within the next 10 seconds. The paladin had slowed down to a slow crawl which left me plenty of options. I was a lot faster, and I couldn't be defeated! I slammed my staff into the torso of the paladin, then I quickly switched weapons and with fast cuts I cut off his legs and his arms.

My original appeared behind me without me noticing and shot fire at the paladin cauterizing his legs and arms, so he didn't die. He would suffer, but he wouldn't die and that was the important part. I couldn't allow him to get out of this predicament, because he was at a higher level than me.

I looked back and saw my floating original in human for which was weird to see, I was so use to the Death God, me in Skaven form. Looking down at the paladin, I didn't want to babysit at all. If only there was a way to jail him. Then an idea came to me, and I looked at the paladin with a smile, he was still cursing at me which I could hardly care about. I then touched his shoulder and sent him with a flick of my finger to my Pocket-Realm.

Gabe then grabbed the paladin and held his head in one hand. 'Create a jail, so I can throw him in it'. As soon as Gabe said it, I was concentrating on my pocket realm. Could I really create a jail, I guess I never really explored all of this. I of course was still learning about how all this system stuff worked.

But just as Gabe described I created a room that held ten jails with a large iron door to get into the jail portion. It also served as a quiet buffer in case the prisoner kept screaming. Gabe then dragged the naked paladin into one of the jail cells shutting the cage then walking out of the room closing the metal door.