
Chapter 7

As Ashley stared at the passing buildings through the window, she felt the bright sun warm her face from outside. She watched as the people rushed about and smiled at the sight of kids playing on the sidewalk. The glass was clear instead of it being tinted and she can feel the warmth from the sun contrast to the coldness in the car.

However, as much as she wanted to enjoy the perfect weather and the busy lives outside of the car, she's caught up in the tense silence between her and her boss. Aside from the sound of car working and the heavy sighs that Veronica heaved, (which concerned Ashley) the space in the vehicle was void of any sound. Veronica's voice sliced through the silence after a few moments.

"Ms. Johnson, pass me the uh…" Veronica trailed off as she pointed to the pile of folders on Ashley's lap. The assistant stopped gazing outside the window and shifted her focus towards her boss. She put on a tight-lipped smile, leaning forward as she waited for the former to continue.

"Yes, Ms. Reyes?"

"The…" Veronica trailed off once again before clicking her tongue. Ashley looked down at her lap and furrowed her eyebrows before lifting her head to look at her boss again, eyes narrowed.

"The… papers?"

"Yes, that's it." Veronica sighed out before reaching her hand out, waiting for the folders. Ashley grabbed one from the pile before placing it on her hand.

"Here you go, Ms. Reyes!" Ashley smiled as her boss nodded. She stopped squinting her eyes, but the concern she had for Veronica didn't falter. She eyed the woman as she opened the folder, scanning through the contents.

Ashley's mind trailed off to the earlier events in her boss's office. She pursed her lips and clenched her fist. She didn't know if she should quench her thirst for answers and after a few minutes of contemplating her curiosity won over her.

"Ah, Ms. Reyes?" Ashley said, calling out for her boss. Veronica was busy with the papers in her hand and didn't reply, instead just perked her eyebrows. The latter pulled a pen out of her blazer pocket and started writing on the papers. Ashley started fiddling with her fingers as she pouted. "Well, I was just wondering, um, you know, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but, uh…"

"Just spit it out." Veronica sighed, continuing to write. She still didn't look at her assistant and waited for her to continue. Ashley flinched at her words before opening her mouth.

"Err, I was just wondering if you were always close with Director Clarra?" Ashley asked as she had her head down, looking up at her boss. She had no idea if she was just imagining it, but she witnessed Veronica widen her eyes as her hand stopped moving; the sound of writing halted. The expression only lasted a second before she continued to flip a page. Ashley furrowed her eyebrows at the sight as she waited for her boss to answer.

"What made you ask that?" Veronica asked with a blank face as she lifted her head to look at Ashley. Ashley tried to see what she hid behind her cold features but couldn't find anything. Her frown formed as she failed to read her stoic boss.

"Well, growing up, I've managed to figure people out better than most," She said. "She called your first name a while ago and the way you interact with each other just seems… a bit more than professional."

"…" Veronica didn't answer for a while, biting her lip before looking down at the papers again to write once more.

'Well, yeah, I expected that' Ashley thought as she stopped looking at her boss. She peered outside the glass again as she fiddled with her fingers. While she pouted, she didn't expect Veronica to reply to her.

"We used to be close." Veronica muttered, not looking at her assistant as her eyes still stuck on the paper. Ashley turned her head quickly, almost giving herself a whiplash. She widened her eyes as she stared at her boss, eyebrows raised all the way to her hairline.


"Yes," Veronica answered as she put her pen back in her blazer pocket. She closed the folder as she placed a hand on the handle of the car door. "Now, we're here so grab my bag and let's go."

"Yes, Ms. Reyes!" Ashley said as she and her boss stepped out of the vehicle. She ran around the car to catch up to her boss, who was taking quick and long strides towards the door of the boutique. She rushed to open it for her boss, struggling as she had Veronica's bag in her hand. A few people greeted them as they walked in, the sound of Veronica's tall heels clicking against the floor alerting the employees inside.

"Ah, there you are. Well, let's go and see the collection and the models!" Clarra cheered as she approached the two women. Veronica nods in response before walking towards a few seats somewhere in the back of the space. Before the latter can move to sit on her chair, a soft yet familiar voice called her name.

"Veronica…" A rather tall and lean man with a dark blue suit stood before us. His eyes were wide as he breathed the woman's name out. He was rather handsome, but Ashley was looking between her boss and the attractive man with furrowed eyebrows and narrow slits for eyes.

"Louis…" Veronica muttered, frozen in place. Her eyes were widened as her grip on the folders loosened, making them fall to the ground with a thump. The sound of the thick folders colliding to the floor alerted a few people, making them turn their heads towards them. Ashley resisted the need to bunch her shoulders up as Clarra rushed to get the folders before handing them to the former.

'So, his name is Louis, huh…' Ashley thought, eyes still squinted.

"Alright, well, let's not waste time!" Clarra said. "Designer Jules, why don't we start?" She lead Veronica towards a seat, sitting beside her as Ashley sat on the other side. She glanced to her side, eyes lingering on her boss.

"Ah, yes, of course! This first one is…" As Jules continued to talk about his designs, Veronica seemed to be fine for a while so Ashley tried not to think about it too much and instead just did her job. Her boss's focus was on dissecting the work, and it seemed like nothing could break her composure. Until the tall man named Louis walked in to model a design with his handsome body and attractive face.

When the man came out looking like a fine full course meal, Ashley expected Veronica to watch him with dark eyes and a smirk; as she does with her whenever she wears something rather sexy. Instead, when she turned her head to see her boss, the woman's eyes were glued to the papers on her lap, looking as if she wanted to disappear from the world.

It was weird for Ashley. Slouching wasn't really Veronica's thing, and she always used to make people freeze just by looking them in the eyes as if she were Medusa. However, instead of her making everyone freeze in fear, it was as if she's stuck in place and unable to move.

When Ashley was about to reach a hand to Veronica's shoulder, she hesitated, knowing the woman wasn't fond of help unless it's about work. She can see her boss biting her lips hard and she was afraid it would bleed. She wanted to help. However, she couldn't find it in herself to help. It was as if she was having sleep paralysis, but instead of lying down, she was sitting up, and instead of not being able to sleep, she could not help out.

'I feel so useless.' Ashley thought as she frowned, eyes still stuck on her boss. Before she can go down to a black hole of self-hatred, director Clarra cut her thoughts off.

"Well, that one is so last year, please be more innovative. Also, the bow doesn't go well with the whole fit. It seems unnecessary to me." She said. "Other than that, if you can tweak a few more things, we're good to go. Ms. Veronica?" Clarra called out for the woman beside her. Veronica flinched a bit, however it didn't seem like anyone noticed besides the director and the assistant. They both looked at her with concern laced in their eyes.

"Huh?" She muttered as she lifted her head. Her eyes seemed oddly glassy and her lips were swollen from the biting. The sight could've looked hot in Ashley's eyes, but instead, it devastated her. The assistant was clenching her fists so hard, her knuckles were turning white and her nails were digging into the skin of her palm.

"Ah, yes, well, other than the colors being too light for our concept and the styles being too safe, it's passable. However, you're aware that this collection isn't supposed to be just passable, yes? Now, if you will excuse me." Veronica said as she stood up from her seat, rushing away from the space to find for a bathroom.

"Ms. Reyes…" Ashley breathed out as she stood, wanting to help Veronica.

"Don't." Clarra muttered, eyes boring into Ashley, making her halt. "Don't go to her."

"What?" Ashley snapped, eyebrows furrowed as she frowned. She glared back at Clarra, the fire in her eyes not faltering as she looked at the director. As the latter only stared back, she started seeing red, and she resisted the urge to stomp the woman's foot despite being a superior. "Why?"

"You know she won't let me tell you." Clarra snarled as she replied. Ashley wasn't able to answer as if the words from the woman glued her lips together. "Just don't question it and sit here for now. She'll be back."

Ashley can only huff in response, pout forming on her lips as she sat back on her chair with a thump, mind full with the sight of her boss biting her lips with tears threatening to roll down her face.