
Chapter 13

"You were really passionate today." Ashley muttered against Veronica's neck after a few moments.

"Hmm?" Veronica responded, humming against the other's neck. She closed her eyes as she continued to lie on Ashley, a little tired. She regained her breath, body feeling sore, but she enjoyed having her assistant under her.

"Yeah." Ashley said. "I don't know what it is, but you were really into it." She informed, playing with Veronica's hair as she sniffed her cologne.

"Yeah? I do not know either." Veronica shrugged as she closed her eyes. A comfortable silence took over them as they both rested on the table. After a few moments of enjoying each other's presence, Ashley sat up, her boss leaning against her with her head on her assistant's shoulder.

"Tired?" Ashley asked as she stroked Veronica's hair.

"Not really. Just give me some time to rest. I did most of the moving."

"Okay." Ashley giggled as she put her arms around Veronica's neck, smiling. "I like this anyway."


"Having your body against me." Ashley explained, hand trailing down to Veronica's arms then started grazing against her waist. Her voice was soft and airy, yet it had an aura of content when she whispered against her superior's ear. She nuzzled her nose against her boss's neck, breathing in the familiar scent of the cologne she always wore. "I like it."


"… Are you trying to get me to fuck you again?" Veronica asked, her raised brow unseen as her face was hidden in the junction of Ashley's neck and shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

Silence once more.

"… Do you want to go to the sofa?" Veronica finally asked, her voice muffled against Ashley's skin.

"… Yes, please." Ashley replied with a bashful voice as she nodded. Veronica placed her arms under her assistant's neck and legs, lifting her once she felt she would be safe. Ashley yelped at the sudden movement and change of height, arms immediately wrapping around her boss's neck as she tried not to look at the floor.

"Do not worry. I will not drop you." Veronica said as she walked to the couch, Ashley safely tucked in her arms. The latter giggled as they moved, hands squeezing her boss's arms.

"Ooh, strong," Ashley laughed, her previous nervousness gone, reassured by her boss's words.

"Shut up." Veronica muttered, ears flushing a light pink as she laid Ashley on the couch. She put each of her hands against the other's head, staring down at her.

Ashley continued to smile, eyes almost disappearing as her cheekbones rose high. It was like Veronica was in the presence of an angel, and for a bit, the brightness was a little annoying.

'This insatiable angel is so bright. How tiring.' Ashley cut Veronica's thoughts off when she giggled, finding her boss's pink ears adorable. The latter stared down at her assistant with pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows when she felt her mind changing. 'Hmm, maybe it's not so tiring. It might be a little cute. Just a little.' She thought as she stared down at the beaming woman.

"Hmm?" Ashley hummed as her eyes blinked in confusion when Veronica didn't move. "Is there something on my face?"

"No." 'I cannot tell her she is cute, otherwise, her ego will just raise higher.' She thought, looking away when she realized she was looking at her for too long. "Why?"

"You were staring."

"No, I was not."

"Yes, you we—" Before Ashley can continue, Veronica interrupts her with a kiss, causing her to widen her eyes, a little taken aback. She finally closed her eyes when she started kissing back.

'She's probably telling me to shut up.' Ashley thought as she giggled into the kiss. When she felt one of Veronica's hands landing to her waist, tracing the skin with her thumb, she whimpered. 'Might be a little hard later on, though.'

After caressing each other's bodies, they finished after a while, ending up panting and covered in marks once more. When they got enough time to rest again and breathe, Ashley spoke up.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you a while ago, but—" Veronica cuts her off with a groan, rolling her eyes as she laid on top of Ashley.

"Ugh, is this about work? If it is, then please shut your mouth. It's Friday."

"Hmm? No. It's not about work." Ashley laughed before continuing. "It's Sammy. We're meeting them tomorrow."

"Ah, that's tomorrow?" Veronica asked as she propped her head on her hand, laying on her side. Ashley nodded before responding.

"Yes. You always seem to forget when the days are."

"Shut up. Work is irritating and keeps me busy."

"Hey, you're not the only one working!"

"Ah, yes, yes, now be quiet and let me nap for a bit." Ashley rolled her eyes at her boss before replying, starting to play with her boss's long fingers.

"Alright, but we have to go to our apartments." She said as she crossed the other's fingers, rubbing the calloused tips. Veronica groaned at her assistant's words.

"Ugh, I don't want to move."

"Well, do you want to stay here and be covered in dried cum?" Ashley questioned, giggling. At that, Veronica rolls her eyes, sighing with a pout. The latter found the sight odd, but of course, she didn't hate it. She smiled at her pouting boss, snickering at the unusual expression. 'That's kind of cute.'

"Ah, fine. You have a change of clothes, yes?" Veronica sat up, Ashley frowning when the warmth against her body disappeared despite the one suggesting to go home. The former stood up, making her assistant stare at her ass and its plumpness. 'She must work out a lot.' She thought as she licked her lips, feeling ready to go another round. However, she refrained, knowing that they have to meet up with Sammy the next day.


"Alright. I will wait for you downstairs." Veronica said after putting a new set of clothes on, grabbing her bag and a few files after fixing her table and picking up the contents she pushed off in a hurry a while ago.

"I can get home on my own though?"

"Do you not understand?" Veronica said, opening the door as she looked at Ashley over her shoulder. "You are sleeping at mine."


"We have to go to Sammy together tomorrow, anyway. It saves time."
