
Celestial Shadows: Veil of Lumina

In the enchanting world of Veridia, Lumina's radiant energy pulses through the cosmos, empowering those who dare to harness its mystic power. Kaelen Nightshade, marked by the enigmatic "Eclipse Serpent," unexpectedly taps into his latent Lumina abilities during a chaotic festival, which may or may not set off a chain of events out of his control. Drawn to the Celestial Peaks Academy, Kaelen's path intertwines with Lyra Celestia, a Lumina-infused musician whose melodies weave the fabric of reality, and Kylian Shadowthorn, a master of illusions with an uncanny charm. United by destiny, the trio embarks on a perilous journey, navigating Lumina's diverse realms, where suspense and dread lurk beneath the surface. As ancient prophecies echo through the cosmic winds, foreboding darkness looms, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of Veridia's existence. Amidst luminescent landscapes and shadowed enclaves, the boundaries between friend and foe blur. The chilling tendrils of suspense wind tighter, as they unearth a truth that could either save Veridia or plunge it into eternal darkness. In this riveting tale of cosmic intrigue and unsettling suspense, the trio's alliance becomes a glimmer of hope against the encroaching abyss. As Lumina's power courses through their veins, they must unravel the mysteries that haunt Veridia, and confront the chilling forces that threaten to consume their world.

Luenchman · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 4: A Feast Among Stars

The aroma of a sumptuous meal wafted through the air as the students made their way to the ship's cantina. The enticing scent beckoned them, heightening their excitement as they entered the bustling dining area.

The cantina was a hub of activity, with students chatting and laughing, their voices blending into a harmonious symphony. The walls were adorned with Lumina lanterns, casting a warm and inviting glow over the scene. Tables were set with an array of mouthwatering dishes, each more tantalizing than the last.

Kaelen and the others found a table near a large window, their eyes widening at the sight before them. Plates were piled high with colorful fruits, Lumina-infused pastries, and a variety of delectable treats that made their mouths water.

"Wow, would you look at all this food?" Zephyr exclaimed, his eyes practically sparkling.

Maris nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the spread. "I don't think I've ever seen such a feast!"

Lyra chuckled, her turquoise eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, I guess we're in for a treat."

Aiden raised his fork, a mischievous grin on his face. "You know, I heard that the Lumina berries in this dish are so rare, they only bloom once every hundred years."

Kaelen laughed. "Nice try, Aiden, but I think they just taste really good."

Elin sampled a Lumina-infused pastry, her expression one of pure delight. "These are incredible! I never thought Lumina could make food taste this amazing."

Selene nodded in agreement, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I know, right? It's amazing"

"Did you guys see that Lumina lantern near the common area?" Maris asked, her eyes lighting up.

Lyra nodded. "Oh, the one that changes colors? It's so mesmerizing."

Aiden leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I wonder if we'll learn how to make those at the academy."

Zephyr, always the prankster, leaned over to Maris. "I heard there's a secret passage that leads to a hidden treasure room at the academy. You up for an adventure?"

Maris grinned back, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You bet! Just point the way."

The laughter and banter flowed freely, and the cantina filled with the joyful energy of newfound friendships. The students were united not only by their shared journey to the academy but also by the bonds they were forming in these early moments.

As the meal drew to a close, Kaelen leaned back in his chair, a contented smile on his face. He looked around at his friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for this moment.

The Lumina-infused food had not only satisfied their hunger but had also nourished their spirits. The lively chatter continued as the students savored the last bites of their delicious meal. Laughter erupted from a nearby table as a group of boys playfully argued over who could eat the most Lumina-infused pastries. "Hey, don't you dare take the last one!" one of them exclaimed, reaching for the pastry. His friend grinned mischievously, quickly snatching the pastry and popping it into his mouth. "Too slow!"

At another table, a pair of girls giggled as they marveled at the vibrant colors of the Lumina berries in their dessert. "These berries are practically glowing!" one of them exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. Her friend nodded in agreement, taking a delicate bite. "I swear, they taste even better than they look!"

Back at Kaelen's table, the banter continued as the group of friends shared stories and impressions.

Zephyr gestured to a Lumina-infused fruit salad. "I heard that these fruits are enchanted with the power of teleportation. One bite, and you'll be whisked away to a tropical island!" Maris rolled her eyes, a playful smile on her lips. "Oh, please. I'll believe that when I see it." Lyra, her voice filled with amusement, leaned over to Kaelen. "So, Kaelen, what's your verdict on the Lumina-infused delicacies?"

Kaelen grinned, his eyes twinkling. "I think I've found my new favorite foods. Move over, regular pastries!" Amid the cheerful atmosphere of the cantina, a subtle shift in energy caught Kaelen's attention. He glanced over and spotted a figure who seemed out of place amidst the laughter and chatter. It was one of the students who had been on the deck earlier—a young man with an air of aloofness that seemed to envelop him.

He was impeccably dressed, his clothes adorned with intricate embroidery that spoke of wealth and prestige. His dark hair was neatly combed, and his gaze held a cool detachment as he surveyed the bustling cantina.

Zephyr leaned toward Kaelen and whispered, "Check out Mr. Fancy Pants over there. Someone needs a Lumina-infused joke to warm up that icy demeanor."

Kaelen stifled a chuckle, his eyes still fixed on the newcomer. "Maybe he just needs to try one of those desserts. Bet that'll crack his frosty facade."

Maris, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, chimed in "Or maybe he's just upset because he forgot to pack his monocle." causing the group burst into laughter.

Zephyr whispered, nudging Kaelen. "Jokes aside It's the Icy Aristocrat himself."

Kaelen arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the moniker. "Icy Aristocrat? Seriously?"

Aiden grinned. "Well, he's got that whole 'I'm-rich-and-I-know-it' vibe going on."

Maris joined in with a chuckle. "And I bet he has a butler who carries around his personal fan to keep him cool."

The group exchanged amused glances, their playful banter heightening their curiosity about the young man's background.

Elin leaned over and whispered, "I heard his family owns one of the biggest Lumina crystal mines in Astralhaven. They practically bathe in Lumina-infused water, I bet."

As the meal came to an end, the students leaned back in their chairs, their expressions a mix of contentment and excitement.

Maris stretched her arms above her head, a satisfied sigh escaping her lips. "I don't think I've ever eaten this much in one sitting." Elin laughed. "Well, that's what feasts are for!"

Lyra's gaze drifted to the Lumina lanterns casting a soft glow around the cantina. "I have a feeling this won't be the only feast we'll enjoy at the academy." The group echoed his sentiment, their goblets clinking together in a joyful toast.

The lively chatter in the cantina gradually subsided as the group of friends noticed a figure standing up and clearing their throat. It was the elder who had accompanied them to the ship earlier.

"Ah, my young travelers," the elder greeted, her voice carrying a gentle authority. "I trust you've all settled in well?"

The elder chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Now, I thought I'd take a moment to fill you in on what to expect during your journey to the Celestial Peaks Academy."

The elder's smile widened as she began to share details about the week-long journey ahead.

"Now, there are a few rules to keep in mind while on board. The ship is no kindergarten, you should be careful. You can move freely on your side of the ship. You can also hang out on the top deck and enjoy the wind. In case of a storm or a beast attack, you should go to your room as soon as possible, there is no protection on the top deck, and you might even fall."

She then turned her attention to the academy itself. "The Celestial Peaks Academy is a place of wonder and discovery. It's a hub of knowledge, where students from all walks of life come to unlock their potential and cultivate their Lumina powers. You'll find mentors, challenges, and opportunities to push your limits and expand your horizons."

With a final smile, the elder excused herself, leaving the group of friends buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the adventure that lay ahead.

They decided to go to their rooms after the Elder finished her little speech. Each pair of students has their own cabin, a cozy haven for the journey ahead.

Kaelen and Aiden entered their cabin, which was surprisingly spacious, with twin beds, a small seating area, and even a porthole that offered a view of the endless sky. Aiden flopped onto one of the beds with a dramatic sigh. "Well, this is definitely a step up from my tiny room back home," Aiden remarked, his voice dripping with mock exaggeration. Kaelen chuckled and plopped onto the other bed. "I don't know, Aiden. I think I'm going to miss my old room." Aiden grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Didn't know you were so sentimental" Kaelen rolled his eyes playfully. "Pfft"

Back in another cabin, Maris and Elin were inspecting their surroundings. Elin peered out of the porthole, a look of wonder in her eyes. "Wow, this view is incredible," she said, her voice tinged with awe. Maris nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like we're floating amidst the stars themselves."

Elin turned to Maris with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Maris, think they have a telescope to get an even closer look?" Maris chuckled. "I don't know Elin, unfortunately, I left my telescope at home."

Elin playfully pouted. "Well, I guess that'll have to do."

In Lyra and Selene's cabin, the two girls were engaged in an animated conversation. Selene gestured toward the porthole, excitement radiating from her. "Can you believe we're actually on a ship in the sky? It's like a dream come true!" Lyra nodded, her eyes shining. "I know, right? I've always wanted to see the world from up here." Selene's expression turned thoughtful. "You know, I heard there are some pretty intense training sessions at the academy. Are you ready for that, Lyra?"

Lyra's determination flickered in her eyes. "Absolutely. I've been practicing my Lumina abilities for as long as I can remember. I'm ready to take on any challenge."

The night was surprisingly peaceful, the gentle hum of the airship's engines lulling the students into a restful sleep. Kaelen lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. The rhythmic swaying of the ship was oddly soothing, like a cradle rocking him into slumber.

Morning sunlight streamed through the porthole, casting a warm glow across the cabin. Kaelen stretched and yawned, his eyes landing on Aiden, who was still snoring softly in his bed.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," Kaelen teased, throwing a pillow in Aiden's direction.

Aiden groaned and rubbed his eyes. "One more minute Mom" Kaelen laughed and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Come on, Aiden."

As the students emerged from their cabins, the aroma of breakfast wafted through the corridors. The cantine was a bustling hub of activity, filled with the chatter and laughter of hungry teenagers. Plates were piled high with a delectable array of delicacies, from fluffy pancakes to sparkling fruit salads. Zephyr couldn't hide his enthusiasm as he heaped a mountain onto his plate. "I think I've died and gone to food heaven." Maris chuckled as she added a Lumina-powered smoothie to her plate. "I've heard the food at the academy is pretty amazing, but this is something else."

Elin nodded in agreement. "Definitely worth waking up for."

With their bellies full and their spirits high, the group made their way to the top deck. The morning sun bathed the airship in a golden glow as they stepped into the crisp air. Aiden shielded his eyes with his hand, scanning the horizon.

"Wow, this view is even more stunning than I imagined," Aiden remarked.

Zephyr nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like we're floating on a sea of clouds."

Maris pointed toward the distant landscape. "Look, you can't even see the end of the forest"

Lyra let out a contented sigh. "I could get used to this."

As they leaned against the railing, soaking in the breathtaking scenery, the airship's engines hummed to life once again. Kaelen's heart raced with a sense of exhilaration as he watched the world unfold beneath them.

"Hey, check out that cloud formation over there," Selene said, pointing toward a cluster of fluffy clouds. Kaelen grinned. "You know what that looks like? A dragon!"

Aiden laughed and joined in. "Oh yeah, and that one over there? Totally a devil."

Zephyr raised an eyebrow. "You guys have quite the imagination."

As the day wore on, the group found themselves engaged in lively conversations that meandered from one topic to another.

As evening approached, a gentle breeze swept over the airship, carrying with it the scent of dinner being prepared. The group's stomachs rumbled in anticipation, and they made their way to the cantine once again.

The aroma of a hearty meal greeted them as they entered, and their mouths watered at the sight of the feast laid out before them. The chef had truly outdone themselves, with Lumina-roasted vegetables, Lumina-infused pasta, and a decadent Lumina fruit tart for dessert.

Kaelen's eyes widened as he surveyed the spread. "I think I've found my new favorite place."

Lyra chuckled. "You say that every time you see food." Aiden playfully nudged Kaelen. "Hey, can you blame him? Look at this!"

As they settled into their seats, the conversation flowed as freely as the Lumina-infused dishes. They shared stories of their favorite meals back home and debated the merits of Lumina cuisine.

Zephyr took a bite of the pasta and let out a satisfied sigh. "I don't think I can ever go back to regular pasta after this." Maris nodded in agreement, her mouth full of Lumina-roasted vegetables. "Honestly, I think I could eat this food for the rest of my life."

Elin grinned as she savored a bite of the fruit tart. "I wonder if they have ice cream."

The group erupted into laughter at the thought, their voices mingling in a chorus of joy.

Just as they were about to disperse, a familiar figure entered the cantine.

As the evening drew to a closethe group made their way to the top deck once again. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, the sun setting in a breathtaking display of colors.

Kaelen leaned against the railing, beside him, Lyra sighed contentedly.

"This has been the most incredible day," she mused.

Kaelen nodded in agreement. "Definitely one for the books."

The night was quiet, the soft hum of the airship's engines providing a gentle lullaby. The group had retreated to their rooms, each settling into their beds, ready to drift into slumber. However, for Kaelen, sleep remained elusive. He tossed and turned, his mind abuzz with thoughts and anticipation for the days ahead.

After a while, he couldn't take it any longer. With a soft sigh, he slipped out of his bed and tiptoed out of the room, careful not to disturb his sleeping roommate, Aiden. The hallway was dimly lit, the soft glow of Lumina lanterns casting a gentle radiance.

As he made his way to the top deck, Kaelen's footsteps were accompanied by the rhythmic thrum of his heart. He needed a breath of fresh air, a moment of solitude beneath the starlit sky.

When he reached the top deck, he was met with the serene expanse of the night. The stars twinkled above, their Lumina-infused brilliance captivating his gaze. Kaelen leaned against the railing, letting the cool breeze wash over him, momentarily soothing his restless thoughts.

"Trouble sleeping?"

Kaelen jumped slightly, turning to find Maris leaning against the railing beside him. He chuckled softly, grateful for the company. "Yeah, you too?"

Maris nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I guess there's just too much excitement."

They fell into a comfortable silence, the night enveloping them in its tranquil embrace. The distant hum of the ship's engines was like a gentle lullaby, and Kaelen found himself feeling more at ease.

"I have to admit, this journey is nothing like I imagined," Maris said, her voice soft but full of wonder.

Kaelen nodded, gazing out at the star-studded sky. "Tell me about it. Back in Astralhaven, I used to dream about what it would be like to attend the Celestial Peaks Academy. And now, here we are."

Maris chuckled. "I used to daydream about becoming a master of Lumina manipulation, creating dazzling displays of light and shadow. Now, I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm excited."

Kaelen grinned. "Hey, maybe you'll be the one to finally answer the age-old question: Can you make a Lumina-powered cat?"

Maris burst into laughter. "Oh, is that what keeps you up at night?"

"Never," Kaelen replied with a playful wink.

"I heard you talking about Lumina artifacts earlier," Kaelen said, shifting the topic slightly. "Is that your main interest?"

Maris nodded. "Yeah, I've always been fascinated by the history behind them. Each artifact tells a story, a glimpse into the past. It's like uncovering a hidden part of our world's history."

Kaelen leaned against the railing, captivated by Maris' enthusiasm. "That's pretty amazing. I've never really thought about it that way."

Maris smiled. "Well, Lumina is a part of our everyday lives, but there's still so much we don't know. I want to change that."

"Well, I guess I should head back," Maris said with a chuckle. "We'll need our rest if we're going to conquer the academy."

Kaelen nodded, feeling a bit more ready to face the future. Just as Maris was about to head back to her room, a sudden jolt rocked the airship, causing her to stumble. Before she could react, a chilling sensation coursed through the air, and a dark beam of energy surged from somewhere below. The ship shuddered, alarms blaring in the chaos that ensued.

"Whoa, what was that?" Kaelen exclaimed, his voice tinged with alarm.

Maris could only shake her head in disbelief. "I have no idea, but we're in trouble!"

The deck was a flurry of activity as crew members scrambled to regain control of the ship. Panic and urgency filled the air as they realized the severity of the situation.

Amidst the commotion, a deafening explosion rocked the airship once more, and Kaelen and Maris were thrown off balance. They exchanged a frantic glance before the world seemed to tilt, and they were both hurled overboard.

The sensation of freefall was both exhilarating and terrifying. The wind rushed past their ears as they plummeted through the darkened sky. Kaelen's heart raced, and his thoughts raced even faster. He desperately tried to orient himself, searching for any sign of Maris. The ground rushed up to meet him, he looked around trying to find something to hold on to but got hit in the face by a tree branch and the world went dark.