
Tutorial Dungeon 1.1

<Avatar of Bertram> Level-2, [Race: RaceBody (Human)]>

(50/50) Health) (10/10) Power) (31/31) endurance.


'Hold up, lets make a plan before we charge into battle.' Gabe's voice scared the hell outta me, I came to a stop and crouched down for my main body to come to me.

"Gabe says we need to make a plan?" I questioned in the quietest whisper I could muster.

"Yes, he wants me to equip and level up the Death God class. Looks like you're the main body this time." My main body explained also in a quiet whisper. "I would like to check something though, do you still have the Ragnarök title equipped?" he asked, I gave him a quick nod and showed him my skin. It had a grey sparkle to it. He gave me a knowing nod.

I could guess what he was testing before his skin started turning the sparkle grey that looked nearly like stone. I allowed the notification that pinged to show up immediately.

*Warning title 'Ragnarök' cannot be equipped twice. Your title has been removed.

"Wait here, see if you can make some clothing from all those corpses." Myself whispered to me as it made the staff appear in his hands and he walked town the tunnel. I nodded, but my other self didn't see it as it concentrated on its new task.

Makes sense, one of us should always stay back away from danger. I felt like I was the luckiest part of myself with this Battle Monk class.

I watched as he turned down the tunnel out of my vision. I sat down and observed the corpses in my inventory. How the hell was I supposed to do that, we had no knife!

I had already given up with a slouch, but curiosity bit at the back of my mind. 'I mean… how would I do that. How would I do it if I had no other options. I started thinking about it and even did a quick you tube search to make sure I knew the steps.

With a flick of my wrist a hound corpse was in my hand. It was still fresh; this was very weird. My idea would only work if I could break the skin using my strength alone. To not get too in to detail on how to unhide a hound type creature, lets just say the first test was ruined many times. But as I finished pulling the hide off the creature, a familiar ping notification sounded.

*Congratulations you have completed a skill, without the skill! New Skill [Skinning] acquired.

Having google was such a cheat! I felt like a hacker who has claimed dominance over the system. With the skill in my mind I was able to skin the other hound without even thinking about it. Few seconds of whipping my fingers and wrists and bam it was already complete. The first hide I started tearing up the hide for straps, and leather strings. Then I began sewing the lace through by poking my tough fingernails through the hide to lace it through. Bam another Bing, what would this one be, I can now make underwear? I decided to tear the legs off and store them in my inventory, just in case I needed food. But I thought for sure I'd starve before I ate them before cooking them.

*Congratulations you have completed a skill, without the skill! New Skill [Leatherworking] acquired.


Name: Bertram Bullock, Race: RaceBody (Human), Level: 2

(10/10) Health) (90/100) Power) (10/10) Endurance

Strength: 3



Equipped Title: Ragnarök

Equipped Class: <Legendary><Death God>

As I turned the corner twice, I observed a very big room. I couldn't imagine trying to kill with blindness, this <true sight> was way overpowered. I could tell there was no way for me to do a surprise attack, they were all facing my direction. There appeared to be one Brute, 2 clerics, 4 hounds, and a caster type again.

At the very least I had a staff, my clone didn't even have that! But he got +10 to all stats, I will probably struggle more. I just needed some kind of spell, which was offered to me at level 1 according to Gabe.

Before I could take a step forward my body stopped moving instantly, with one foot up ready to walk forward. It felt like time had been completely stopped, confusion flooded my mind until I saw who was standing in front of me.

Like before my head was able to move but nothing else, Except this time a universal humanoid with a green light deep in its galaxy head.

"Why, hello their System Tutorial. We gotta stop meeting like this people will start to wonder if you have a romantic interest in me." I stated.

"I will not allow you to continue through my dungeon with your 'Ragnarök' Title." The feminam voice had a lure of attraction to it.

I needed to be careful here, but not too careful. If I didn't say anything she might snap her fingers and disappear before I take an advantage of this moment, so I let my mouth go for it. "So, what your saying is, you won't allow me to use my given abilities… My only abilities… I don't even have clothing." I stated in a loud voice to go for a shock factor, but the figure didn't even twitch.

"I of course do not have the power to prevent you from using your abilities. But I will not allow your dive to continue in my dungeon's." She was lecturing, but I quickly trying to lead this conversation.

"Okay, okay… I'll not use my Ragnarök title anymore, but you gotta give me something of equal value." I stated hoping I could get something out of this.

The being seemed to lean back and turn its head in thought. I tried to think what I could get but couldn't think of anything. This system chick was at least as powerful as a god, even though she is most likely a type of AI program.

"I'm willing to give you a 75% chance for loot to drop, for you to not use your title in my dungeons'." She stated, and that brought a smile to my face. She was willing to negotiate.

"100%, and you must become my sponsor. Helping me succeed outside of this tutorial place." I fired back. Not being able to see facial expressions I was very scared of perhaps losing everything.

"You are a very strange human. My purpose is only this Tutorial, and you cannot gain with that ability making you immune to any damage. I understand that the 'Ragnarök' is anything but fair, but it was the design of the gods to give the 'Ragnarök' everything outside of my tutorial." She stated again, but she only paused as she leaned back in thought again.

I tried to think of another deal… But I couldn't think of anything. Tutorial is for ten years, then I'm back to hell. Then I got an idea, she started to talk but I talked over her making her stop to listen to me. "As a Sponsor perhaps you can just give me access to your Tutorial world, or realm, or what ever this is." I finished; I could keep coming back to get more powerful. She didn't immediately respond so I kept going. "So 100% loot drop, and a sponsorship to give me the ability to come back after my ten years is completed. If I use the Ragnarök title in the tutorial then our deal is gone, and you can ban me from your tutorial.

This seemed to get a twitch from her as she leaned back towards me as if studding something on me. "How is it that you understand what the term 'ban' is? You seem to have more information about how us Systems work then even gods that created us." She stated with a short pause before she continued. "So be it, I will agree to this deal." She stated, then with a loud clap of the air hitting the empty spot the system was at everything was un-paused.

*You have been rewarded with the trait <100% loot drop, while in the tutorial dungeon's.>, you have 5 seconds to diable your ragnorok title before this trait is taken away.

The notification came up without me willing it too, but after a quick glance I quickly unequipped my Ragnarök title.

Another notification sounded, this one didn't open automatically like the last one, but I didn't have time to react to it, as a greenish bolt shot forward like a bullet towards me. But everything seemed to slow, and I was able to react by slowly moving to the side dodging the fireball. I quickly, scuffed back towards the back tunnel and hide behind the wall. I listened to hear if they were coming at me, but I heard no movement. They were waiting for me to go to them. I quickly opened the notification.

*[Runt Survival] has been automatically triggered, as your death had happened within the next 10 seconds. This ability grants haste while within your 10 seconds of death.

Interesting, so me dodging that fireball was what saved my life. The fireball had killed me. This skill seemed just a hair worst then the Ragnarök title.

'You can keep coming back here? To train. You had negotiated a deal with the system, That shouldn't even be possible to gods!' Gabe was more unraveling this mystery to himself, but his surprise at what I had just accomplished was epic.

'I think I can just keep using my clone to kill too right? So, even if I die, I can just keep coming.' I thought to Gabe, more to confirm my suspicions.

'I'm unsure how the Avatar ability works for someone who isn't a god. But your assessment doesn't seem too far off.' Gabe stated. This gave me even more confidence.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I quickly turned the corner and charged towards the group on the other side of the room. Another notification sounded and time slowed as another green ball appeared in front of me. I side stepped the fireball barely… I won't be able to do that again the closer I get. I shot to the right to put the charging Brute between me and the caster. Then I stopped and held out my staff ready to beat him to death with it. Surprisingly the mage hasn't stopped its shooting of these green fireballs, almost like a machine gun. The Brute's body was hit in the back before the caster stopped. The Brute hit the ground in front of me with his back covered with blood and green fire.

I gripped my staff like a shovel and slammed the end of my stick through his eyeball. Another notification binged in my thoughts, my guess was his death.

I then quickly dropped to the ground flat on my stomach, pulling my staff out of the eye socket with a sick sound. Green fireballs covered the space above me I was just at. Maybe I can use the brutes body as a shield? I reached over and tried to pick up the brute, but realized it was too heavy. Would have been great for my clone to do as he had strength and I just had my normal strength.

There was nothing I could do, except stay down hoping the firing would stop. Even if it did there was no cover I could run too, the enemy seemed to realize this fact and stopped the firing. They just had to wait for me to move to finish me off. I growled and decided to check all my notifications.

*[Runt Survival] has been automatically triggered, as your death had happened within the next 10 seconds. This ability grants haste while within your 10 seconds of death.

*You have defeated a level 8 wounded Skaven Brute. You have been rewarded with 8 experience points. 29/30

*You have received <common> loot from the level 8 Skaven Brute.

I was so close to level 3! And I got an item, a shield would be grand to have here right now. I mentally brought up the piece of loot and accepted to open it now. Like before there was a strange pop and dagger type of knife appeared in my hands.

A little upset I quickly sent it back to my inventory, and peaked up a little to see two hounds leaving the rest of the group and come running at me. Great.

They would do their death bite, one that I couldn't tear them from. I needed to let them go for something I didn't need… My left arm maybe?

I quickly stood up as they got close throwing my left arm up to block anything that headed to my throat. To my surprise another notification binged, and time slowed. To my surprise it wasn't the hounds that killed me, it was a green bolt that had appeared in front of me faster then I could dodge. So I used my left arm to block it while I twisted my body to avoid any of it hitting my torso. My Left arm exploded into bits of blood and bone fragments littered all over my body.

I felt no pain from the shock of losing my arm, but I had no time to think. I quickly brought up my staff and as hard as I could I slammed the hound on the right with everything I had, then I dropped to the ground again barely dodging another fireball that I didn't even see.

The hound on the left went flying past me as I feel and snapped back landing its jaws on my back right leg. That one I could feel, and I realized I was screaming. I quickly shut my mouth and while still on the ground I slammed my staff into the eye socket of the hound getting another notification. I should have leveled up! I quickly brought up all the notifications.

*[Runt Survival] has been automatically triggered, as your death had happened within the next 10 seconds. This ability grants haste while within your 10 seconds of death.

*You have defeated a level 5 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 5 experience points. 34/40 experience.

*You have received <uncommon> loot from the level 5 Skaven Hound.

*[Death God] Class has leveled up! 14/10 experience. You have been rewarded with 1 spell point, and 1 skill point along with 3 spells and 3 skills to choose from.

*You have defeated a level 6 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 6 experience points. 40/40

*Congratulations, you have reached the threshold for your level. 40/40 experience, you are now level 3. You have been rewarded with one attribute point.

*You have received <common> loot from the level 6 Skaven Hound.

I leveled! And I totally forgot about my attribute points. Plus, I got two more items, apparently I had my new skill to always drop loot. It would be great If I could 'teleport back to town' like real video games to assign all my points, and get some clothing! Even though I was protected at the moment and should be checking my loot to see if I got an advantage I instead concentrated on the spells and skills I was able to choose form.

<Spells for [Death God]> Legendary class will always get spells & skills higher then <uncommon>

*[Raise Corpse] <Legendary spell> Cost: 50 power. Any corpse can be animated permanently. The undead will only be as good as the caster's instructions.

*[Death Bolt (0)] <Rare> cost: 15 Power. Non-Critical Damage: 25 points of health destroyed. <Progressive>

*[Death Curse (0)] <Epic> cost: 25 power. Damage: 10 damage per second for 2 second. <Progressive>

<Skills for [Death God]>

*[Spiritual Vison] <Epic Skill><passive> Can see the spiritual realm.

*[Undead Revival]<Rare Skill><passive> upon your death, you raise again as undead.

*[Reaper Call (0)] <Epic Skill><passive> ability to see, speak, and touch the champions of death. <Progressive>

Without time to truly read and get definitions on everything, I quickly chose and accepted the Legendary spell, then dismissed the window, I could go more in depth later. Raise Corpse was had a heavy power cost, I would only be able to cast it once. I looked at the dead brute and stuck my hand forward towards it. I brought my power forward and gave it meaning by forming it into the spell. Then I lost the power as it wasn't completed right.

I started again, this time giving it definition, like programing my own bot. I willed it to defend me and kill any aggressors towards me. I felt my power drain, as it shot forward into the brute's corpse. Notifications sounded off again, but I ignored them.

As soon as the corpse stood up, all the green fire that kept flying over my head stopped. Fear that the group would just automatically kill my zombie I stood up and jumped behind the massive brute. Its back was still oozing out all its blood, but I understood that it didn't matter. It would be the head that would have to be destroyed to kill his zombie.

Then as soon as I thought it the zombie's head exploded from a green fire shot. Then I moved to jump down again but a bolt hit me on my left side sending me flying back to the end of the tunnel. I quickly got up and fell flat on my face.


<Avatar of Bertram> Level-3 [Race: RaceBody(Human)

(1100/1100) Health) (10/10) Power) (30/30) Endurance)

Strength:13, Constitution:11, Dexterity:6

Equipped Class: <Battle Monk>

As soon as the knife ended up in my inventory I got a smile on my face, and pulled it out using it to poke holes and strip strings easier. Notification sounded as soon as I finished making my pants. I already knew it would be another recipe that I had 'invented' and it would give me another skill. As I placed the pants on, I swiped the notifications open so I could read them while I was getting dressed.

*Congratulations you have completed a recipe without learning the skill. You have been rewarded with <Leather Pants> Original Recipe.

'Appears System Tutorial just made a deal with your other half. If you equip your title, you will destroy the deal. So yeah, don't equip it.' Gabe explained in a hurried tone.

Unable to equip Ragnarök? That was our trump card, how is he supposed to kill anything if he cant use that title. As I sat there thinking, knowledge flooded through me. My clone just died!

I put my hand forward and closed my eyes activating the clone spell again, but nothing appeared just a notification sound.

*Since your original was killed and not a clone you must wait 24 hours before using this skill again.

Well, that sucked, I had to wait 24 hours. Could I wait that long safely? Nothing was charging through the tunnel, so I sat pondering what to do next. I got all the knowledge from my other half dying of everything that had happened. I quickly stood up and waited by the turn of the tunnel, I would have to hope they all came to me so I could fight them at this bottle neck. While I waited, I decided to pull up my stats. 'Stats' I thought keeping my focus on the tunnel, as soon as I heard something I would act, but I need to see my options.

<Avatar of Bertram> Level-3 [Race: RaceBody (Human)

(1100/1100) Health) (10/10) Power) (30/30) Endurance)

Strength:13, Constitution:11, Dexterity:6

Equipped Class: <Battle Monk>

<Active Abilities>

[Title equips] You have one title you can equip: "Ragnarök."

[Astral Projection meditation] Duration: 5min, cooldown: 5min

[Summon Jhinn]

[Summon Jhinn Weapon]

<Innate Abilities>

[Sinner's Immorality] You are immortal! At least your brain is. You can never lose consciousness.

[Runt Survival] *activates 10 seconds before your death!

[Skinning (2)]

[Leatherworking (2)]

<Death Tag> You must wait 24hrs before receiving the rest of your main bodies abilities.

*You have three attribute points to distribute. Attribute points can also be used towards skill levels granting one level per point.

This put me at a major disadvantage. I couldn't switch classes or cast my divine avatar.

Before I could make a plan, something quick came around the corner and I threw out my hand holding the knife to stab at it and it sunk into a cloaked figure about 5' tall. I quickly opened the notification as I pulled out my knife and watched the figure fall.

*Critical attack! You have killed a creature that is three times your level with one first surprise strike! You have been rewarded with a guaranteed drop! You have been rewarded with one level up on rarity of the item.

*You have defeated a level 9 Skaven Eldritch. You have been rewarded with 9 experience points. 49/160

*You have received <Rare> <Epic> loot from the level 9 Skaven Eldritch.

Before I could think to open the loot drop another motion came out of the tunnel and I stabbed forward again except lower as this was a hound. The hound had easily dodged my strike throwing me off balance and it jumped and latched it jaws onto my right arm. I grabbed the knife with my left arm and stabbed the hound in the eye. Before I could do it again after I pulled it out another hound came around the corner and I stabbed downwards towards its head and this time landed the strike.

I then looked at the dead hound still attached to my right arm and willed it into my inventory. With a puff of black smoke, it disappeared. I did the same with the other hound and the eldritch. Wait, that left only two more.

I acted instead of thinking and ran into the large room, right into the two weird cleric looking rats. They seemed to be surprised by my sudden appearance, but before they could react, I quickly tackled one stabbing his chest repeatedly. A wash a green fire washed over the Skaven I had just killed. I used it as a shield again to block another. Then I popped the corpse in my inventory and tackled the next one. Unfortunately, I didn't land any critical attacks. I then brought up the notifications.

*You have defeated a level 4 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 4 experience points.53/160

*You have received <common> loot from the level 4 Skaven Eldritch.

*Critical attack! You have killed a creature that is higher level with one first surprise strike! You have been rewarded with a guaranteed drop! You have been rewarded with one level up on rarity of the item.

*You have defeated a level 4 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 4 experience points. 57/160

*You have received <Common> <Uncommon> loot from the level 4 Skaven Hound.

*Congratulations, you are the first to complete the tutorial dungeon 1.1 solo. You have been rewarded with 5 extra attribute points.

*Congratulations, you have completed tutorial 1.1. This area is now a safe area for the next 10 hours. You may rest before you continue.

A smile crept to my face, I cant magically go to a town and rest properly, but I was given a chance at rest!

---- As I’ve told you at the beginning, this is a true story. Yes, I don’t die in these books… because I’m immortal <Sinner Immortal> I cant even be destroyed by the highest tier gods. The System has no way to kill anyone with this tag. Yet everything else in the system can be destroyed, even gods.

With access to my google search in my head, I also have access to emails, and anything else I could ever want on the internet.

I tell you my story through my grandson, Mark L Bullock. so, follow him, and praise him for me! Share him with everyone you know!

Through the trends on self-publishing, I will have to cut my stories of my experiences into sections. As of such, I shall keep my words around 2 to 5k a day (week workday 5days)

Thank you for reading my art. May your life be an amazing adventure, or not if you enjoy a slower life.

Because of publishing rules on some outlets, certain names have been changed. Other outlets allow it… for those mystery nuts.

Until my next sign off…

A True story by Bertram F Bullock.

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