
Chapter 6

After finding out that having sex in the office makes the experience way more fun (not to mention, the thrill Ashley gets at the feeling of being caught at any time), Veronica and Ashley have been doing it more at the office.

Now, here the two are, having their fun while work hasn't even ended yet. The sun was still up and proud; the night is hours away. Ashley was on top of her boss's table, moaning her heart out, ever thankful for the soundproof walls.

"M-Ms, Reye- ah! F-fuck, m-more." Ashley cries as she tightens her fist, not having anything to hold on to since her boss won't let her touch her. Veronica pulls away from between her thighs and smirks.

"Ask nicely, Ms. Johnson," Veronica says, tone taunting as she bights on Ashley's inner thighs, nibbling on the soft skin, knowing how sensitive she is there.

They've had sex quite a few times already as the days have passed by quickly. They've grown more familiar with each other and have found the parts and places where they can make each other break. Veronica, in particular, likes to toy with those places and that's the reason Ashley always comes back asking for more.

"P-please! Please 's n-not enough. M-more."

"There you go. Wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Y-you're so m-mean, ah!" Before Ashley can continue, she cuts herself off with a loud moan when she feels two fingers plunge deep inside of her. Her eyes widen at the sudden intrusion, biting her lip as she let the pleasure consume her. Veronica chuckles and stands from her seat, kissing the former's neck before whispering against the skin.

"Oh, mean, am I? Do you want me to stop then?" Veronica teases as she pulls her fingers out slowly. She sent small kitten-like licks against Ashley's neck, making the woman whimper.

"N-no! Please, don't," Ashley said, looking like a kicked puppy. Veronica decided to give her mercy just this once and starts moving her fingers in and out of her, sucking her assistant's neck lightly. "K-kiss…"

Veronica pulls back and raises an eyebrow, making her assistant whine.


"Since you asked so nicely." Veronica chuckled as she leaned forward, softly pressing her lips against Ashley's. As they continue to mold their lips together, the former curls her fingers inside her assistant, pressing against a soft bundle of nerves.

Ashley cried out, Veronica's lips muffling the sound of gasping. The latter took the chance and inserted her tongue inside the brunette. Their tongues played with each other, gently tangling together as the two breathed their scents in.

"Ms. Reyes, Director Clarra is here." Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from the outside, a knock breaking their kiss. They both pulled away, eyes wide as they looked at the door. As the person outside turned the doorknob, Veronica widened her eyes, even more, speaking up but trying to keep her voice level.

"Ah, yes. Hold on. Don't open the door yet." Veronica yelled out as she put her skirt on, reaching for her blouse, which was on the table beside Ashley. She looked at her assistant, whispering to her. "Start moving!"

"Okay!" Clarra replied before whispering to the other person outside the room, giggling as she did so. "I'm gonna open the door."

Ashley nodded to her boss as she hurried to put her panties on. She started buttoning her blouse and was about to jump off of Veronica's desk, but the sound of the door opening stopped her. Veronica gasps, reaching for the door as she yells out.

"W-wait!" She said. Clarra raised her eyebrow at Veronica's voice. It sounded awfully panicked. Despite the confusion, she continued to go inside, her back blocking the other person's view outside. Ashley can see that it was Audrei.

When Clarra goes inside, she sees Veronica with only her bra on, struggling to button her blouse. The woman was panting slightly as her hair was a bit of a mess. She shifts her eyes only to find Ashley getting off of her boss's desk with flushed cheeks and swollen lips.

"Oh…" Clarra mutters out as she froze. She put two and two together, the moment of realization dawning on her as she widened her eyes, covering her mouth in shock.

"Clarra, what the fuck?!" Veronica yells as she finally fully buttoned her blouse. Audrei's eyebrows raised at the sound of her boss swearing, moving to see the scene inside better. Before she can look at what's happening, Clarra turns around, smiling at her awkwardly.

"You shouldn't come in."

"What-" Before she can properly ask the director, the door slamming in front of her face cut her off, locking her out.

"Well, it's nothing I haven't seen before," Clarra replied, amused eyes watching as the two moved to look more decent. Veronica sent her a look, sharply glaring at her as Ashley widened her eyes, jaws going slack before yelling out.

"Shut it."

"What?!" Ashley yells as she looks at Veronica.

"It's nothing," Veronica replies, looking away before shifting her focus towards Clarra. She sits on the chair in front of the couch as she looks up at her. "Now, what are you here for?"

"It's been two weeks. We have to check up on the show. The outfits and the makeup concept should be ready by now."

"Why don't you sit? I don't want you above eye level."

"Oh, hell nah! I can't imagine what unholy things you've done on that sofa."

"Suit yourself," Veronica said as she rolled her eyes. She stood up and sat on her chair behind her desk instead as Ashley stood beside her, still blushing. "Why couldn't you just have had to wait at the location?"

"I'm here to see the lineup list," Clarra said, crossing her arms. She walks closer to the desk as she eyes Ashley. The latter notices her gaze and looks down, avoiding her eyes.

"And you couldn't have seen it at the location?"

"Well, I mean, I gotta know why you're picking the models. And also, what if it was someone I'm a big fan of? What do I do if I make a fool of myself?" Clarra said as she moves her hands around to explain. Ashley walks out of the office, stopping by her desk to get the list.

"It's fine, you do that all the time already, anyway. What's the difference?" Veronica says, rolling her eyes as she leans back in her chair. Ashley comes inside the office with the papers of the list.

"Is that bullshit I hear?"

"Here you go, Ms. Reyes," Ashley says as she hands her boss the folder. Before Veronica can receive it, however, Clarra grabs the paper from her hands.

"Ooh, is that the list? Lemme see."


"Oh," Clarra mutters as she continues to scan the paper. "Oh, I see."

"…" Veronica doesn't reply. Instead, she just looks away, a frown forming on her face. Clarra looks at the former and raises her eyebrow, scoffing.

"Really, Veronica?" Clarra says, tone sounding disappointed. Ashley looks at the woman, wondering why she used her boss's name. This makes her think about just how close they are.

"Shut up."

"No, I'm not letting this happen," Clarra says with a firm voice as she closes the folder before placing it on the desk. Veronica sighed before replying, placing the folder inside one of her drawers.

"We already signed the contract already anyway," Veronica says, looking up at Clarra. "Besides, don't you need it?"

The director stared at her, eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated. After a few seconds, she clicks her tongue, annoyed.

"Fine. Just know I'm not happy with this."

"I don't care," Veronica replies, tone dismissive as she grabs her bag and blazer. She rapes the blazer on her shoulders as she looked at her assistant. "Ms. Johnson, let's go. Director, you're following, right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Clarra replies, crossing her arms as she walked behind them.