
Cat, Fairy and Salamander inside a pub.

No matter how much I protested, Lucy remained resolute, practically dragging me through the bustling bazaar section of Hargeon city. Passersby shot us curious glances as she practically carried me along, my enchanted armor making it look like she was hauling a ton of bricks, even though I was light as feather.

Sure, my armor was feather-weighted, but to the untrained eye, it looked like a beast to carry. Crafted from something called Celestial bronze by a blacksmith spirit from the Celestial realm, it was a birthday gift tailored just for me.

Lucy's celestial spirits, including the fiery mermaid, had always doted on me since I was a kid. Naturally, they spoiled me rotten, sometimes even showering me with more attention than Lucy herself – much to her chagrin.

Except for Taurus. While we got along just fine, the moment that pervy bull started ogling my sister or made any suggestive comments, we immediately squared off. It was all in good fun, nothing harmful, but I still ended up getting my ass handed to me every single time.

With the Celestial Grimoire in hand, a mischievous smirk played upon my lips, a glint of anticipation shining in my eyes.

"Mwahaha, let's see who comes out on top now, pervy bull," I muttered under my breath, relishing the thought of finally getting my revenge.

But before I could revel in my newfound power, Lucy swiftly brought me back down to earth with a bonk on the head.

"Hey, wipe that smirk off your face," she scolded, her tone admonishing. "You're creeping people out."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Coming from the girl who was practically drooling over the mere mention of "Salamander." But what should I do? Do I let her get charmed? I don't want to stick to canon, but having her charmed is more beneficial as once she broken out of Charm, she is immune from it for life.

As I pondered my next move, a sense of liberation washed over me. Screw it, I thought. I'll just wing it and see what happens. If that means letting the canon play out or throwing it out the window entirely, so be it. As long as I'm calling the shots, I'll have no regrets.

The ear-splitting shrieks of fangirls pierced the air as Lucy abandoned my side, diving headfirst into the throng of admirers surrounding the object of her obsession – the Salamander. I watched helplessly as she disappeared into the sea of pushing and shoving, her fervor matching that of the other crazed fans.

In the center of the chaos stood the source of their adulation – a man with an annoyingly cocky demeanor, flaunting his magical ring for all to see. I closed my eyes momentarily, knowing full well the dangers of gazing upon those cursed rings. Mental defenses? Ha, as if my stubbornness counted for anything in the face of mind-altering magic.

"Hey there, ladies, looking absolutely stunning today," he purred, his smile flashing like a beacon amidst the adoring crowd.

"You're so pretty, so hot!"

The fangirls erupted into a chorus of adulation, their hearts practically shooting out of their eyes. If I didn't know better, I'd question how an average-looking guy like him was commanding such attention.

Clad in a short cape and sporting black and blue hair, he preened under the spotlight, basking in the adoration of his fans. To my dismay, I spotted Lucy among them, her hands waving frantically with pink heart signs in her eyes – a sight that instantly fueled my anger.

Any notion of letting the canon play out dissolved in an instant. Even if it was fate or some grand script in the scheme of things, I refused to let my sister suffer.

With determination coursing through my veins, I reached for the sword at my hip, ready to take matters into my own hands.

As I felt the familiar sensation of words etching themselves into my soul once more, I paused, my anger dissipating as a new opportunity presented itself.


You rolled: Highborn [The Elder Scrolls]

The High Elves are the most magically gifted of the races on Tamriel. Not only do they have more Magicka, but it regenerates extremely quickly after being used. Their pure blood also grants them resistance to diseases.

Cost: 100 CP

Rolled successfully.

Purchase the roll?

A surge of realization washed over me. The High Elves, the most magically gifted race from Skyrim game. With an boost to magical energy and rapid regeneration, coupled with their inherent resistance to diseases, they were formidable indeed.

The cost? 100 CP.

I hesitated, weighing the consequences. But in that moment, resolve overcame hesitation. I refused to remain weak and hold Lucy back any longer than I already had. If I wanted to make a difference in this world, I had to accept that magic was the key.

After all, facing threats like Zeref, Irene, demons, and dragons with just a sword was a fool's errand. I wasn't Roanoa Zoro, damn it.

With determination burning in my veins, I made my decision. "Yes," I declared, feeling a cold rush through my blood as the world around me faded to white for a brief moment.

Total: 200CP

"Igneel, it's me," declared one pink-haired individual from amidst the crowd, his voice piercing through the chaos and startling everyone, including Lucy, who finally snapped out of her daze in my arms.

With a sudden jolt, she shook off the enchantment, the heart sign disappearing from her eyes as she blinked in confusion.


"Lucas?!" she exclaimed, her words stumbling over one another as she tightened her grip around me, eyes wide with disbelief.

I hushed her gently, pressing a finger to her lips. "Shh, not here. Try to stay calm."

"Who are you?" interjected the pink-haired boy, a blue cat perched atop his head, his tone betraying his disinterest as he interrupted the frenzied exchange, catching the fraudulent "Salamander" off guard.

Quickly regaining his composure, the imposter puffed out his chest. "I'm Salamander. Surely you've heard of me before."

"Never heard of you."

The pink-haired boy turned away in blatant disrespect, inciting hateful glares and even a few drop kicks from the enraged fangirl mob.

"Now, now, let the boy be," the imposter intervened, attempting to mitigate the situation before it escalated any further. He knew that if the mob didn't disperse and attracted the attention of city guards, his secret would be exposed.

Despite a few more kicks and autographs, the man eventually departed, bidding farewell to the crowd and inviting them to a party aboard his ship.

Meanwhile, I found myself preoccupied with restraining an enraged Lucy, who was itching for a fight once she learned the truth.

As the so-called Salamander vanished in a swirl of pink fire magic, leaving us to watch in astonishment, the mob gradually dispersed.

With the chaos settled, we escorted the pink-haired young man – not visibly injured but certainly bruised – back to the same pub where we had breakfast. Lucy fretted over his well-being, but I couldn't help but view him with a wary eye. I knew what kind of monster this boy truly was, no offense intended.

"Why did you invite these two again?" I questioned my sister with a disgruntled expression, eyeing the pink-haired boy and his feline companion as they devoured the food Lucy had generously provided. I had no qualms with hearty appetites, but I expected at least a modicum of manners.

As I pondered our guests' presence, a sudden realization struck me, prompting me to make a decision.

Rolling ...…..

You Rolled: Staff of Panthalassa [Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch]

The replica of a legendary weapon used by the clan. It grants the user enhanced physical strength and helps balance the flow of magic in his body. You can also use it to fire bursts of energy or create shields around you and companions

Cost: 200CP

Purchase this roll?

Despite already possessing a normal sword, I recognized the value of having a magical weapon to complement my enchanted armor. After all, there was no rule stating that a knight could only wield bladed weapons.

With resolve, I confirmed my decision.

"Yes," I declared, feeling a surge of golden energy emanating from beneath the table. Lucy stared at my hand in disbelief as the shimmering light coalesced into a staff before our very eyes.The staff gleamed with a golden hue, adorned with intricate symbols of a cross and a circle at its handle and tip, respectively.

"What the hell?" Lucy whispered in shock as she hastily snatched the golden staff from my hand, her eyes widening as she examined it. Fortunately, it wasn't overly large, but she still waved it around with an air of disbelief.

Quickly realizing her actions, she handed the staff back to me before fixing me with the most serious expression I had ever seen on her face.

"We'll talk about this later," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

I nodded in agreement, equally taken aback by the unexpected display of magical prowess. The staff's sudden appearance and the golden glow were far more flashy than I had anticipated. I made a mental note to learn more about Re-equip magic at any cost. That was too flashy and dangerous. What if I roll Nuke and it lands on top of my head?

"So..." Lucy began, her gaze fixed on the duo who were currently stuffing their faces with food as if they were bottomless pits. Oblivious to my recent display of magic or the golden staff resting on my lap, they continued their feast without a care in the world.

"I'm Lucy, and this is my brother Lucas," she introduced us, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. All she received in response was a simple "Aye" from the blue cat, prompting her smile to twitch dangerously. Sensing the impending storm, I wisely leaned away from her, knowing better than to get caught in her crossfire.

Thanks to my influence, Lucy was no longer the pushover she once was. Who would have thought that having a younger sibling to stand up for could turn a pushover into someone with a bit more backbone? In her case, it seemed like the pendulum was swinging from sub to dom, though thankfully not too intensely. After all, I wasn't about to take abuse like the typical protagonists of shonen and harem series.

Kazuma sensei's message of gender equality rang true in my heart.

"Ahem. Natsu and Happy, was it?" Lucy addressed them with a smile, though a faint aura of menace leaked from her presence, causing both Natsu and Happy to jolt in surprise, muttering something about "Erza" and "ekk."

"That's right," Natsu replied hastily, his demeanor suddenly more alert as he began to eat at a slightly slower pace.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did earlier," Lucy continued, her smile genuine. "So please, eat up, but try not to get us kicked out by disturbing the other patrons."

"What? We helped you?" Happy questioned with a raised eyebrow, a fishbone protruding from his feline mouth.

"Fraudmander was using mind magic," I explained, earning a snort from Lucy, a choke from Natsu, and a giggle from Happy at the apt nickname I had bestowed upon the criminal.

"Yeah, he was using his ring to hypnotize those girls. It's harder to break free once ensnared, but once they do, they become immune to it, my brother doesn't have magic so it would have affected him the worst, so thank you from the coming there when you did." Lucy explained, her tone serious as she bowed sincerely. I could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes before she blinked them away.

Ouch. That trust stung a bit, sis.

"So, you have magic?" the cat inquired, snapping Lucy out of her emotional moment.

"Yeah, I'm a wizard. I'll probably have to explain—ouch!" Lucy yelped as I lightly bonked her head, letting out a sigh as she shot me an angry glare.

"These two are also wizards, Lucy. Don't make a fool of yourself," I interjected.

You see, my sister had this bad habit of underestimating people based on their appearances. No matter how much I tried to drill it into her skull to stop judging others by their first encounters, she still seemed to struggle with it. Even most powerful Wizard Zeref looks like harmless crybaby in first encounter. So no matter how ridiculous is your opponent in this world, never underestimate them.

"You're right, we are wizards," Natsu affirmed, flashing us a bright smile that nearly blinded us, metaphorically speaking, of course.

"Right," Lucy agreed, taking a sip of her orange juice as she regarded the pink-haired wizard in a new light.

"So, why were you there? Are you from a guild? On a job? Perhaps to catch that criminal?" Lucy fired off a rapid succession of questions, leaving both the cat and the boy bewildered.

"You talk a lot," Happy remarked once Lucy had finished speaking, earning a nod of agreement from me. It was a good observation buddy. If only he knew how much she talked before going to sleep. I had to endure her chatter until she finally let me sleep. This chatterbox, I huffed.

"I bet he can't even breathe fire," he added dismissively, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Lucy looked even more puzzled, her brows furrowing in confusion, while I couldn't help but feel a twinge of exasperation at the situation.

"Your friend Igneel breathes fire like a dragon?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"He breathes fire because he is the dragon," Natsu replied casually, as if it were no big deal, despite it having been four centuries since dragons disappeared from the face of the earth.

Lucy's jaw dropped in surprise, her eyes widening in astonishment, while I couldn't help but raise a skeptical eyebrow at Natsu's nonchalant response.

"Then why are you looking for a dragon in the middle of the city?!" I exclaimed softly, careful not to disturb the other patrons as I poked Natsu on the nose, my frustration seeping into my voice.

Natsu flinched, his movements freezing momentarily as he processed my words. In fact, they all froze with genuine shock, their expressions reflecting the realization that perhaps their plan hadn't been as well-thought-out as they had initially believed.

"Dumbass," I muttered under my breath, unable to hide my incredulity at their lack of foresight, while giving them both a pointed look that clearly conveyed my disappointment.

Lucy had reached her limit with the day's foolishness as she rose from her seat after everyone had finished their food. With a tired expression, she slapped a few notes of Jewels, the local currency of the Fiore kingdom, onto the table.

"This has been great, guys, but I think it's time we move on. Come on, Lucas, let's go," she said wearily, beckoning me to follow her.

Before I could react, both Natsu and Happy bowed deeply, their actions reminiscent of scenes from Wuxia novels where peasants bowed before young masters before getting murdered by said Young master.

"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" They shouted from the floor.

"It's fine, you don't need to bow from the floor! It's embarrassing!" Lucy exclaimed with a deep blush spreading across her face, her voice loud enough to draw the attention of those around us. Unfazed by the stares, Happy and Natsu exchanged glances before straightening up.

"We didn't even help her knowingly, I feel bad," Happy whispered, though his voice was unfortunately too loud for discretion.

"I know," Natsu replied before extending Fraudmander's autograph as a peace offering. "Here, you can have it."

"Shove it up your butt!" Lucy retorted, tossing the paper away as if it were contaminated with every disease known to man.

"I have a better idea," I interjected, stepping forward and pulling both Natsu and Happy to their feet.

"If you really want to help, answer this truthfully," I said, fixing the wizards with a serious gaze.

"Are you two strong?"

A giggle from the cat and a sharp-toothed grin from the pink-haired boy were all the answer I needed.


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