
Secret Dungeon chap 17

Secret Dungeon

Chapter 17

Before I jumped straight into this new dungeon, I decided to finally sit for a second and concentrate on my Necromancer Lord Class. I had plenty of ability points to place to any spells this class offered.

<Necromancer Lord> Spells

1) Raise Dead

2) Control Undead

3) Drain Life

4) Curse of Weakness

5) Shadow Cloak

6) Death-bolt

7) Necrotic Barrier

8) Dark Pact

I went through the tedious work of looking at all the definitions of the spells I had. Raise dead, was exactly what it said. If I came upon a corpse I could cast Raise dead and the dead would rise to be undead. A zombie. And if there was a zombie already raised, but not by me. Then I could cast control undead, and I would solely control them. Drain life was the same, it would take the life force from whatever creature I was concentrating on. Curse of Weakness, would make a creature or user depending on the target feel like they were sick with weakness. Nothing short of a priest could remove the curse as well. Shadow Cloak was pretty cool it would blanket me in a cloak of shadow's, not like rogue type cloak but like darkness bleeding out all around me. Death-Bolt I already have, Necrotic Barrier was pretty wicked as well it was like a wizard shield except it took the life force of any enemy hitting it to get to me. The more life force a person has the stronger the shield. Dark Pact was scary, it was near closer to selling your soul to death himself to gain stronger powers.

Getting them all besides 'Dark Pact' was thirty-five ability points. I had forty-nine, so I went ahead and got all the spells minus the last one. I then received a notification, so I quickly opened it, while at the same time keeping a good look all around me.

*Congratulations, your <Legendary> armor set has soul bound with you. You have been rewarded with an extra spell [Summon Sand Mummy].

Hah, and here I am practically invincible with just the legendary armor I'm wearing, that now I just get a free spell for being awesome.

I placed my hand on the orb, like before except no menu came up, but I did receive a notification.

*Congratulations, you are the first to discover an invisible dungeon! You have been rewarded with 20 ability points, and 20 stat points.

*Congratulations, you are the first non-celestial being to enter this dungeon. *As a reward your innate ability [True Sight] has been upgraded to Innate ability [Divine Sight].

I was sucked into the ball; it feels like I ended up where I should have been. Everything that exists is what we see, the world, the galaxy, the universe. A complete other reality exists inside not outside our current universe.

It's the one thing that can't be explained, the one thing that can't be understood. A secret that only the gods could fully understand. The universe truly is big, but from the inside it's truly small.

Math can explain it… a second dimensional reality would be like a piece of paper. The third dimension couldn't be explained or understood by someone from the second dimension. But we can interact with the second dimension, but touching the piece of paper. The second dimensional person would only see the fingerprint. This dungeon was something that was truly more, except I stood not only in the third dimension, but also the fourth dimension. The dimension of the gods themselves.

This wasn't a dungeon for adventures, this was not a place where one would go to level up. This is where one would go to interact with creation itself. The only problem was I didn't have permission nor the ability to interact with creation itself. I was a third dimensional being, who could feel the fourth dimension. I was just a meat sack that could be destroyed by creatures of the fourth dimension's footprint.

But I could feel it! I was sucked into this dungeon, where the third dimension and the fourth dimension meet. This was a dungeon for something greater than a normal adventure, something between the greatest champion and a deity. I wasn't anything close to the greatest champion, I knew as soon as the reality appeared that I was over my depth. My overpowered abilities didn't work here. Matter of fact as the grass field appeared before me with a floating castle in the distance, I knew without a shadow of doubt that none of my abilities would work here. I was considered immortal in the tutorial realm, but I was stronger than even that. I had the sinner's immortality, nothing could kill me that exists within the system, and everything is bound by the rules of the system.

Except in this dungeon. This dungeon had the rules of the fourth dimension, this dungeon was for Celestial beings. Celestial beings were creatures that could ascend to become gods. I was not a celestial being, I was only a mere human who once lived on a world called earth. I had lived my life, had my children… I was only a soul who was living in my own heaven, one of grand designs. I enjoyed the heavens I lived in, and now I'm on an adventure with the most powerful Angel to make it through hell.

I was at my absolute best behavior! I couldn't afford to make one mistake here, my death here could be the death of my very soul. My abilities may work here in the dungeon, but only in terms of the third dimension. If the fourth dimension was to hit me here in the third dimension… I essentially could be erased, never to exist.

Best way to describe what I went through… In this dungeon is to imagine for a moment that there are two realities. One reality is the third dimension, everything my body can see, feel, hear, touch, and smell. Imagine there's another third dimension on top of our reality, existing at the same time. I can still travel through the third dimension, and the fourth dimension at the same time. But I can only see in the third dimension, except then I gain the ability to see the fourth dimension. I can see when the giant creature tries to push his finger down on my piece of paper, I can move out of the way…

Every creature in this dungeon was a third and a fourth dimensional creature. I was only a third dimensional creature, so I couldn't hurt the fourth dimensional creature. That means there is no true way for me to clear this dungeon, because I cannot hurt a single creature. If I die, then from my higher understanding of Quantum reality my clone will essentially die and never have existed. So, my guess is I would lose my extra clone spot on my Divine Avatar skill.

At the very least I was safe from a permanent death, and my original self would get all the experiences before I died, so I wouldn't send the original. So, I took a deep breath, there wasn't really anything to fear. Yes, I knew for a fact I couldn't kill a single creature here, matter fact if I could and did it would aggro the entire dungeon. So essentially I had nothing to lose, I had gained an amazing load of ability points and stat points, plus my vision to see all was upgraded. I could now feel the fourth dimension. Although I wondered if it might have been better to not feel the fourth dimension. I mean there was nothing I could do.

So, I'm going to die anyways why not try to not die, try to do something legendary. I was getting pumped just thinking about the challenge that lay before me.

I was surrounded by grass fields, a few trees, not much. Nothing really mattered where I was now, for there weren't any creatures nearby; so, I was safe for the moment. Up in the sky towards what I'll call the North was a large floating castle in the sky. By way of the fourth Dimension I knew that in the middle of the castle, through a crazy amount of mazes to get there was the orb to complete level one of this dungeon.

There was no way I could get to the orb to dive deeper into this dungeon. But there was no reason not to try, once I fail perhaps my other clones will not. Even if I did get to the end there was nothing I could do on level two… But I did get a but load of points just for finding this dungeon, what would happen if I actually made it through?

Now that I'm motivated, I began to take stock of my entire situation again. I needed to get up into that castle, and I needed to do it without being caught by creatures around here. I have spells, and I have a thousand power at my disposal.

With a thought, sand began to form into a hard surface in front of me. I then took a step up on it and started to float upwards towards the castle. Looking around from my new perspective I still didn't see or sense any creatures around except for within the castle.

I studied the castle further and was confused about the bottom of the castle. There was no land mass that the castle stood on top of, instead it was just clouds. It honestly looked like clouds were holding up the castle, but I knew the clouds just got stuck there and never moved away. I could feel the dungeon before me, it went deep. It as if there was five floors going up, and one hundred going down into the basement. Except looking at it now would mean that you'd come out around the clouds than fall… I knew it wasn't true, I don't know how I knew but I knew. The part of magic holding it up in the sky, would also make it so I wouldn't fall out of the bottom.

Studying the castle, as I got closer, I could see a draw bridge that was up, and upon the wall's tons of creatures. I slowed in my pursuit and activated my stealth. So weird being a caster and have the ability to stealth when I wanted was extremely op. As I got closer, I was confused about what kind of creature was on the walls. They had no weapons, and looked like clay humanoid creatures with no face. My divine sight immediately showed their stats as I got closer.

Celestial Failure. Level: 20, Race: Celestial Creature

(2000/2000 hp), (140/ 140 Power)

No Endurance, that was overpowered right there. It didn't matter how high their level was, which was pretty powerful. There was no way I could kill them, I needed fourth dimensional powers and I didn't have any. All I had was the ability to sense that all the creatures were un-killable.

So, going through the castle's front door was out of the question, but one of the towers did have a windowless window on the top of it. I could float inside of it, and maybe work my way down through the castle in hopes that no 'one saw me. There were four towers that all had the option for me to enter and sneak into the castle. With my Divine Sight, I could sense where all the creatures were at, even the creatures that were in the catacombs going far deeper than what the outside could go.

I scanned all four and found only one looked reasonably safe for me to enter, except in the very top room there was one creature. Except, this creature wasn't a fourth dimensional being, it was just third dimensional. I still didn't want to be discovered even by this normal creature, because if it was to make an alarm, all the celestial creatures would be after me.

I slowly approached the tower, and was able to focus more on the creature. It was sitting in front of the door that led down the steps of the tower. It was crying, no she was crying. In my head I began to chant 'Please be a princess waiting for her prince charming!" As soon as I was close enough to see her with my own eyes I knew right off the bat it wasn't a princess. Or at least not one in a dress, this girl was wearing tattered cloth.

I needed to get by her, but I couldn't find it in me to harm her. I decided that I would get very close then un-stealth, and depending on her reaction I would decide what to do. I very carefully floated through the window, and immediately realized my mistake. The sand that I was standing on wasn't invisible like myself, so the young woman stood up and just stared at the sand before her. She looked at it not with fear, but with wonder.

With this new development I decided to hop off the sand and sneak around her, but was surprised when her head started moving where I had just come off the sand.

"I can hear you, please don't be frightened of me. Please, help me get out of here." She begged.

I was disappointed that I wasn't quieter, but I was no rogue. So, I decided to un-stealth and watch what her reaction was. If she started to scream, I would strike her in hopes of knocking her out so I could continue down the tower. Luckily, she didn't scream, but her eyes grew as if surprised I came this far.

"Your, you're not a celestial being?" she asked in absolute wonder.

"No, and neither are you…" I retorted hoping she would start explaining.

"No, can you get me out of here? On your little dirt flyer thingy?" she asked desperately.

As if hit by a brick wall a solution struck me, nearly making me laugh out loud. I quickly moved towards her and set my hand on her shoulder then with a flick of my wrist and a trace of black smoke she disappeared into my Pocket-Realm.

Gabe was there, waiting for her, which surprised me. He hadn't been with me the whole time, and only just now showed up when I needed him. He immediately began questioning her, which made me smile so I stealthed up again and started working my way down the tower.

I tried to move as fast as I could, this tower was clear of all creatures and the stairs to continue down were not far from this tower. I tried to practice being quiet as I moved, but I was in a hurry at the moment because there were no creatures to block my way.

At the base of the stairs was a large wooden door that was closed, and I paused in front of it. Looking at the hinges I knew that as soon as I moved this door even a little it would squeak. So, once again I started coming up with solutions in my head.

The only workable solution I could come up with to try was to remove the door and throw it into my inventory. But the last time I moved stuff that was connected to the system, was when tutorial system made me promise I wouldn't do it again.

I could maybe change the numbers of the door! Like how much it would squeak, I could do that with my System Hack ability! Then I realized I do not have the title of system lord which was the requirement for the ability for itself.

'Gabe, is one of my clones using the System Lord by chance?' I asked, in hopes of one of my other clones unequipping it so I could use it. Gabe was in the middle of talking to her but paused to hear my request.

'The monk clone has been using it in the other dungeon, I don't believe he's in a position where he could give it away.' Gabe replied, then he continued talking to the girl.

Apparently, the girl was born and raised inside the tutorial system. She had volunteered to be a mistress in need of rescuing, but she had been there for so many eons that she lost count. She would never be able to leave until the dungeon was cleared at least once. The only problem was, no' one even came into the dungeon, I was the first.

She knew the castle well but had never strayed outside of that room. The first time she was out of that room was today, and she couldn't figure out why nothing existed outside of my little room in my head. She answered Gabe's question and explained that there was some kind of invisible wall that held her away from leaving the room. She also explained that she wouldn't be able to leave the room physically and only by magic.

So, now that someone had got her out of the room, she could live a normal life as a dungeon denizen. The dungeon denizens were also in a bind, because they also couldn't live normally without the dungeon being cleared first. She explained to us that now that she was missing from her room, none of the Celestial beings would attack me. They wanted me to complete the first dungeon, so much that they were willing to look the other way.

Then Gabe explained to me that we should trust her and try to un-stealth, because it would be easier walking through instead of sneaking through. He also explained to me that he himself could kill the denizens of this dungeon so if they attacked I just needed to summon him.

I deactivated my stealth and slowly pushed the loud creaking door open, which took nearly all my strength to do. Many denizens suddenly appeared outside of the door, scaring the piss outta me. "Wow, trying to give me a heart attack?" I yelled very loudly.

"You… You are not a celestial being?" One of the four questioned me, it was strange that they had no face. I couldn't even figure out where the sound came from, there wasn't even a hole in their heads.

"True, but I have your damsel in distress… That should be good enough, no?" I asked hoping that was enough to get them to let me pass.

"Prove it, prove to me that you have Zoe!" The bigger one demanded.

'Going to Wisk u out of there, so you can talk to these celestial creatures, is that okay?' I asked inside my head getting a surprised reaction from her.

"Gabriel, do you hear the loud voice?" she exclaimed, from which Gabe told her she could trust me.

I then held out my hand before me, like I was about to perform a magic trick. Normally I don't need to move my hands or flick my wrist or finger, but magic was always 80% show on earth.

With a silent pop she appeared in front of me. She first saw the celestial creatures, then quickly took a step towards them while swinging back to look at me. She obviously trusted these creatures, it was me she was scared of. Probably because I didn't even give her a chance to see me last time.

"You teleported me?" she asked, showing obvious embarrassment from her reaction. I just gave her a smile and nodded. "Somebody has finally come, its finally happened!" She shouted in joy as she hugged the bigger celestial creature.

"We are also thankful, very confused that you are not a celestial being. But as long as you dive deeper past our level, then we become free to live in our own portions of realms. Please follow us we will guide you to the room." The larger explained as he began walking behind him through a door that led deeper into the center of the castle.

Zoe was skipping beside the celestial clay golem holding onto one of their arms. My mind started to wonder how the castle worked. I could feel the room he was leading me to, there was some kind of aura that was very thick within the room. But all it was stairs that led deeper into the catacombs of structure all below this level. I could even sense where the second floor's stairs were, they were more towards the opposite tower I just came from.

This dungeon was just full of mazes, that with my divine sight I could see easily. Even the monsters and what they looked like from all the way up here. As soon as we reached the door to the room all the celestial creatures came to line up beside the door giving me a clear way to it. None of them opened the door for me, so I became curious.

"Are you not able to open this door?" I asked towards the bigger one.

"We cannot interact with this room at all, it is considered a safe room, a room that only adventures can enter." The bigger one explained.

Zoe didn't even wait for me, she quickly opened the door and looked back to give me a big smile. "Zoe is your name?" I asked, getting a quick nod from her.

"Why wait for an adventure, why not just leave the room?" I asked.

"I could never leave that room in the tower, all the celestial creatures here did their best but none were able. Only you." She explained with a big smile.

She quickly took a step inside the room then turned around to look at me and slowly faded away. "I hope to see you again adventure." She said with a smile as she faded.

I then looked to the others and the bigger one gave me a nod and slowly motioned for me to go through the door. "Next time we meet adventure, we will do as the system has intended for us and we will try to kill you. Hopefully you figure out a way to hurt us otherwise you will never get to these stairs again." The way he said it made me feel like they were excited to fight next time.

I stepped into the room and notifications began to ding inside my head but I ignored them as I closed the door behind me. Now that they were not staring at me, I sat down and crossed my legs. First, I would check my notifications, so I closed my eyes and opened them up.

*Congratulations, you are the first to save Princess Zoe! You have been rewarded with 10 stat points, and 2 ability points.

*Congratulations, you are the first non-celestial to ever complete level one of a <Legendary> <Celestial Dungeon>. Because of the impossibility of a mortal accomplishing this feat, you have been rewarded with a [System Spark].

A System Spark? If it was anything like the other spark I had received then it was something super amazing. I quickly concentrated on System Spark to get a read out of what it was.

[System Spark] *Activate this skill to gain a System ability chosen by the system.

Not as awesome as a god spark, or maybe it might be. Might as well activate it now, doesn't make sense to hold on to it. So, I concentrated on the system spark and activated it.

System, has chosen the best ability for you, your attacks can now affect celestial beings to include all gods as well.

Okay, so now I can kill the creatures in the dungeon, but definitely not as cool as creating your own ability. Whatever, time to continue and see what level 2 is like.