
Bonus Room chapt 11

TD 2.2 Bonus Room

Chapter 11

Name: Bertram Bullock Race: RaceBody (Skaven Lord)

Class <Death God>

<Class Abilities>

[Raise Corpse] *50 power- Raises a corpse till 2nd death to do users bidding

[Death Bolt]*15 power- Black bolt size of tennis ball, projectile damage + Disease (Slowly eats living flesh)

I watched as my ninja clone climbed over the well, then the wolf jumped inside. A smile grew over my face, I was powerful. I looked down at my hands that were glowing with fire, perhaps next time my battle monk should stay back since he doesn't have any skills.

I flicked my wrist and a dead bear appeared before, then I activated my raised corpse spell and watched as a purple mist seeped into the bear giving it life. I mentally commanded it to patrol around this area, aggro any enemy that comes into the area.

I fell into a meditative state and brought my perception down to my robes and like a pimple I squeezed the power out of the robes into myself until I felt full. With a smile I checked my power and I was completely full, then I brought to life a Skaven Eldritch and a Skaven Wizard.

I commanded them to spread out and protect the area as well, then before I could fill up my power again I received notifications.


Name: Avatar of Bertram, Race: RaceBody (Human)

Class <Battle Monk: Sub: Ninja>

I Climbed over the well and dropped in, grabbing onto a weak wooden ladder that creaks when I applied pressure to it. The wolf had fallen to the ground, and with the blue light of fire hair that was emitting off it, I could see the bottom, so he dropped down to the ground.

There was a tunnel leading slightly downward, all around a rock like structure cave. The tunnel moved slightly to the left, and there is a strong light somewhere down the bend. I knew already what was giving off the light, it was another sun spider.

I looked at the wolf with a smile. "Go get it boy" I said, and the wolf took off down the tunnel running around the bend. There was a growl then what sounded like a crash into a rockslide. I quickly followed and peeked around the corner.

The wolf was standing over 2 spiders corpses, I was wondering why I didn't hear a loot ding. So, I checked my notifications and found nothing. Does this mean that the wolf didn't count as a creature in the party. I was slightly confused, but the wolf didn't seem to have a problem killing the spiders.

'What is wrong?' Gabe questioned.

This brought a smile to my face. 'Gabe, can you check with the original and see if he got a loot ding, and experience from the kills.' I asked and felt him disappear.

As soon as he was back in my head he spoke in my mind. 'Original says he got the loot and the experience.' Gabe replied bringing a smile to my face.

The tunnel turned to the right and seemed to open up, so I looked at the wolf and sent him ahead again. The view was amazing, there was pools of liquid gold to my left and right. There was what looked like a land bridge, or a path in the middle of the two pools. At the far end a large cavern, with what looked like hundreds of these Sun Spiders. The fire wolf was covered in spiders, and a path of dead spiders existed to where he was on the far side. But the wolf stopped moving and spiders were quickly moving towards me.

With the wolf dead I wielded my legendary silver staff with a smile, now I could test my amazing new armor. I got into a stance ready to start swinging my rod, but was stunned to watch the spiders heading towards me grow in size as soon as they got within range to jump at me. My haste doubled with another notification and fear gripped my stomach.

With my [Runt Survival] skill activating, the large spiders started moving more slowly, but they were easy at my own speed. I activated my "Eye of the Ancients" and teleported back to the land bridge between the liquid gold pools. Now they couldn't surround me!

Three spiders jumped at me at the same time and I swung my staff as fast as I could causing a loud crack in the air destroying all three of the spiders in one swing. Notifications began to ding, but I ignored it as another two jumped towards me while four more were still running on the ground towards me.

I stepped back easily able to move faster then the spiders, I could feel that my double haste was nothing compared to the +20 movement I received from my entire Legendary set. But I was backing up into a small tunnel, and here they could surround me on all sides so I braced myself at the beginning of the land bridge and with a chaotic fury I kept swinging.

I was breathing hard from the exertion of the killing I wrecked in front of me, I wasn't able to attack all the spiders so I had spiders on me draining my health from their massive heat aura's and their shark like teeth biting me everywhere they could. Afraid my armor was going to be destroyed I teleported forward behind a large group and began attacking with a new fury.

Within a good 15minutes that felt like 3 hours, I had finally killed everything within the room, and I stood at the end of the cavern looking at a large door. This looked like a boss room door. I decided that I shouldn't continue until I spoke with my original and made a plan for the next stage. Plus, I was down to 24 health, and releasing would recharge me.

With a thought I released back into my original.


Name: Bertram, level 23, Race: (Skaven Lord)

Str 3, Con 4, Dex 6

Class <Death God>

Ability Points: 24

Stat Points: 20

Before I received the notification that my Fire Wolf died, I had raised a small Skaven Company and 3 horned bears. I even began sending out patrols all around the desert looking for creatures to kill. I planned on raising more of the undead I had in my inventory, but then I started to level. My ninja must have been killing tons of creatures to get so many levels. The experience kept doubling every level I received to the point where I didn't bother watching it anymore.

I feared that my ninja was about to die so I had the small company standing around the well, ready to kill anything that popped its head out. Than I felt my Avatar appear in my pocket-space and all his experience of the fight flooded into my mind.

'A boss room?' I questioned, obviously my avatar thought the same thing as me. I was level 23 now, and I had 24 ability and stat points to spread out.

Since I was able to use the ability points to put towards my stats, I decided to check if the stat points could go towards my abilities. I tried to put the stat points to a new skill, but it just gave me an error stating that I wasn't able to do it. 'I think you should try to figure out how to get skills with your class I thought towards my clone ninja.

It was weird to see my human self-sitting in front of me in a meditative state. I was excited to learn what skills he got, but he sat there shaking his head. Apparently it still wasn't bringing up any skills or abilities for him to work with.

"Let's switch roles, I would like to test out my abilities with this Boss." I explained hoping he would figure it out.

"Yeah, that works, leave a few of our army with me?" My ninja asked and I nodded my head. We went through the process of switching the ninja to the original and me as the Avatar, that way if I died we didn't have to wait to activate the avatar again.

I ended up bringing only two squads of Skaven's with me, a total of ten per squad. In each squad I had four brutes, two wizards, one bear, one Eldritch, and two Clerics. It was very weird to watch them, most of them didn't even have eye balls as they had dried up. I kept in my mind to not have these undead about me when I summoned the Skaven Army.

I positioned both squads to stay in front of me as the brutes pushed the big doors open. They had trouble with it, and it took six Brutes to have enough strength to push it. As it opened the room inside looked completely different then the outside. It was pure clean white marble with streaks of red quarts, and gold veins! Gold Veins everywhere in some kind of chaotic pattern.

After the initial shock of the beauty of the room, I quickly scanned all the creatures I saw in there. Sun panthers four on each side sat with their ears up all looking at me and my squad. A giant throne was on the other side, with a glowing humanoid being with fire eyes and fire for hair. I identified him as the "Sun King" and he had a big smile on his face. To the sides of him were two "Sun Clerics" also with fire hair and glowing eyes.

My first thought was, perhaps I can make a deal with these dudes like I did the Skaven's. But the King gave me a smile when I looked in his eyes, and brought up his hand and pointed at me and my Skaven's.

"We have rats in our house, exterminate them panthers!" The king's voice boomed and even shook a little bit. I had to clasp my hands to my ears to protect them from the loud voice.

Before I could say anything the panthers pounced with such speed that I could only see the blur. My two squads acted fast and began firing bolts and the brutes charged forward to attack the incoming Sun Panthers. I raised my hand and concentrated on my fire hands conjuring a fireball which I pointed at the king and fired it.

The King laughed as he swatted the fireball away as if we were playing a game. The King then summoned a bright fireball within the palm of his hand, the brightness was that of the sun, it hurt the eyes, and burned the skin even from this far. Knowing I would be immune to any magic I floated forward towards the king trying to get in front of my Skaven's before the King killed them.

The King aimed the bright fireball at me, and I allowed it to hit me. Even though I was immune to magic I was surprised by the heat of the fireball before it even hit me. It caused pain, and burned my skin but I had only lost a few hit points.

The King looked at me with confusion wondering how I had taken his fireball and lived. I gave him a short smile then kicked forward with my foot sending a gravitational switch on him. The king again looked confused as he tried to see what was flying his way, Although I was also looking at the clear looking ball that went flying at the king.

With the King's body flapping against the throne both my bears ran forward and tackled the clerics. I then shot my blue fire from my hands at the king, which he again batted away. I realized that my gravitational was distracting him, but he seemed to be figuring out how it was working and began to right himself.

With notifications going off, I did a quick glance behind me to see if my army had killed the panthers, but I only saw dead Skaven's all over the place. They had killed all but one of the Sun Panthers, which was pouncing towards me flying through the air. Not a single Skaven lived, other than the horned bears.

Time slowed to a crawl and the panther pounced at me, I was easily able to dodge. Then I started to run back to the entrance, but realized the door was closed. It didn't matter, I was going to die anyways, so I started to pull it open.

Fortune signed upon me as the door opened to my pull allowing me to exit. I then tried to release again into my Ninja but kept getting notification errors, telling me I wasn't allowed to exit while in a boss fight.

Looking behind me, I was surprised to see the King running towards me. I decided to turn and fight with every ounce, as I didn't want to lead him to my original. A large axe appeared in his hands, and the time came to a crawl again, only the King was still moving pretty fast. I brought up my blueish fire hands and shot as many fireball as I could at the King. The king either dodged them or sent them flying with the back of his hand.


<Avatar of Bertram> Race: (Human)

Class <Battle Monk: Ninja>

Ability Points: 24

Stat Points: 20

I sat in a meditative state with Gabe inside my head helping me pull up a skill bar, but everything we tried hadn't worked. I decided to ask the Tutorial System if anyone knew it would be her. Before I called her though she just showed up floating above me bent over looking at me.

"Can you read my thoughts?" I asked wondering how she got here just before the moment I was going to call out to her.

"No, but when you call me from your thought I will hear as is the case here." She explained and I gave her a nod of understanding.

"I need to know how to pull up my skills for this Battle Monk class and the sub class ninja" I explained getting a knowing nod from the tutorial system floating above me.

"Your class is the result of you, only you can know the skills of that class. Somewhere in your mind you have knowledge of the class itself." She explained, but I was only more confused.

I sat thinking, I know myself… "Are there Ninja's within the system?" I asked her.

"No… You are the first of this class, but your mind seems to know that the class that doesn't exist, does in fact exist." She explained again.

This made me smile… I then thought about some of the ninja Show's I've seen and thought about how ninja's could do ninjitsu and have power as chakra. As soon as I pictured how it worked I heard a ding of a notification, and I quickly opened It up with a smile.

*Congratulations, you have created a new skill for your [Ninja] Sub class. You have learned the skill [Chakra Control]. This skill does not require power to use, as it is its own power source.

With a smile I brought up my palm and imagined moving my chakra to the palm of my hand. I saw a light blue mist slowly start to gather in the palm of my hand. Before I could play with it more, my Avatar's thoughts rushed into me as the King had chopped off my Avatar's head.

I summoned my clone, switched roles placing my ninja self as the Avatar this time. I then gave a short wave to my original self and quickly hopped into the well. I moved quickly as I was afraid the King was going to work his way back out, but as soon as I was by the front door, I watched as the King used a giant axe to try to cut down the Horned Bears. Apparently, the king didn't know the bear was immune to physical attacks, and he just kept trying. He could of easily dispatched them with one of his sun fireballs. This made me smile, I had allies.

Before the king looked back to see me I teleported behind him and slammed him with everything I had with the staff. The staff made a loud deep base sound and the King hit the floor, his muscles were all locked up. I then remembered that the staff caused the victim to be stunned for five seconds. I then with the bears kept attacking the king with everything I had.

For the full five seconds the King was left on the ground taking all the damage from me and the bears, but it still wasn't enough. The King's vast Vitality was not only large, but it kept healing faster than the damage we were causing. I didn't know what else I could do, so I activated my Summon Jhinn as the king threw the two bears to each side of the room then turned to fight me.

Gabriel appeared above the king with a golden spear and stabbed the king through the top of the head down through its shoulder. The King was dead immediately. Gabriel then looked at me with a smile at the damage he had caused.

I opened the notification when I received them.

*Congratulations, you are the first to complete the bonus room during your first Dive! You have been rewarded with 10 Ability points.

Awesome, I scanned through the items that had dropped, but nothing compared to what I already had. I touched the eight sun panthers and the two sun clerics making them disappear with a wick of black smoke into my inventory. Then I released myself, and I also disappeared into a wisp of black smoke appearing in my originals Pocket-Realm. The results of my entire fight was instant knowledge to my original, and I also saw what my original had done the at the same time. Apparently the undead Skaven's my original had sent out had killed a lot of Sun Spiders. They also found the pyramid that led deeper into the dungeon.

I appeared outside of the pocket realm again as Gabriel flew out from the well. He brushed the dust from the well off him and floated up in the air. "I have one hour, I will go kill as much as I can, you should try to keep up." Gabriel demanded, then he took off in flight towards the pyramid.


The pyramid was massive, which was a good thing considering how large the angel was. I didn't want to imagine wasting the angel for the bonus boss. I was faster than the original, but I still couldn't catch up to Gabe. I just kept following the path of death, throwing all the dead corpses into my inventory. There was a lot that I had no idea what they were, but I didn't care a body was a body. My necromancer classes could use them, and they stopped decaying when they were in my inventory completely reserved.

Before me and my original caught up with Gabe, we got a notification congratulating us on completing 2.2. When we finally reached Gabe he was standing by an orb which was most likely the way to the next step in the dungeon.

After we collected all the corpses we quickly continued, so as not to waste the timer on Gabe. I had went back into my original's head and watched as my original self-placed his hand on the orb and mentally agreed to continue.

--I made a mistake with the spells/skills on how they work. I’m reverting back to chapter 5 where he could just concentrate on the spells and abilities for the class, and they pop up.

This is the spell list for Death God

<Spells for [Death God]> Legendary class will always get spells & skills higher then <uncommon>

*[Raise Corpse] <Legendary spell> Cost: 50 power. Any corpse can be animated permanently. The undead will only be as good as the caster’s instructions.

*[Death Bolt (0)] <Rare> cost: 15 Power. Non-Critical Damage: 25 points of damage. <Progressive>

*[Death Curse (0)] <Epic> cost: 25 power. Damage: 10 damage per second for 2 seconds. <Progressive>

<Skills for [Death God]>

*[Spiritual Vison] <Epic Skill><passive> Can see the spiritual realm.

*[Undead Revival] <Rare Skill><passive> upon your death, you raise again as undead.

*[Reaper Call (0)] <Epic Skill><passive> ability to see, speak, and touch the champions of death. <Progressive>

-Bert now has [Raise Corpse], and [Death Bolt]

--The [Battle Monk] Still has no abilities.

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