
TD 2.1 chapter 9

TD 2.1

Chapter 9

Darkness was all around; I was floating in it. I moved my arms around and it was as if I was in water, I slowly moved through it. But there was nowhere to go, I couldn't breathe. Then suddenly, a notification sounded off and I was able to take a large breath. I mentally opened the notification.

*Congratulations, you have been gifted with the innate ability [Void Breath]. You can breathe in the void.

Gifted… "Are you their System Tutorial?" I asked, and she appeared in front of me.

"Upon teleporting to any realm, the void must be crossed. I have become obsessed over the many runs, wanting to know how some of the heroes I helped cultivate would end up. Given the tutorial I am one of the most powerful Admin's, yet I had no power outside of my system. I have learned of the power of the void… The Void is considered pure evil among most of us System's. If that's true, then I have fallen victim to it. I don't believe it's evil, I don't hurt anyone with it. I do use it to check on some of the great hero's I have created yes." System Tutorial then pointed her hand and a world ended up coming into view. "After you complete the tutorial, I can gift you with strong void powers." She then pointed to the planet and the planet began to zoom at a startling space to where it filled my vision in a blur. Then I was standing on its surface, and then my stomach hit my head and I fell to the ground and opened the flood gates emptying my stomach in record time.

I glanced around and I was in a massive forest, I looked around in 360 degrees. All forest, as far as I could see. The forest had no sound. I quickly activated stealth and was rewarded with myself going invisible. I could barely see my outline.

I quickly un-equipped my class and equipped death-God, switching with my new clone. My Clone quickly appeared in front of me, stealthing as well. So far there was nothing around, I had time to come up with a plan. First, I opened my stats again, and realized that there was something different with my class.

Ninja? Although that does sound cool, maybe I could flirt with that cat lady some more with actual abilities. I was on choppy water here though, so I decided to add Gabe to my thoughts. 'Hey Gabe, why don't I have abilities with one of my classes. And what is a sub class?' I asked mentally.

'You have a sub class?' I could practically hear Gabe thinking in my cosmic background. 'Usually only Celestial beings can sub a class. Perhaps the system is confused because I'm your Jhinn, usually only Celestial beings can have a Jhinn." He said more to himself than to me. 'Do you have any ability points?' Gabe finally asked me.

'Yes, I currently have 8. I was thinking of putting them in strength so I could be faster.' I decided to add, perhaps he can give me advice.

'Ability points are not for stats.' Gabe corrected, but this gave me pause. I was pretty sure I had used ability points to up my stats before.

'No, I'm pretty sure I can use them on my stats, I already have.' I explained to him, perhaps maybe I broke something.

'It should be impossible to up your stat points, the only way to do this is with stat points that everyone gets every ten levels.' Gabe explained.

'Okay, what are ability points supposed to be used for?' I asked thinking about my abilities; all I could think of was that perhaps I could use them to up levels of skills that can level up.

'Ability points are used to buy abilities for your class.' Gabe explained as if I should have known that.

I thought about my class <Battle Monk> and mentally tried to apply points but nothing happened. Then I tried it with the sub class <Ninja> and again nothing happened. 'How do I do that?'; I must be trying it incorrectly.

'You have to open up the ability store' Gabe explained as if I should already know this.

A loud roar came from the side of me, and I spotted a large Bear with what looked like horns on top of his head. The size of it was comparable to the largest brown bears from earth. It obviously didn't see me, but it did smell me. It kept sniffing towards me.

I watched as my <battle monk> clone silently stalked the bear with his shiny sword hidden in the stealth as well. I checked my stats and seen that I had all my power back! Perhaps I can make a zombie bear. Then in a fast maneuver my clone shot forward stabbing the bear, but the blade didn't pierce the hide. Then faster than I could see the bear swiped at my clone so fast that I wasn't able to track it.

The notification that pinged in my mind brought my anxiety up very high. After the first strike kill against my clone, I got all his memories. Before he struck the bear [Haste] was activated and my clone had the guarantee that he wouldn't die because he would be too fast. Only the bear was still faster, and I hadn't even damaged it.

The bear walked over to my dead body, but darkness was over taking it as it decayed into nothing within ten seconds. The bear then brought up its nose and pointed it towards me.

I quickly used my Divine avatar again and turned around to slowly move away from the bear. My clone was already out of my pocket realm stealthed up again. I needed to survive, so my clone would have to keep dying otherwise this is as far as we could get.


With my main self-walking back, I silently moved forward watching this demon like bear. The bear was called "Horned Colossus." I had to figure out something, so I stayed still while the bear worked its way towards me sniffing my scent and following it. I had hundreds of thousands of loot in my inventory, so I scanned all the legendry's and found another sword that was legendary and called 'Lightning Blade' I flicked my wrist and the blade appeared in my hand. It's a long slender blade that crackles with electricity.

Like before I shot forward and this time swung the blade at the bear's head. A loud crack sounded, and I was shot back hitting a tree with my back cracking it from the base up to the first branch. I was still alive! Looking at the spot I was just at there was a black Crater with black soot everywhere and little fires all around. The bear was opposite me against another tree, its head was mangled. Blood was gushing from the side of its face where one of its eyes used to be. The bear looked at me and then stood on his back legs and let out a massive roar. Then it fell on all fours looked at me and began to charge. I quickly tried to get up, but I couldn't move at all. I checked the notification that sounded when I tried to get up.

*You have been stunned by the Horned Colossus's skill [Thunderous Roar].

'Wait, that's not fair!' I thought as time began to slow again. Even the bear was moving slower, but I still couldn't move. How long does this Stun last? See'n as there was nothing I could do I made my blade disappear from my hand back into my inventory. I would keep trying to move, hoping the stun would stop before my ten seconds.

To my surprise the bear disappeared in a puff of black smoke, just like when I put things in and out of my inventory! I looked to my left searching through the forest then I looked to the right and all I could do was intake a large breath before the bear standing right in front of me shot a stream of liquid fire out of its mouth to cover my entire body.


I watched as my clone was killed by the bear, then I gained all the knowledge from my clone. I quickly activated my Avatar clone again and continued to back away from the area. I had already made a lot of space between us both, and surprisingly I found a single other creature. I needed to do something, or I this is as far as I would get. My tail was moving back and forth with my anxiety, and it gave me an idea.

I concentrated on my skill Skaven Call and activated it. I felt my body shiver as green light began to shoot from my body everywhere it would land on the ground was another Skaven creature. The entire Skaven army surrounded me. They didn't even ask what I wanted, or what their orders were… They just ran straight at the bear. I couldn't see if the brutes did any damage to the bear, if anything they kept the bear away from all the Skaven wizards and Eldritch's. Just one bolt was all that was needed with that green bolt. It had started the bear on fire, and I watched as it screamed running around till it fell and didn't move anymore.

The Skaven's began looking around where I was at, so I dropped out of stealth. They all watched me as if waiting for orders.

"Check the area for others. Bring me their corpses once they're dead." I ordered, hoping they listened, and they did they all ran in all directions. A notification sounded so I checked it.

*Congratulations on completing TD 2.1 You must travel in the opposite direction of the sun to find the portal entrance to the next level.

I looked up, but there was no way to view the sun, the canopy of the trees was too thick. I then looked around and spotted a big thick tree. Then I ran over to it and jumped up nearly to half its height grabbing a branch, then pulling myself up it. I then climbed and was surprised how strong my claws were for climbing as they easily gave me the traction to climb up the trunk even without branches.

Getting high enough where I was over a few other canopies I viewed an endless forest to as far as I could see. The sun I spotted, and it was just barely above the horizon of trees. I then looked in the direction that I was supposed to travel. My eyes grew with amazement, I was looking at a planet that nearly dwarfed the entire sky. It looked like Jupiter, but it had rings!

Notifications began to sound off again when I got to the bottom and began walking in the correct direction. Apparently, there were more bears, 5 were already tracked down and killed by my Skaven Army.

'That summon an army of Skaven's thing, is really powerful' Gabe expressed as I saw a couple other bears burning around me.

'I'm hoping they can enter the next phase of the dungeon.' I remarked as I broke into a little clearing and looked at a glittering dot in the middle of the clearing. As I got closer Gabe began speaking again.

'This is a portal key, usually this is what is at the entrance of a dungeon. Strange to see it in a dungeon. You just put your hand on it and a menu should open.' Gabe explained to me. But I haven't touched it yet, I needed to think first.

'I could either head down right now or hope my Skaven army remains with me, so I get the full purchase of the 1 hour. Or I can sit here and get through all my items in hope that I can equip some powerful items to give me an edge!' I really like the latter idea.

'You still have me, and you are very resourceful. I think you should continue, in hopes that the Skaven's all join you, they are too powerful to do nothing with.' Gabe strategized with me.

He was a General, but I felt his advice wasn't that great. I could become more powerful with all the endless loot I could choose from. But he was the General, an Angel, and my Jhinn. I would do it his way. But First I looked back at a few of my army all bodyguarding me, it really felt awesome. A bunch of brutes brought the corpses to me, so I flicked them into my inventory. Then I touched a Skaven Wizard and with a puff of smoke he disappeared into my Pocket-realm. Then I did the same to a brute, and an Eldritch Skaven.

I touched the orb that was just randomly floating in front of me. A question popped up asking if I wanted to continue to 2.2. I mentally said yes, then my view was changed into a vast desert.