
Cause BL

Oliver never stepped out of the mold created for him. He always met expectations ever since then and never thought he would start decaying from the inside out. It was unbeknownst of him, and he did not know how to fix himself.

eesee · LGBT+
12 Chs

Page 1 Chapter 1

Soft sun rays hit across a sun starved face, whose eyelids could not help but twitch against the sudden attack. The wide window, as wide as the bed, welcomed the soft knocks of dark oak branches. Twittering birds covered the sounds of sheets rustling as a thin arm moves a thick cotten blanket from his body. Soft pink layered his fingers as they meet the cold air. The boy sat up; tender from the warmth of the blanket. One would not call him a boy, but he certainly was not a man, either. His face shows the calmness of a man, but his eyes- his eyes carries the innocence of a young boy.

Getting himself ready; he did his business and then started getting dressed. Putting on some sweatpants and a jacket, he got a hanged cloak from his closet. The cloak was thick and velvety, navy in color, and an oversized cotten collar that surrounded his head.

When he was ready, he left his janky sanctuary. As soon as he stepped out through his door he could see the over crowding in the city. (As his apartment was more then a couple stories high.) Even in the early morning; the streets were bustling. All sorts of market qualities could be found: street vendors, paper boys, and of course- the crowd.

Pastors extended across the land, too. They took enough space that cows and farms existed on the land. The young man took his first step to his destination.

The sun hasn't even risen, but still all around him was laughter and talking from strangers. Everyone was rather lively despite it being close to 40 degrees (Fahrenheit). As he traveled down alleyways, the people were moving up and down them. The nearby stalls had owners howling about deals, people listening, people buying, and people walking away. The warmth from all the movement transferred a little warmth to him.

In the middle of everything; the young man weaved through the crowd. He brushed past a paper boy whose lungs were strained from the excess screaming," HILLPEAKS OPENS SELECTION AFTER 50 YEARS; MORE ON LOCAL PAPER."

It was a little hard getting past these crowds, but going slowly and patiently was always a sure proof way. As he slowly got out this mini city he crossed over brick bridge and diverged into a stone pathway. The scenery was slowly changing to a more forestry one. Gigantic dark oak tress loomed over this young man as he slowly yawned through.

Large rocks covered in a variety of foliage, moss, and mushrooms existed here and there- while the trees stand stories high touching the sky as he was lead into a sort of entrance. This entrance was in a shape of an 'o' and was made out of trees intermingling with each other. From the roots they stand curve and meet up at the half way point forming the 'o' and with the help of twigs; they accentuate the weird roundness of the trees. The middle opening was empty of any foliage and twigs; like a makeshift entrance. Which weirdly enough had a pathway if you crossed this entrance.

This young man did not pay close attention to this odd entrance and simply crossed it without any peculiar feelings. He walked and walked across different setting and what felt like a good five miles he finally stumbled upon another city entrance with a sign that said 'welcome to Cave Cod'.

The entrance had a security booth that had a little red stop sign in front of it. On each side of this little booth there were Roman like pillars with flyers advertising different business and Cave Cod information on it.

An old man stepped out and grunted like he had digestive problems.