
Celestial Shadows: Veil of Lumina

In the enchanting world of Veridia, Lumina's radiant energy pulses through the cosmos, empowering those who dare to harness its mystic power. Kaelen Nightshade, marked by the enigmatic "Eclipse Serpent," unexpectedly taps into his latent Lumina abilities during a chaotic festival, which may or may not set off a chain of events out of his control. Drawn to the Celestial Peaks Academy, Kaelen's path intertwines with Lyra Celestia, a Lumina-infused musician whose melodies weave the fabric of reality, and Kylian Shadowthorn, a master of illusions with an uncanny charm. United by destiny, the trio embarks on a perilous journey, navigating Lumina's diverse realms, where suspense and dread lurk beneath the surface. As ancient prophecies echo through the cosmic winds, foreboding darkness looms, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of Veridia's existence. Amidst luminescent landscapes and shadowed enclaves, the boundaries between friend and foe blur. The chilling tendrils of suspense wind tighter, as they unearth a truth that could either save Veridia or plunge it into eternal darkness. In this riveting tale of cosmic intrigue and unsettling suspense, the trio's alliance becomes a glimmer of hope against the encroaching abyss. As Lumina's power courses through their veins, they must unravel the mysteries that haunt Veridia, and confront the chilling forces that threaten to consume their world.

Luenchman · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 5: Lost

Chapter 5: Lost

Kaelen awoke to a dull throbbing in his head, his senses gradually returning as he blinked against the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. Disoriented and groggy, he tried to sit up, his movements slow and cautious. The world seemed to spin around him, and he winced as pain shot through his head.

He gingerly touched his forehead, his fingers coming away sticky with blood. Panic surged through him as memories of the chaotic events on the airship rushed back. Maris, the dark beam of energy, the fall... Where was Maris?

Pushing through the haze of pain, Kaelen forced himself to his feet. He was standing on the edge of a small river. The forest around him was alien, its tangled undergrowth and towering trees shrouded in an eerie silence. He took a deep breath, attempting to steady his racing heart and focus his thoughts.

"Maris!" Kaelen called out, his voice wavering slightly. He strained his ears, desperately hoping for a response, but all that greeted him was the rustling of leaves and the trickle of water.

Stumbling forward, Kaelen followed the river upstream until he reached a small clearing. His steps were unsteady as he navigated through the dense foliage.

Kaelen crouched by the riverbank, using the cool water to wash away the blood from his forehead. The gentle current seemed to soothe his pain as he splashed water on his face, his thoughts racing to make sense of the situation.

As he looked around, he realized that he was alone. Maris was nowhere to be seen, and a heavy weight settled in Kaelen's chest. He couldn't afford to panic,

With determination burning in his eyes, Kaelen pushed himself to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. 'I need to find Maris and make sense of this and figure out what to do next.' But first, he needed to address his injuries. He tore a strip of cloth from his tattered cloak and fashioned a makeshift bandage for his bleeding head. 'This will have to do for now, I need to find Maris as quickly as I can.'

Feeling slightly more composed, Kaelen set off along the riverbank, his gaze scanning the forest for any signs of Maris. 'What could cause a dark energy beam that had struck the airship? Where exactly am I? And most importantly, how do I get back to safety?'

The forest around him felt both enchanting and foreboding, its ancient trees cloaked in shadows and secrets. Every rustle of leaves and creaking of wood could be a monster about to attack him, and Kaelen's senses were on high alert as he continued his search.

Minutes seemed to stretch into hours as Kaelen pressed forward. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow through the trees. Exhaustion tugged at his muscles, but he couldn't give in. He had to find Maris.

As the day began to wane, Kaelen's heart sank. Despite his efforts, there was still no sign of his friend. The forest was vast, and the idea of being alone in this unfamiliar place gnawed at his thoughts.

He found himself at the edge of a clearing, the dying light of the day casting long shadows on the ground. Kaelen's steps faltered as he took in his surroundings. In the center of the clearing stood a cluster of ancient stone pillars, weathered by time and adorned with intricate carvings.

As he approached, Kaelen's breath caught in his throat. The carvings depicted scenes of celestial beings, Lumina-infused landscapes, and constellations that shimmered in the stone. It was as if the pillars held the secrets of this place, a connection to the very essence of Lumina itself.

Kaelen reached out, tracing his fingers over the carvings as if seeking guidance. The stone felt cool and smooth beneath his touch, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. It was as if the pillars held a message. He settled down beside the stone pillars, 'what should I do now? I need a fire to keep me warm and the beasts away. But if the beam was artificial it might just attract whoever created it. But Mari might notice it too.' He stood up and looked around for dry leaves and twigs. 'Starting a fire might attract unwanted attention but ill probably die without it anyways.' Kaelen's fingers deftly gathered a pile of dry leaves and twigs. With some stones he produced a spark, coaxing the leaves to catch fire. The flames danced and crackled, casting a warm glow that pushed back the encroaching darkness.

The makeshift fire brought a measure of comfort, and Kaelen settled down near it, his gaze fixed on the stone pillars. Thoughts swirled through his mind like flickering flames. 'What if Maris is lost, too? What if she's hurt? Or worse...' His fists clenched, his worry deepening with every passing moment.

The forest around him seemed to come alive as night fell, the sounds of nocturnal creatures echoing through the darkness. Kaelen's thoughts turned to the others—Zephyr, Aiden, Elin, Selene—were they safe? Were they still on the ship, or had they also been thrown into this mysterious land?

The crackling of the fire was a comforting backdrop as Kaelen replayed the events in his mind. The dark beam of energy, the chaos on the ship, Maris disappearing... It all felt like a nightmare, and he desperately needed a way out.

Hours passed, and the fire gradually dwindled to embers. Kaelen's exhaustion began to catch up with him, his eyelids growing heavy. He knew he couldn't afford to sleep for too long, but his body protested, urging him to rest. Just as he was about to give in to fatigue, a rustling in the underbrush snapped him awake. His heart raced as he tensed, his gaze fixed on the shadows beyond the fire's glow. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice wavering slightly. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the rustling growing more distant. Kaelen strained his ears, waiting for any sign of movement, but all was silent once more. The tension in his shoulders eased slightly, though his senses remained on high alert. He sighed softly, rubbing his temples as he tried to clear his thoughts. The situation was dire, and he couldn't afford to be caught off guard. With a determined exhale, he leaned back against a tree trunk, his eyes fixed on the stars peeking through the treetops. The night air was cool and crisp, carrying with it a sense of tranquility that contrasted sharply with the turmoil in Kaelen's mind. He needed a plan, a way to navigate this forest and find his way back to safety. His fingers absently traced the Lumina-infused pendant hanging around his neck. The intricate design of the eclipse serpent seemed to pulse with a faint, reassuring light. It was a reminder of his unique abilities, his connection to both light and shadow, and his father. Eventually, as the first hints of dawn painted the horizon with delicate shades of pink and gold, he stood up. He knew he couldn't stay here indefinitely. Looking at the morning sun he thought 'If I remember correctly the Academy is almost straight to the north of Astralhaven. That means I should go right and go south since we weren't that many days away from Astralhaven. And I don't know how long it would even take to leave the forest in the direction of the academy. Hopefully, Maris has the same Idea and our paths cross.' A few hours later, he found a secluded spot beneath a towering oak tree, its roots providing a makeshift seat. Exhaustion weighed heavily on him, his body aching from the strain of the past hours. With a sigh, he leaned back against the tree, his eyes drifting closed.

Sleep claimed him almost immediately, and for a while, his dreams were a jumble of fragmented memories and half-formed thoughts. But as the sun crossed the zenith, Kaelen began to stir, his consciousness gradually returning to the waking world. Blinking against the sunlight, Kaelen sat up, his surroundings coming into focus. He was still in the forest, the canopy of leaves above filtering the sunlight into dappled patterns on the ground. The events of the previous night came rushing back, and he couldn't shake the feeling of urgency that gnawed at him.

His head throbbed dully, a reminder of his injuries, but he pushed aside the discomfort. He needed to keep moving, to continue his search for Maris and a way to safety. With a determined exhale, he pushed himself to his feet and cast a final glance at the Lumina-infused pendant. "Lumina will guide me," he muttered to himself, his voice carrying a mix of determination and hope.

Kaelen's journey through the forest was a delicate dance between light and shadow, his every step cautious as he navigated the undergrowth. The foliage seemed to close in around him, casting a verdant curtain that concealed the secrets of this forest. As he ventured deeper, the terrain shifted subtly, the ground becoming uneven beneath his feet. The distant sound of trickling water reached his ears, drawing him closer to a small stream that wound its way to the river he came from. Kaelen crouched by the water's edge, cupping his hands to take a sip of the cool liquid. It was a brief respite, a moment of replenishment before he resumed his search. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and foliage, the forest exuding a sense of primaeval energy that both fascinated and unsettled Kaelen. He cast his gaze upward, the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy and painting intricate patterns on the ground.

His steps led him to a particularly dense thicket, the underbrush becoming tangled and difficult to navigate. Kaelen's brow furrowed as he pushed through. It was then that he stumbled upon a grisly sight that brought him to an abrupt halt. There, nestled amidst a bed of leaves and moss, lay the remains of Maris. Kaelen's heart clenched with a mix of sorrow and shock as he took in the sight before him. Her body was twisted at an unnatural angle, her limbs contorted and broken from the fall. The once-vibrant fabric of her clothes was torn and dirtied, a stark contrast to the ethereal Lumina that still lingered faintly around her. A wave of grief washed over Kaelen, his eyes misting as he knelt beside her. He reached out, his fingers trembling as they brushed against her cold, lifeless skin. It was a cruel twist of fate, a reminder of the unforgiving nature of their circumstances.

But as his gaze lingered on Maris, another chilling realization dawned upon him. The forest had not been silent during the night. A trail of broken branches and scattered leaves led to Maris's body, evidence of the scavengers that had descended upon her in the darkness. Kaelen's stomach turned as he spotted the telltale signs of animal activity. The bones of Maris's limbs had been cracked open, the marrow exposed to the elements. Deep gouges marred her flesh, a grim testament to the struggle that had unfolded under the cover of night. He clenched his fists, a mix of anger and sorrow surging through him. Maris deserved better than this fate. Kaelen's breath hitched as he fought back tears, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. "I might have known you for just a short time ... I can't..."

"What now? I needed you." He felt a profound sense of loss, an ache that seemed to radiate from his very core. Maris had been a new friend, a companion and now she was gone, her presence reduced to a haunting memory. He looked at her and searched for anything that could have meaning for her and her family. Eventually, he found a wristband a few feet away and a necklace around what remained of her neck. "I will make sure to bring this to your family so that they can grief properly." With a heavy heart, Kaelen forced himself to look away from the gruesome scene. He knew he had to keep moving, to find a way out of this forest and back to safety. But as he rose to his feet, his gaze lingered on Maris one final time, a silent promise forming in his thoughts. He would get out of here and one day return to give her a proper burial and slaughter the beasts that did that to her.

Sorry to my one reader so far, i was sick and coudnt properly write. Thats why this chapter took so long.

Have fun!

Luenchmancreators' thoughts